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Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD East Avenue, Quezon City CHIBA TRUCKING COMPANY / CASE NO. 2022-12423 DANILO LOMEDA, oe Applicant Xo ORDER Before the Board is the Applicant's prayer for a Provisional Authority pending approval of the Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a TRUCK- FORHIRE Service: within LAS PINAS CITY and from said place to any point in the Philippines accessible to motor vehicle traffic and vice versa with the use of ONE (1) unit/s. On April 10, 2021, the Board issued Board Resolution No. 033, Series of 2021, which grants Provisional Authority (PA) to Truck-for-Hire services for a period of (1) year. IN VIEW THEREOF and finding that public service and convenience will be served, the Board hereby resolves to GRANT the prayer for a PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY to operate a TRUCK-FOR-HIRE Service in favor of the applicant, subject to the following CONDITIONS 1. Applicant CHIBA TRUCKING COMPANY / DANILO LOMEDA shall operate under a PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY, within LAS PINAS CITY and from said place to any point in the Philippines accessible to motor vehicle traffic and vice versa with the use of ONE (1 ) unit/s, described hereunder to wit; MAKE MOTOR NO. CHASSIS NO. | PLATENO.’ YEAR MODEL 1. ISUZU WING VAN 6UZ1-419843 | CYL77V8-7002456 CBQ8983_| 2021 x 2. In the operation of the TRUCK-FOR-HIRE Service, the applicant shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Board, the provisions of the Public Service Law, Executive Order No. 202, and alll other laws and ordinances relative to the requirements for public transport services, including the strict implementation of the following, during the entire duration of the General Community Quarantine in the area of operation: a. Drivers and "Pahinante/s” shall wear masks and gloves at all times; b. Vehicles shall be disinfected every end of each trip with all surfaces (especially seats, armrests, handles) wiped down with disinfecting agent; c. All. safety officers must regularly examine the Drivers’ and “Pahinante’s” fitness to work by checking their body temperature and screening/detecting any symptoms of COVID-19. Should a Driver or ‘Pahinante” show symptoms of COVID-19, he/she shall be prohibited to report to work and shall be subjected to quarantine immediately d. Operators/Drivers shall comply with all the IATF-EID resolutions in relation to the covid-19 pandemic in order to prevent the spread of the virus CASE NO. 2022-12423 e. Strictly comply with the standard health procedures laid down in the previous issuances of the Board in line with the public health protocols as required by the Inter- Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (|ATF-EID) f. Refrain from unnecessary talking or making/taking of calls while inside PUVs. All other health protocols embodied in the issuance of the Board shall be observed. 3. Deliberate failure to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein shall cause the automatic revocation of hereof and/or the dismissal/denial of the main Application under the above case number. 4, This PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY shall be valid only for a period of ONE ( 1) YEAR counted from date hereof, without prejudice to the final disposition/resolution of the main Application for Issuance of New Certificate of Public Convenience, or unless revoked and cancelled by the Board. 5. This PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY shail not authorize the Applicant to change the classification of the above unit from private to For-Hire until the main Application is approved by the Board. SO ORDERED. oct 1 92022 Quezon City, Metro Manila APPROVED BY AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD: Atty. ROBERT D. PEIG, CESO V Executive DirectorAfy oR No.7e49728 SEprewsen 21,2020 20000 RS Gladola St, Plar Voge, Amarca, Las Phas Sy

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