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Why do we shop ?

Exercise 1 – Emotional intelligence

Reflect on your own shooping experiences, and answer these question:
a) Answer :
1. Weaknesses :
a. Can interfere with financial management
b. Easily swayed by salespeople
c. Sometimes buying things you don't need
d. Customers adjust the opening and closing hours of the shop.
e. have to queue for payment.
2. Strengths :
a. Can immediately try the goods in the store.
b. Can choose and select goods directly.
c. Minimize fraud.
d. Can communicate directly with sellers or store employees.
b) Answer :
I am a person who is not easily influenced by other people's words, people who easily follow
other people's words or actions can be categorized as having a high level of trust in that person
where he truly believes that following other people is the best choice.
c) Answer :
a. When the service at the store is not good
b. when asking for a discount but not given
d) Answer :
When I try to think logically, distract my thoughts, don't rush into making decisions, and know
when to speak. Restraining emotions is very difficult if we can't recognize ourselves and find out
how to control them
e) Answer :

Exercise 3- Are you a smart shopper?

Do you….

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