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Do not confuse the value above with

the atomic mass of carbon (12.01)
indicated in the periodic table.
• The value in the periodic table is called a
relative atomic mass (or atomic weight),
which is calculated as weighted average of the
atomic masses of the known stable isotopes of
that element based on their percent isotopic
Atomic number

Relative atomic mass

- also known as:
•Atomic Weight
•Average Atomic Mass
•Relative Atomic Mass
• Isotopes are atoms of the same elements
with different mass numbers (or atomic
• Carbon for instance, has several known
isotopes (C-12, C-13, and C-14), but only C-
12 and C-13 are found stable and in relatively
significant amounts in nature and are thus the
only isotopes considered in determining the
relative mass of carbon.
Relative atomic mass of C = (atomic mass
12 12
of 6 C x abundance of 6 C) + (atomic mass
13 13
of 6 C x abundance of 6C)
= (12.00 amu x 0.9893) + (13.0034 amu x 0.0107)
Gallium has two stable isotopes, and the
masses of Gallium-69 (60.11% abundant)
and Gallium-71 (39.89% abundant) are
68.926 amu and 70.925 amu, respectively.
Calculate the average atomic mass of
Magnesium has three isotopes. Calculate its
average atomic mass, using the information in
the chart below.
Magnesium-24 23.985 amu 78.99%
Magnesium-25 24.986 amu 10.00%
Magnesium-26 25.983 amu 11.01%
Lithium has two known stable isotopes: lithium-6 has an
isotopic mass of 6.015 amu and percent abundance of
7.59%; lithium-7 has a mass of 7.016 amu at 92.41%
abundance. Calculate the average atomic mass of lithium.
There are two stable isotopes of chlorine: Chlorine-35
(which weighs 34.97 amu), and Chlorine-37 (36.97
amu),If the relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.45 amu.
What is the abundance of each isotope?
There are two naturally occuring isotopes
of Lithium; Li-6 (6.015 amu) and Li-7
(7.016 amu). What is the abundance of
1. The element potassium has three stable isotopes, K-39
(38.9637 amu) abundance of 93.2581%, K-40 (39.9640
amu) abundance of 0.0117%, and K-41 (40.9618 amu) and
abundance of 6.7302%. Calculate the average atomic mass
of potassium.
2. Rubidium has two isotopes: Rubidium-95 (atomic mass
of 84.911 amu) and Rubidium-97 (86.909 amu). The
atomic weight of Rubium on the periodic table is 85.47.
Based on this information, which of the isotopes of
Rubidium is more abundant? How do you know?
3. Iron metal has four stable isotopes as shown in the table
below. Determine the average atomic mass of Iron.

Isotope % abundance Atomic Mass

Fe - 54 5.845 % 53.9396
Fe - 56 91. 754 % 55.9349
Fe - 57 2.119% 56.9354
Fe - 58 0.282 % 57.9333

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