TAZI-PREVE M - The Mother Trap

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This paper is based on two lectures held in Rome in April 2015 at the conferences
The Perversion
of Maternal Gift Giving.

Bumerang Zeitschrift für Patriarchatskritik Nr.1 32

Like the treaty of Lisbon which shaped an accelerating neoliberal agenda.
E.g. Americans United for Life, an anti-abortion legal group has proposed more than 300 regulations in 45
states within the first 5 month of 2015, New York Times, May 10, 2015, p.16/21.

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In my view it is also a petrayal against the origins of social and women`s sciences and its goal to critically
analizing society starting from the suffering and the injustice in the world, thus devoting scientific work to the
improvement of society.
New approaches on patriarchy were developped at the Department of Political Studies at the University of
Innsbruck, primarily by Claudia von Werlhof (e.g.2015), Renate Genth, Simone Wörer, Ursula Scheiber
(Projektgruppe 2009) and myself (1992, 2013).

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Bumerang Zeitschrift für Patriarchatskritik Nr.1 38
en on the occasion of Mother`s
Day by exclusively young male authors, five of them openly hostile.
Thus since the 17th century.
A few years ago breastfeeding was considered to be dangerous because mother's milk was thought to be
contaminated with dioxins, today prolonged breastfeeding is propagated.
There are political campaigns to include fathers. From a feminist standpoint this is double edged. Fathers
should be encouraged to play an active role in raising children. On the other hand a fathers' movement has
grown, which actively and successfully lobbies governments to implement joint custody of the children. As of
late in Germany and Austria joint custody is also granted when the mother and the child's father never entered
a relationship (see Ursula Fassbender in this volume).

Bumerang Zeitschrift für Patriarchatskritik Nr.1 39

a word borrowed from the terminology of punishment.
This occurred especially if the mother was additionally minor and without the support of her parents.
There would be much more to add to the narrative of heterosexuality which I plan to do in the future.

Bumerang Zeitschrift für Patriarchatskritik Nr.1 40

The Arian eugenic mother cult spawned the so-
and blue-eyed children were conceived and born. German mothers were awarded gold, silver and bronze
Crosses of Honor for bearing many children.
Compare the dramatically rising numbers of burnout syndromes as a result of the shifting labor market.
At least 15 years for the demographically demanded two children

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Pope Francis in US Congress, September 25, 2015

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In the USA teenagers often move to distant colleges which is supposedly the right step to develop
NYT, Oct 20, 2014
In most countries in the world surrogate motherhood is (still) defined as the exploitation
of female reproductive capacity (such as Germany and Austria).
the age between 21 and 30

Bumerang Zeitschrift für Patriarchatskritik Nr.1 45

The NYT (October 2015) reports about the exploding and completely unregulated market of egg harvesting
which has led to a law suit because some of the egg donors were compared to the high investments (weeks
of hormone injections, ultrasounds and surgery) considerably underpaid (about $ 3000.-)
Not only mothers are being replaced, there is also an ongoing production of robots in the shape of females
satisfying male sexual desires.

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