Q3 - LP4 - General Physics Electric Potential

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Learner’s Packet
Name: ________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Strand/ Section: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

(Q3 _LP4)


Electricity is an indispensable part of modern life and one cannot think of a world
without it. Every time you turn on a light or an electric appliance and even in doing most of
our daily task, electrical energy is being used.

In this learning material, the concept of electric potential can be associated with work,
energy and electric fields. These concepts have been widely used in practical applications
such as televisions, particle accelerators and are crucial in understanding the fundamentals
of electric circuits.

Electric Potential is the amount of work needed to move a unit charge from a
reference point to a specific point against an electric field. Let’s consider the electric field
created by a positively charged Van de Graaff generator. The direction of the electric field is
in the direction that a positive test charge would be pushed; in this case, the direction is
outward away from the Van de Graaff sphere.

https://images.app.goo.gl/JGiMx3Ve6xwNuAXG8 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-
Figure 1: Touching a Van de Graaff Generator %3A%2F%@Fcourses.lumenlearning.com%2Fphysics%2Fchapter%2f18-8-

Figure 2: Positively Charged Van de Graaff


Work would be required to move a positive test charge towards the sphere against
the electric field. The greater the charge on the test charge, the greater the repulsive force
and the more the work that would have to be done on it to move it the same distance.
The electric potential energy per charge is the total electric potential divided by the
amount of charge. At any location the potential energy per charge will be the same. We then
define the electric potential V through the relation:
Electric Potential Energy
Electric Potential = or

The potential difference between two points ΔV is often called the voltage. Keep in
mind that whenever a voltage is quoted, it is understood to be the potential difference
between two points. It is denoted by the equation:
ΔV = VB - VA = and ΔU = q ΔV

The S.I unit of measurement for electric potential is volt (V) named after the Italian
Physicist Alessandro Volta. Since potential energy is measured in joules and charge is
measured in coulombs;
1 volt = 1

Electric Potential is also known as the amount of work needed to move a unit charge
from one reference to a specific point against an electric field, measured in Joules per
Coulomb (J/C) or Volts (V)

Point Charge
The electric Potential (V) at a distance r from a single point charge Q can be derived
from the expression for its electric field (E = k ). The result is


1 Q
4 πεo r

k is Coulomb’s constant (9 x10 9 Nm2/C2)
Image Source: https:// www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https53A%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Figure 3: A point Charge

Superposition of Electric Potential

Consider the five charges Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 as shown in the Figure 4 below. The
electric potential due to these charges at any point is the sum of the electric potentials of all
the charges.

V= V1+V2+ V3...+ VN
q1 q 2 q3
V= k +k +k +…
r2 r2 r3
Image Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-

Figure 4: The Electric Potential at point L is the sum of the voltages from each point charge

Electric Potential Energy can be defined as the capacity for doing work that arises
from position or configuration. In electrical case, a charge will exert a force on any other
charge and potential energy arises from any collection of charges. Let’s say, if a charge Q is
fixed which is brought close to it will experience a repulsive force and will therefore have
potential energy.

Image Source: https//images.app.goo.gl/yxvwMiAbiVbiTYCx9

Figure 5: The work done on a point charge moving in a uniform electric field.

Figure 5 above shows a region of space in which the electric field is constant, so E
has the same magnitude and direction at all points. A point charge q in this region
experience an electric force, wherein
F =qE
If charge q is positive, this force is parallel to E.
The work done by the electric force on the charge is W= F Δx.
The electric force is conservative, so the work done on the charge is independent of
the path it takes to go from a to b. The change in the electric potential energy is associated
with a particular conservative force is equal to -W, where W is the work done by that force.
So, if the electric force does an amount of work on the charged particle, the change in the
electric potential is
ΔU = -W
Combining the two equations, the electric potential energy when the charged particle
moves from a to b is
ΔU = -W = -Fed = -qEd

The equation gives the change in potential energy as the charge moves through a
displacement Δx, in a region where the electric field is parallel to the displacement.
Let’s look at an electrical example of these concepts. In Figure 6 & 7, a pair of
charged parallel metal plates sets up a uniform, downward electric field with a magnitude E.
Image Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/oNuPkrProhSWpj8A6
b) Positive charge moves in the direction
a ) Positive charge moves in the direction
opposite of Electric Field: field does negative
of Electric Field: field does positive work
work on charge, potential energy U
on charge, potential energy U decreases.
Figure 6: A positive charge moving (a) in the direction of the Electric Field and
(b) in the direction opposite E.

Image Source : https://images.app.goo.gl/hedzAnAogPpkTvTb7

a) Negative charge moves in the b) Negative charge moves in the

direction of Electric Field: direction opposite of Electric Field:
field does negative work on field does positive work on charge,
charge, potential energy U potential energy U decreases.

Figure 7: A negative charge moving (a) in the direction of the Electric Field and
(b) in the direction opposite E.

Whether the test charge in the electric field is positive or negative, the potential
energy increases if the test charge moves opposite to the direction of the electric force.
Potential energy decreases if the charge moves in the same direction as the electric
force. Similarly using the gravitational analogy, the gravitational potential energy
increases if the body moves upward or against the direction of gravitational force and
decreases if it moves downward or in same direction with gravitational force.
At this point, let’s apply what you have learned in solving the sample mathematical
problems given below:

1. A research Van de Graaf generator has a 2.50 mm diameter sphere with a charge of
6.0µC on it.
A. What is the potential near its surface?
B. At what distance from its center is the potential 1.50 MV?

A. Given:
radius, r = 2.50 /2 = 1.25 mm = 1.25 x 10-3 m
Q = 6.0µC = 6 x10 -6 C
V = Required
9 2 2
= (9 x10 Nm /C ) (6 x10 -6 C)
1.25 x 10 m

3 2 -3
= 54 x 10 Nm /C-3x 10 m
1.25 x10 m
V = 43.2 x 106 N.m /C or 43.2 MV
B. Given :
V = 1.50 MV
Q= 6.0µC = 6 x10 -6 C
r= Required

(9 x10 9 Nm2/C2) (6 x10 -6 C)
1.5 x 10 6 N.m/C
54 x10 3 N.m2/C
1.5 x10 6 N.m/C

r = 0.036 m

Equipotential Surfaces

An equipotential surface is a three-dimensional surface where electric potential V

is the same. If a test charge is moved from one point to another point on a given
surface, the electric potential remains the same.

Figure 8. An isolated point charge Q with its electric field lines in blue and equipotential lines
in green.

Figure 8 shown above tells us that the electric potential is the same along each
equipotential line, meaning that no work is required to move a charge anywhere along one of
those lines. Work is needed to move a charge from one equipotential line to another.
Equipotential lines are perpendicular to electric field lines in every case.
How are Electric Field and Electric Potential related?

Consider the diagram on Figure 9. It shows that as you move in the direction of
electric field, the electric potential V decreases. It increases when you move in the direction
opposite to the electric field. It can be expressed also using the formula:

Electric Potential(V )
Electric field (E) = .
distance (d )

Electric Field is expressed in Volt/meter or Newton/Coulomb.

V increases V decreases V decreases V increases

Figure 9: Electric Field and Electric Potential in Charges

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Figure 10. Equipotential surfaces of a single positive charge,
electric dipole and two equal positive charges

The equipotential surfaces are always perpendicular to the electric field lines.
There is no work when a charge is moved from point to point within the same
equipotential surface. When charges are at rest, the conductor's surface is an
equipotential surface. Electric fields are always directed perpendicular to the surface.
This also holds true for charges at rest in an entire solid volume of a conductor.
Let’s have some practical applications of these concepts. Conductors can be
fixed at zero volts by connecting it to the earth with a good conductor – a process
known as Grounding. Through grounding, the metal cases of an electrical appliance
ensure that it is at zero volts relative to the earth.
Another example of electric field and equipotential lines involves the heart. The
heart relies on the electrical signals to maintain its rhythm. The movement of electrical
signal causes the heart to contract and relax. However, when a person has a heart
attack, electrical signals may be disturbed. Thus, may require an artificial pacemaker
and a defibrillator to initiate the rhythm of the electrical signals. The equipotential lines
around the heart, the thoracic region, and the axis of the heart are useful ways of
monitoring the structure and functions of the heart. An electrocardiogram (ECG) can be
used to measure the small electric signals being generated by the heart activity.



1. Relate the electric potential with work, potential energy, and electric field.
2. Determine the electric potential function at any point due to highly symmetric
continuous –charge distributions. STEM –GP12EM-IIIb-17
3. Infer the direction and strength of electric field vector, nature of electric field
sources, and electrostatic potential surfaces given the equipotential lines. STEM-
4. Calculate the electric field in the region given a mathematical function describing
its potential in a region space. STEM -GP12EM-IIIc-20
5. Solve problems involving electric potential energy and electric potentials in
contexts, such as, but not limited to electron guns in CRT TV picture tubes and
Van de Graaff generators STEM -GP12EM-IIIc-22


  ACTIVITY 1: Let’s Match It!

A. Match quantities in Column A to their corresponding formula/value in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Electric Potential A. 9 x10 9 Nm2/C2

2. Electric Potential Energy q1 q 2 q3

B. V= k +k +k
r2 r2 r3
3. Superposition of Electric Potential C. U= k Q q/r
4. Change in Electric Potential D. V=U/q
5. Coulomb’s Constant E. ΔU = q ΔV

B. Match the diagram in Column A to their corresponding description in Column B.

Column A Column B

https:// www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-
A. The field does negative work on the
charge; potential energy is high


B. Equipotential surface


C. Equipotential surface of opposing



D. The field does positive work on the

charge; potential energy is low

E. Equipotential surface of similar


ACTIVITY 2: Let’s Explore It!

INSTRUCTIONS: Analyze the pattern formed by an electric dipole. The red lines
indicate the electric field lines while the blue circles represent the equipotential lines.
Equipotential lines tell us about the magnitude of the electric potential or the voltage. Take
note of the given values of the voltage.




1. Where does the electric potential /voltage greatest? weakest?


2. How will you describe the equipotential lines when the voltage is high?
How about when the voltage is low?

3. How would you relate the equipotential lines to the magnitude of the equipotential
in the surface?
4. The electric field lines and equipotential lines are perpendicular to each other,
what can you say about the work done on the test charge if it moves over an
equipotential surface?


5  Student understanding of concept is evident.
 Student shows logical thinking to arrive at conclusion.
3-4  Student has limited understanding of a concept
 Student attempt to show thinking skills.
1-2  Student lacks understanding of the concept
 Students shows no understanding.
0  No answer.

ACTIVITY 3: Let’s Solve It!

Read carefully the questions and answer what is required. Show solution if
there’s any.

1. A point charge of 3.0 nC with a mass of 4.0 g is moved from x= 1.0 m to x=1.5 m in an
electric field of 5.0 N/C with the same direction as the motion of the charge.
A) How much work is done on the charge by the electric force?
B) What is the change in the potential energy of the charge?

2. An electron gun has parallel plates separated by 4.0 cm and gives electrons 25.0keV of
the energy. What is the electric field strength between the plates?

3. A lightning bolt releases an enormous amount of electric potential energy. Charge flows
between a cloud and the ground at a rate that can exceed to 105 coulombs per second. The
electric potential energy per coulomb released in this process can be great as 107 joules per
coulomb or 107 volts. With this, many buildings have installed lightning rods to protect
against damage from lighting strikes. How does a lightning rod work?

Scoring Rubric for Problem Solving:

Score Description of Responses

5 Complete and correct Method of solution with correct answer
4 Complete and correct method of solution but wrong answer
3 Systematic Solution but with errors in computation leading to incorrect
2 Incomplete Solution
1 No solution / Wrong Answer
0 No response


Share your thoughts by completing the following sentence prompts.

In this activity, I have learned that

I wish to ask my teacher about

Self-Learning FOR LEARNERS:

Abanes, Maria Teresa. (2020). General Physics 2: Quarter 3 Module 9: Electricity and
Magnetism. Department of Education. Region V. Bicol.

Balala, Ymor. (2020) Grade 12 Quarter 3: Week 2- Module 2: Gauss’s Law.

Department of Education. Region I. La Union.

Bonus, Sheryl. (2020). General Physics 2: Quarter 3 Module 4: Electric Potential.

Department of Education. NCR Region. Pasig City
Marticion, Jeovanny. (2021).General Physics 2: Module 2: Electric Potential.
Department of Education. Region IX. Dipolog City.


Young and Freedman. (2004). University Physics with Modern Physics 13th Edition.
Pearson Education, Inc.

Internet Sources:




Activity 1: Let’s Match It!

A. 1. D 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.A
B. 1. B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C
Activity 2: Let’s Explore it!
1. Greatest at areas nearest the source charge (-30 V for the negative charge) and (30 V for the positive charge),
and weakest at area of voltage = 0 V
2. Equipotential lines are denser (closer) when the voltage is high and less dense (farther apart) when the voltage
is low.
3. The magnitude of the equipotential in the surface determines how the equipotential lines shall be presented.
Greater magnitude means denser equipotential lines.
4. The work done is zero, as a charge moves on an equipotential surface.
Activity 3: Let’s Solve it!
1. A. W = 7.5 x 10-9 J
B. ΔU = -W = 7.5 x 10-9 J
2. E = 6.25 x 10 5 V/m
3. Lightning rods intercepts lightning strikes and allows extremely high current to be conducted to the ground.


Author/ Writer: Romelyn Grace C. Borbe

Content Editor: Bonnavie D. Bueno
Language Editor: Shiella A. Abrera
Education Program Supervisor: Jade O. Alberto, Ed.D.

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