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NO. 5 7.4.


NEWS by:


Cloning has become a part of Just when you thought you'd heard Members of Apache
everyday life. But what exactly i s enough about the legality of things, Nation Slain
cloning, how is it done, and what the first issue of News From the
Three members of the Apache
are the legal implications? Net will bring you information on
Nation Nomad Clan were found dead
According to the New American the legality of hacking. Aside from
in the city's Northern Commercial
Dictionary ©2016, cloning i s the parallel offenses listed in "It's
Sector; shot multiple times. An
defined as, "asexually creating a the Law!" (No. 4):
outraged spokesman for the Apache
genetic copy of an individual Hacking and Entering a Secure A r e a - Up
to 5 years imprisonment, possible BrainDance. Nation said, "the person who
organism, organ, or tissue." Credit/Information Fraud - Up to 20 years murdered our brothers shall be
Cloning organisms is accomplished imprisonment, possible BrainDance.
found and dealt with accordingly!"
by taking cells from the donor to be Data Piracy - Up to 20 years imprisonment,
possible BrainDance. No suspects have been indicated as
cloned and starving them to lose
NOTE: Corporations are allowed to yet.
their differentiation. An egg cell of
have their own way of dealing with P.I. Found Dead in
that species has its nucleus
perpetrators. University Park
removed (and thus its DNA). One of
Oh, by the way, did we mention The body of one Samuel Spader,
the clone cells is inserted into the
aiding and abetting an Artificial P.I., was found in his office in the
egg. An electrical charge is applied
Intelligence is also quite illegal and older neighborhood of University
to fuse the egg cell and clone cell.
covered by a higher order of law Park. His landlady claimed, "he was
The egg is then incubated to term
enforcement? Oh yeah, you bet it a nice fellow. [He] just moved i n
(originally a stable embryo was
is! And the Turing Registry don't two days ago." So far, no other
implanted into the female of the
take none too lightly to rogue AIs... information is available.
species to come to term).
(Expect life imprisonment and CLASSIFIEDS
Cloning body parts was originally
mandatory BrainDance.)
done in the same manner above on WANTED - Your classified ads!
News From The Net Ha! Ha! More nonsensical
human-compatible mammals, but
Brought to You By: gibberish!
some of the DNA coding was changed
to produce the required human body Brown Babies and Pink Puppies -
part. Now body parts can be
manufactured in special incubator
modules that simulate the host
Tissues are by far the simplest to
clone. The clone cells are simply
allowed to replicate in specialized
growth cultures.
As for the legality of cloning, the
Roslin Act of 2001 prohibits the
cloning of humans; all other forms NEW - BODY LOTTO™!
of cloning are generally legal. The winning numbers for tonight's
jackpot of 150,000cr are.....
Introducing.....Air Advisory Guy!
11, 14, 14, 7, 24 1830: Whacketts
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five districts within New Tokyo. The numbers are shortages in the fringes.
Low 11(52) derived from confirmed reports on the locations of 2000: Wheel of Torture
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