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NO. 8 9.13.



So you just spent some big creds on Is Vera Blue Dead? Random Violence is Up
that NeuroProcessor? But how does According to members of the Net An unidentified female wearing a
it work? A NeuroProcessor is just community, hacker legend Vera khaki jumpsuit was seen being
a tiny computer that can talk with Blue has disappeared. Although she gunned down and picked up by an
your brain. Some of the earliest has made many enemies throughout unmarked black AV last week. No
research into mind-machine her career, there seems to be no further information is available.
control utilized electrodes to correlation to her lack of Net Two pedestrians were injured
measure the galvanic response of presence. There is some speculation yesterday when shots rang out on
the scalp and thus control throughout the hacker community the 3100 block of Main Street. No
computers. This turned out to be too that her disappearance may be suspects have been found.
imprecise to be practical (even linked to her recent poem hack on Also, a young boy was killed and his
though some basic systems s t i l l this very column (NOTE: we at two friends injured this evening
utilize electrode sensors). Then in News From The Net! took the hack when they got caught up in a chase
1998, research was done on lightheartedly). between an ambulance and another,
disabled volunteers. Tiny hollow News From The Net unidentified vehicle. Shortly after,
cone-shaped glass beads coated with Brought to You By: a picketer was shot and killed when
neurotropic chemicals were shots broke out between the same
implanted into their brains and two vehicles. Neither vehicle has
then connected to a computer. Nerve been found.
tissue was allowed to grow into the Firefight at the Docks
tiny beads. This way, electronic Police arrived at the scene of a
signals from the brain could be shots fired call Tuesday.
isolated. The volunteers then Apparently, a firefight had just
trained for several months, broken out between two parties. As
localizing signals to the glass beads, the police arrived, they found two
in order to control computer men, one dead, with the opposing
responses. This is the basic system party fleeing. The police were about
of today except the glass beads are to pursue, but the remaining man
now millions of neurotropic silicon BODY LOTTO™! turned to fire on them. The police
nanites injected under the skull; had to put him down. Police assume
0, 4, 13, 5, 2
the computer i s now the they were Mafia family members,
NeuroProcessor implanted at the CLASSIFIEDS but were unable to identify a family
base of the skull and can control a name.
Sure, our cars are l o w -
variety of links that can be jacked Blank Deaths Continue to Rise
priced, but you still don't have the
into it; and the training time now A Blank, later identified as Kaitlin
cred to swing an AV, do ya? That's
takes between a week to a month. O'Connor, was found dead on the
why we support Global Loans - so
You've completed the training, North Side. Cause of death was
you can afford even the best of
haven't you? apparently massive mutilation to
transportation! - Gerry, of Gerry's
WEATHER car Lot her face and skull. Preliminary
WANTD - Classified ads. autopsy revealed her pituitary
WANTED - Volunteers needed for gland was forcibly removed.
High 19(67) all positions. G a i n valuable SPORTS
Low 10(50) experience, make new friends! SCUMBALL - Confounding all the
Air Advisory 2 Street-level, hands-on work puts experts and overcoming all the
Tomorrow: you in the heart of the action. If you odds, the Druids win by a marginal
Foggy/Rain think you've got what it takes, fieldgoal in overtime!
High 17(64) apply today. Contact your local CYBERBIKE R A C I N G - Amateur
Low 8(48) CI+YMED station. CyberBike races will be held this
Air Advisory 3 WANTED - Escorts for our clients. Saturday on Division Street. It's not
Combat skills preferred. Short too late to sign up!
term. Contact Escorts, Etc.

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