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__ 23 March 1998


EL.S!ZVlER Physics Letters A 240 ( f998) Y-59


Synchronization using linear and nonlinear feedbacks:

a comparison
R Parmananda

Received I5 May 1997; revised manuscript received 13 October 1997: accepted for publication 5 January 1998
Communicated by A.P. Fordy


We compare the efficiency of using a nonlinear function compared to a linear function in the feedback term used to
attempt synchronization of two logistic maps. Using a linear function in the feedback term, synchronization is achieved in
certain cases when the two systems are operating at identical parameter values. However. for maps operating under different
parameter conditions exhibiting a different qualitative behavior (generalized synchronization), linear feedback is successful
in attaining only partial synchronizarion. In comparison, feedback using nonlinear terms is successful in achieving both
synchronization and generalized synchronization. Using nonlinear feedback. the dynamics of the response system can be
converted from chaotic to periodic (chaos control), from one period to the other and even from periodic to chaotic (chaos
anticontrol), depending on the dynamical behavior of the drive system. This is of possible relevance to various systems.
where in certain situations the emergence of chaos is undesirable, while under different circumstances loss of the chaotic
dynamics corresponds to failure. @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

PACS: 05.4S.+b

1. Introduction as follows. We introduce the feedback control tech-

nique used to attempt synchronization in the follow-
Interest in synchronization of chaos has increased ing section. In Section 3, the results for the feedback
because of its possible relevance IO secure commu- term constructed using a linear function are presented.
nications. It started out with efforts to synchronize The results of synchronization and generalized syn-
identical systems [l-5], but lately much emphasis chronization using a nonlinear function in the feed-
has been laid on the synchronization of non-identical back term are discussed in Section 4. Finally, we con-
systems [ 6,7] (generalized synchronization). In this clude by comparing results from using the two differ-
Letter, both synchronization and generalized synchro- ent feedback terms.
nization of logistic maps is studied using a general-
ization of the continuous feedback technique [ 8-101.
The superimposed feedback term used to attempt syn- 2. Synchronization using a feedback strategy
chronization is constructed using both linear and non-
linear functions to compare their relative efficiency In this section we introduce the feedbacks used to
in achieving synchronizaton. This Letter is organized synchronize two logistic (quadratic) maps described

0X75-9601 /98/$19.00 @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

X ,!+, = 1 -ax;, y,+,= 1 - ay;, (1)
and operating at identical or different parameter val-
ues. For the values of the nonlinearity a > 1.55 this
discrete system (quadratic map) exhibits chaotic dy-
The synchronizing strategy used here is a modifi-
cation of the external force control technique [8-IO]
used to control chaos. The feedback superimposed
onto the evolution equation of the response system is
constructed using a linear function (Section 2.1) and
a nonlinear function (Section 2.2) as described below,
Fig. I. Plot of the difference in the dynamics (X, ~ I;, ); propor-
rewriting the two logistic maps of Eq. ( 1) as
tional to the synchronizing linear feedback (Eq. (3) ) asa function
of iteration number (II). It indicates clearly the synchromzation
Xflfl = f(X,,). x,+1 = f(G)9 (2) of the dynamics subsequent to which the feedback vanishes.

for convenience, where the functions f(X,,) and X ntl = f(X,,) pY(fcX,) - f(K) ). (6)
f(Y!) in Eq. (2) have the quadratic form shown in
Eq. (I).
3. Results from implementation of the linear
2.1. Continuous linear feedback feedback

Assume that the state space variable of both systems For the two logistic maps at identical parameter
can be measured, for example, X, from the response values, the linear feedback was successful in achiev-
system and Y, from the drive system. The feedback ing complete synchronization, with the feedback
signal (F,,) at the rrth step could be the difference F,, = rabs(X,, - Yn) (y = 0.7) vanishing subsequent
to the dynamics of the response system locking on
6, = Y(X, - r,!), (3) to the dynamics of the drive system. Subsequent to
which is superimposed as a negative feedback on the the activation of the feedback, the dynamics of the
evolution equation of the response system as response system dictated by Eq. (4), converges to the
dynamics of the drive system. This synchronization
X rr+l = j-(X,,) - Y(X, - K). (4) is clearly exhibited in Fig. 1 which plots the differ-
ence in the dynamics of the two systems (X, ~ Y,,).
The absolute value of the difference can be chosen to Beyond iteration number 5000 the difference goes to
ensure that the superimposed feedback always stays zero indicating successful synchronization (absolute
negative. convergence).
In case of maps at different parameter values (gen-
2.2. Continuous nonlinear- feedback eralized synchronization) where the dynamics were
qualitatively different (response (chaotic) ; drive (pe-
In this case a nonlinear function is used in the super- riod 2)) to begin with, partial synchronization was
imposed feedback term. The nonlinear function f( X,) achieved using a linear feedback. Fig. 2a shows the
of the response system and f( 8,) from the drive sys- dynamics of the response system before and after
tem are measured, and the feedback, synchronization. Subsequent to the activation of the
feedback (II > 5000)) the dynamics of the response
6, = y(.f(X,,) - f(K)). (5)
system converts from chaotic to period-2 dynamics
is superimposed as a negative feedback to the evolu- under the influence of the feedback (y abs( X,, - Y:,) ) .
tion equation of the response system as Although by virtue of the feedback the two systems
F! Parmunandu/P}l~lvsic,,~ Letters A 240 (1998) 55-59 57

-1 0 1
0 2000 4000
.oe9 0 2000 4000
8000 II


-1 0 ’
0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Fig. 2. Time evolution plots for non-identical quadratic maps Fig. 3. Time evolution plots for non-identical quadratic maps
(different values of the system parameter n) (a) The dynamics (different values of the system parameter (I). (a) The dynamics
of the response system at u = 1.7 prior to the implementation of of the response system at a = I.1 prior to implementation ot’ the
the linear feedback (n < 5000) exhibits chaotic dynamics, while linear feedback (n < 5000) exhibits period-? dynamics, while
subsequent to initiation of the linear feedback (Eq. (3)) with subsequent to inmation of the linear feedback (Eq. (3) ) with
y = 0.6 (n > 5000) it exhibits period-2 dynarmcs due to partial y = 0.6 (U > 5000) it exhibits period-l dynamics due to partial
synchronization with the dynamics of the drive system. (b) Plot synchronization with the dynamics of the drive system. (b) Plot
of the difference in the dynamics (X, - Y,,): it IS proportional to of the difference in the dynamics (X, - Y,); it is proportional to
the linear feedback (Eq. (3) ). It indicates partial synchronization the linear feedback (Eq. (3) ). It indicates partial synchronization
as the difference in the dynamics of the drive and the response as the difference m the dynamics of the drive and the response
system does not vanish. system does not vanish.

exhibit different parameter values exhibiting non-similar pe-

hence the synchronization riodic (different periods) dynamics. Fig. 3a shows
shown in Fig. 2b the differ- the conversion of the period-2 dynamics (a = I. I)
ence between the dynamics (n < 5000) to the period- 1 dynamics (a = 0.7) sub-
vanish subsequent sequent to the implementation of the synchronizing
Thus, for unequal parameter with dif- feedback. The partial nature of the synchronization
ferent dynamical responses, feed- achieved is indicated by the non-vanishing difference
back acts as an entrainment, in the dynamics of the response and the drive system.
system to be qualitatively This again is an example of the entrainment of the
drive system. dynamics of the response system via a non-vanishing
Finally, feedback.


> 00

., 0

Fig. 4. Plot of the difference in the dynamics (X,, - Y,,): it clearly

indicates the synchronization 01’the dynamics subsequent to which
the feedback vanishes. ./ : - .,,. ,;, :;::,
" ,,,;'
':: :
1 : :

4. Results from implementation of the nonlinear


As in the previous section, two logistic maps at iden-

tical parameter values are considered. Using a non-
linear feedback (F, = y( f( X,) - f(K)) ), complete
synchronization (absolute convergence) was achieved
for y = 1.O, with the feedback vanishing subsequent
to the convergence of the dynamics of the response
system to that of the drive system. This complete con- Fig. 5. Time evolution plots for non-identical quadratic maps
vergence is exhibited in Fig. 4 which plots the differ- (different values of the system parameter a). (a) The dynamics
ence in the dynamics of the two systems (X,, - r,) of the response system at (I = 2.0 prior to implementation of the

Beyond iteration step 5000 the difference goes to zero linear feedback (n < 5000) exhibits chaotic dynamics, while
subsequent to initiation of the nonlinear feedback (Eq. (5) ) with
indicating successful synchronization.
y = 0.8 (R > SOOO) it exhibits period-2 dynamics due to partial
In the case of generalized synchronization when the synchronization with the dynamics of the drive system. (b) Plot
dynamics of the two maps are qualitatively different of the difference in the dynamics (X, - Y,,) of the two maps. It
(maps are at different values of the nonlinearity pa- indicates complete synchronization accompanied by the vanishing
rameter (a) ) complete synchronization is achieved of the synchronizing feedback.

using a nonlinear feedback. Moreover, the synchroniz-

ing feedback vanishes subsequent to the convergence mense importance to some biological systems where
in the dynamics of the drive and the response sys- the loss of a certain type of chaotic dynamics is as-
tem. Fig. 5a shows the dynamics of the response sys- sociated with failure. Fig. 6a shows the dynamics of
tem (a = 2.0) before and after synchronization. Sub- the response system. Prior to the activation of the syn-
sequent to the activation of the feedback, the dynam- chronizing feedback, the dynamics exhibits a period- 1
ics converges to the period-2 dynamics of the drive state (u = 0.7). Subsequent to implementation of the
system completely. This is indicated in Fig. 5b, where feedback, the dynamics of the response system con-
the difference between the dynamics of the two maps verges to the target chaotic dynamics of the drive sys-
vanishes subsequent to absolute convergence. tem at a = 2.0. Absolute convergence of the dynamics
Finally, we attempt the conversion of the periodic is manifested by the vanishing (Fig. 6b) of the feed-
dynamics to a target chaotic state via synchroniza- back essentially rendering the two systems uncoupled
tion using nonlinear feedback. This could be of im- and exhibiting identical (target) chaotic behavior.
I? P~irtnannn[lu/Pll~.~i~.~ Letters A 240 (1998) 55-59 59

function in the synchronizing feedback. By appropri-
ately choosing the target state (dynamics of the drive
system), one can convert the dynamics of the response
system from chaotic to periodic (controlling chaos),
from one period to the other and even from periodic
to chaotic (chaos anticontrol/inception). This ability
to dictate the dynamics of the response system could
be extremely relevant to various experimental situa-
-0 5 tions. Not only is the synchronization to the target or-
bit attained almost instantly but the coupling between
the two systems vanishes upon successful synchro-
-10 1 I
nization. This is similar to controlling chaos since the
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
ITERATION NUMBER (n) control signal vanishes upon successful attainment of
the target orbit/dynamics. The results for the super-
imposed feedbacks have a strong dependence on the
value of the control constant y (strength of the super-
10 imposed feedback term). In case of nonlinear feed-
backs, there usually exists a certain threshold (mini-
mum) value of y beyond which both synchronization
and generalized synchronization can be achieved


-05 ’ I
The author acknowledges financial support from
0 2000 4000 6000 6000 10000
CONACyT under Project Ref. No. 4873.

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