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‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 2 Plies. : Sect. 1: Job Rating the Well Sect, 2: Table, Formulae, and Graphs ‘Sect. 3: Rating ofthe Rig’s Several Components Sect. 4: Rig-rating Parameters .. Soot 5: Glossary Soot. 6: Bibliography Proc! FoREWoRD EDURE FOR SELECTING ROTARY DRILLING EQUIPMENT teach renter with inreiad rater pestation inte 3 AvSaleenDUaFine gti ee steer | “Sermo Britt unr Jordon ofthe Amer an Ptr: inom nates Exeeuive Comme on Dello a Erpacn frac Thin sper e Fak 1. Tepvideaplan faa lb valin “which wl hep to select a suitable re for driing se al riefuntuonsyischarevouire fre Gri Efgsal sro etarptatsebe largo SFL sth well Seon ana Procedures oid in he allen are divi ito cecategrs stmt which are 2. To preeribe «means of esting densest or ‘ulneiheperformanceeapabiteftenpo nits oS ene Seton and 8 Ths proedure proms that depth rating aloe areoaedtiice tactnewes ndiebonc aren reqs Srphaseon fret rianctos For erampe nl Inehardreck wihtrequent changes tr eecapact IeSoemary importance and dra eapser ne ckanttetwtoraftm hlespderculatetcatnge et ie prec of te rata pret United te efocivencse yf batons mle sears sedinigsanirerg raieaibei creo fermen, basting capac eof leer imporaree. DBAlnerng torts a rua Reser 1 ee ecg that mex wil exact sn em ed ate br ‘Saw compramaer aie rachel agent I ele cunt ais fates and ifaret importapee it lectin a rit Thee considers. are bend te “cope of ts publeation Sn ial from este fo erm eons ant fh meri pis al Department tae Perce Inti, 2515 De Mow fois Pa oe ‘rode ropa farms tae Pi bls APL Form D10-& Dring plan Atalstin [APL Form DIO Rayrating Cheek Let APL Form DID SchedsleAt Capusfr Hanine anes Cet Pye [APL Form DIDC «Schedule Br Subsercure Lon suppor Cac [APL Form DBD Schedule Hossine ant Drake oui APL Form DIDE (SehedaloDe Mud Pump Perormance apa POLICY ACI PUBLICATIONS NECESSARILY. ADDRESS PROBLEMS OF A GENERAL NATURE. WITH SPECT TO PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES LOCAL STATE, AND FEDERALLAWS AND REGU. EXTIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED, APL [8 NOT UNDERTAKING 70 MEET DUTIES oF EMPLOYERS MANUFACTURERS. AND SUP. PLIERS TO WARS’ AND PROPERLY TRAIN AND RQUIP THEIR EMPLOYEES. AND OTHERS EX. POSED. CONCERNIN) SAFETY AND AEALTH HS AND PRECACTIONS. NOR UNDERTAKING {EIR OBLIGATIONS UNDER LOCAL, STATE. OR NOTHING CONTAINED I ANY APL PUBLICA: 110s IST BE CONSTRUED AS URANTING ANY iit BY IMPLICATION OR OTWERWISE. FOR ‘TUE SiANUPACTUE, SALE, OR USE OF ANY METHOD. APPARATUS. 8 PRODUCT COVERED BY LETTERS atest. NEITHER SHOULD ANY THING CONTAINED I’ THIS PUBLICATION BE CONSTRUED aS ENSURING ANYONE AGAINST UIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF LETTERS PATENT GENERALLY arrsTaNDARnS AREREVIEWED AND REVISED, REAFFIRMED, DR WHTHDAANS AT LEAST EVERY FIVE YEARS. SOMETIIES ONE-TIME EXTENSION OF UP TO TRO YEAR WILL BE ADDED TO THs REVIEW CYCLE Fils PUBLICATION WiLL NO LONGER BE IN EFeECT FIVE YEARS APTERITS PUBLICATION DAP AN OPERATIVE APt STANDARD DR WHERE AS EXTENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED, CPOS RE PUBLICATION. STATUS OF THE PUBLICATION CaN BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE ALTHORIN® PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT (TELEPHONE: 2 TUSSI) A CATALOGOF APIPUBLICATIONS AND MATERIALS 18 PUBLISHED ANNUALLY AND UPDATED QUARTERLY BY AulERICAN PetRo. LEUM INSTITUTE. 129LSt_.W. WASiHISU THN ‘ie 20008 TELEPHONE No. e207 SECTION 1 JOB RATING THE WELL ‘Fo hone the best ig for dulling a particalar wl aectary frat foo ate the rel Arter Baibars infoend selina tie sequen hd sn arapaa ofthe wel or dling lan wl ait SRC Sana Se nels Sly a A sl, ormala, and grap ae nl Se ‘Dahing-lan Analysis” Form No, DIOA. (oc pa Pond Sp prove for sera dent inte oP cath stn boing the cotreing Sop mo (ntcalgions:"Peemation druimaey say came SEE sey ih ed, an oe er he corral for tovaney, should areas oneal the ie refahe esi for tbe bie ‘ing den -The inside deameter of he dil pie i tre of te il clare ite act bower syent inside the dri sting” This Toes inside Eeciirig ay te nine ranch ae dt ‘rik odorate ireation rates (Seo Flee 1y 5 8, une) Inthe Hoisting analysis, beoyaner, is assumed to lott Sp hole fran ‘and tay be derardad, ‘The coed Safe working eabacty of the Grrck treipariy ina function fhe masum artiened Soa ad and she umber of ices runs: tut under Certain conton, conaersion uct sion In $8iae fo the paring stenathe of d-ipe Scan ngs, Dyeame Sealine rouiramena i eres fool by gearmined saa weckod on Form Na. ‘Bioca, Being pan Aras 21 eal in Seon 2 aie te Bea ALU Sarr 2 matte ema 2 Bae GS Real Sra eae na Shae ime enor erate Pe ae Sep meena ceg neice Seat ei cea ace ee Suen men oral pale gy emairiea, approach, ‘to bit deme ‘needs a ae Soar erst i Waa ee Eur aie buchanan Sores aera Be Pressure losses in the annalas are minor when concen oy Town ihe Stnlehat St tasty coe ‘Set bs ay Sec of maj conan Toss ‘Srclstion fe grbaules The t tres ia Sep sels panteusty, where faraatlons ast weak Sed where [sey mac are rerun. Raps ppe movers a0 ‘ay contibte toes of calor since ach eee IRetesprodoce algntcenedown.nole presary nurs, ‘Shieh Upcrsne ‘eth lenth pipe eumersed Ts reat where roaming rates of oes the cuing mar be rsd tho roduc elon Shoals te Species on Porm No DIO-A, Dellag. psn Acaivee So eects, Se rare nocareae es Sarna Rei DRILLING-PLAN ANALYSIS Goan oe | er APE Wall N ee eee Gost Forman on at Sorta gt OLE AND casiNG PLAN ‘Tadepihat te Hote diameter Formation delay t Tift and APT ge Amount H Tipit asa AP ead feel Del gee ae fees eas i Amount DRILL STING — PREFERRED tae eves ina 31 Top setion, OD 5 tare Section ent? me OD. To/itand API made ‘Weiait ain itr weet nae 3 API FORM No. Di APL Wal No Dailing plan Analysis — Contin Lee Nat & Wall No HYDRAULIC NEEDS 7 Dosing tu, 7p ‘Densty, bal, ieee i Buoyancy flor r i hydra horsepower, sleet T ‘Angular vlety, selected, 1m ‘irealation rate, l/s ‘owale weet, eae ressre loses (aminal)sorZae egupment| T ‘Thocgh Sa ppe Pe “Through del alas a Aeroes BE ome, pt Deiollar bel anno Deli te annus, Total prosare os, nominal a H “untae prewar, coveted, pe i “yl herepower a surface L RoTARY NEEDS ee Retry de typ Be or. I Stati od capaci TD Eom rage. marin, L ‘Forge apace, feb r L Rotary oreepower L AUXILIARY FRUTESENT | Sie, though bore, im iecetsaaiteecaaa eae ‘Stack arrangement i Tlesing wn seeumulotor amecy aTpa | ‘Wamber ctrl outlets ‘Number cone stators Troe mast, ie/ ease ‘MISCELLANEOUS om # ‘TABLE, FORMULAE, AND GRAPHS, Bese craze ge peste gee mee SHWE BE ES BE SE # 35 BOE ES BE BE SE nee or eee gue HE BP SE =: 68 YE OE SUE a BGG ee sz eez ase 2: SOE EGE S08 Si 8 E289 SEE O88 EE GH a ser seae sess ae HEE 588 EG coe ose eter lane 932 O53 27% OER 78 EG PRR NE UE GE GE ESSE 2g 88 BEE Sey F ‘TABLE 1 (Contineed) CIRCULATION RATE _!aas D1. Err tr Seating aay Dring Egle : oO PORTA Welgst 2 med ~ weight in air X tooraner Be seis specie gravity, ad 2% Dil collars, round weight in ae Wo 287 (Dd) (See Fi.2) hers W = weigh Iyinaal ct 1D = setae dares, @= Dor Ber. in ‘Specie gravity ciel = 1.851 8, Hook horsepower, boisting Wherein Wh = hook ton, eat lett, tein ‘ttn at pee SF ee AP = 10 Gor Fa) wo = 2a ae dey, (or e0 6 Rotary horsepower: up TN TN. | P = “Si00 ~ has = GE Selbtins per minste 1 Angra pecs gravity of lumiam dil pipe 9 | | ry | 4 1 Eee a [ese aE Ve Ea | fed eee Ld a eee 3 sreel vb ieee SE Poe b. | | ee | | 3 { | Fi ” 1 — aa eh Sosa ene seca DENSITY OF OmLIte FLUNG, BOUNDS BER Taxon FIG, 1— BUOYANCY FACTORS FOR METAL IN DRILLING FLUIDS ea | Ea { BiaweTen oF Round an, ones IG. 2—DRILL-COLLAR WEIGHTS, LB/FT IN AIR FIG. 1—HOOK HORSEPOWER FOR HOISTING rc. ¢— Ber HYDRAULI y Fig, 6— PRESSURE DROP THROUGH NOZZLES VS, SEY VELOCITY oo} FIG. 7—_PRESSURE LOSS THROUGH SURFACE EQUIPMENT 9 Pig. 8 PRESSURE DROP THROUGH 1,000 FT OF DRILL PIPE gy PRESSURE DROP IN ANNULUS PAST 1.000 FT OF DRILL PIPE SHER wea ant se y [FIG 11— PRESSURE DROP IN ANNULUS PAST 100 FT OF DRILL COLLARS 2509) 2260, \— 2000 WT INDICATED INCLUDES TB ETC 7 1750] 1500) 1280} 00 8 HOISTING HORSEPOWER 50 450) IN 384 KI Lk a 280 T wee 20 253035 80-45 TIME IN SECONDS REQUIRED TO HOIST THE MIDDLE SINGLE (30) OF A STAND OF DRILL PIPE FIG. 14 ») SECTION 3 RATING OF THE RIG'S SEVERAL COMPONENTS Many individual sg, componente which are net tt leg ae a eae as lingo Tn many ietanets, the only ratings for [Ben ae the ana (acter fesnmmenied capac imperatorin bere a Rzarly ‘fo ‘the ated capacity ot various toms of ‘"Rerocmants patents ther pobeats however, re realy subject to deporte ESET preresied nthe schedules ected herewith Dio-b, Rigeating Check List, sample of cb folie AP FORM(NO. Dio-B* RIG-RATING CHECK LIST ig Owner ie Miemtcieg eee era ada Aad ag gs ete star eee atta ese Estas Data Subic by ‘CAPACITY FOR HANDLING CASING OR DRILL IPE... af B. SUBSTRUCTURE LoAD.SUPPORTING CAPACITY: {rom Form Na DIG Schedule 3) 2 Maximum rotary-table supporting capacity, respective of cetback lod... - ib 2, Comer Landing capacity (for deri aly) 2s SSeS ©. HOISTING AND BRAKING CAPABILITIES. {from Porn Ne DIED, Sehdate CD Hock HP Mook Lond ‘Hook Vaoty (Oeerved heating performance en Auslary brake performance Max, boo la Me ___ ymin D. MUD PUMP PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY (OBSERVED) {tom Horm No: Dia Scheie D) High-voleme Serio High-pressure Service Bile RP alain 2. Standby — see eee 3 Standby pu pa 1B ROTARY-TABLE PERFORMANCE. Contnaous Rotating Sped Range: 1. Rotary table: Maka afodet______apropening 2 Independently driven table, mae_____p ato min__apw Pere or aa pw 4 Driv unt engine or anton: Baka Mos ont easing 1 Table deiven thzough draws Rati L___RPM to_____RPM. Ratio L______npat to__eat Ratio TPM to______RPM—Rasig 1V¥_____p wt to__eat . DRILLSTRING SPECIFICATIONS Dat Pipe String: #1 # ‘Nominal sae. Weight per foot ee API grade ane Length of string See ‘Toloin ain and style ae ecbioit OD. eee Date of last igpecton™® ee es No of faints by inspection ce Inepecton method. Bei saaaeeeay Other drt pipe eondtion information, euch ax hardunding, protectors: eee Sees ait estar geantty eee ‘Max. OD (to rearst 1/16) [II Average Fonts Avpros. sting weight... sua Toole etyleandaise oe se ILIARY EQUIPMENT "Tae Number Sie (Capacity Back adsmising Bgipment amber Make Te Size Prime Mover amber sake Modat up DMod-itating Bulpment — Desert: Shale Shaker: Make___________stegsa _____ Desander: Mais Model ‘Copa, ea in Desander Pump: Make Type ‘Capacity, ga min Desander-pamp Prime Mover: Make Model uP ‘Welt-contol Baupment i ra PO el a a ec — teen Pisano oc = ve ag Mud-Gas Separator — Describe: ise eg tag aelgea Accumulator vole (gud and gas) Precharge precsre (before ang igald) Final prearare (when flly charged with ul) al Reducing and regulating vale? Yeu Na >) ‘Number Mate Mosel Te Capacity, RW Generator Prine Moree Number Mate Model ap ayer Prosi You Ma eer Mud Storage — Deseo ‘Coment Bioeng Capacity Freshovater Storage Capadty: Br rr ena ee ecg Adsionel Equipment — Deserbe: APE FORM NO. D10-c* SCHEDULE A ‘CAPACITY FOR HANDLING CASING OR DRILL PIPE Hookload capacity of any piece of equipment ix | ranutaecra’s ate capacity Hosilond capacity of spe ren eal Set in | Ee eee ld at ace ‘Ba say We speed by the hook which oad | the eft ssl'capacly: Hae date Soar te te OE, ‘he partion plese of equipment upto Re'APT or | lowing i mt ig decison [ig hook lond capalty, for dell sting e___tb, as nite be alo (weaken ig olctoad capacity, raning csing ____1 a inited by—_____tetow, 1. Mast or Deal Wind revstace with no depp etn eee Wind resistance with___ot depp etn sph Racking capac ino oseeeeen State clean enact thin strong to taveing oss) ah 2 Crown eh oS sais Tay Wage a of Saver ce © Brine ek aT aete ay Wage) Net Shae ee eee BG ee eee eee ee tone GBs eee Ce erg eee ne OC reser rer ey men Rceingdenion. ee eee eee sone 9 Roary ding Ui ances pte) ee CGmltaie “Sa Gaeta Tbeipe Ee Te ‘rence faci? Unto SCHEDULE B SUBSTRUCTURE LOAD.SUPPORTING CAPACTTY Sebetructures Mak. Model oF type Foor begbt ae wien ee a aig shove ground toward of tary ban. For ore with derrick (or mart) having static ook load capacity of. . ati Maximum pipe stack capacity. —0» Maximom rotary-table supporting capacity ireapctve of setback load st 15 Corner lading capacity (for derision). aa ——1» Loads impead by tensioning deviees a Adonal Lands =. Pieeeeeeaee hams 9 API FORM NO, DIO.D* SCHEDULE C HOISTING AND DRAKING CAPABILITIES Hookorsopower rating and suxliary brake ca- | ping operations; whereby the sped of the muddle pelt Tend Rar erties Sy | Mascara clemby te pee ot he late EOMdh aide mead ariiiat | itor Sanna ae Hrosie, lopthoreponer ani braking cuntitts | loving Sgro" SS WOmMd ae ‘Nevastnuned from Cbaveilne made alee age | Rig dntfeations ——__ Maximum hootshoreepwar observed ty ba__________at ok load ot______» aso. . sien ‘ar Tati) and observed by Rig equiped as flows asipment Description (Type, Make, Model, Sse, te) moreetkt Ausable Barinetlsttranamisson stem. Oberved Tet Data —Hsistng Hook Toad, Sue to Pull Hook Velocty, Calslated Hook’ No: Line MEI sie siage Me” isesepower” “Siang (Observed Ausiiry Brake Performance gecta Hog Load, ieee vite, th tie Sage ms Remaris 2 _ uli DU Prien Rotary Dein Eioment ss APE FORM NO. DIO-E* SCHEDULE D UD FUME PERFORUANCK cP ABLTY ig detention Pamp Speiatons Make (raeutactures) Mode designation... Rated Inpathorepomers Rated RPMC x stroke Inath CCorverponing rated WP. CPM daplaced @ rated RPM. Oberved Performance Details Bgines connected to med pumps De the same engines dive rotary? Max sed pump RPM... Pump RPM during tate Engine RPM during test. Line ses daring testa = Standspe presse, pal PM, eared. (OPM, cae. @ wl of. Pump output, BHP ae Ne. L Make Mosel ‘sprees, whereby prema sage sree: aed fo Males puny hyde borspoee (2) Standsy | (8) Standby Vie tie | He Mansfactre’s Contin se Semee over ——_? e__aw 9” @____apw eae eee ee duty Reine Speed —_ oe ______apw SECTION 4 RIGRATING PARAMETERS ser fst ro Shoat gaat arlene? Speech tate load ratings for given conditions are ies probable, std at some eric! lading, fal Derscka and Masts Derecks and masts are designed to sae otk: lout cacy mies ing spel be of oes hd Soh an atebeted poston for the dense ‘Sst Aon sien i ib nero lien trent oily lee the sate hook iond apace Setetructare ‘When sutetrvcture ze wed. with degrics. and rats refer to 471 Soest and GF Sie os for Drag and Wal Sercing Siacteree Boe leave provi mong ober ings tat nba [hres erry fame plates bearing spetied norton Flame Maximum pipe stack wright, pounds Diavimam sotary able loading, pounds Bran thoogh sobatrctgres, are deslened tsp. Bar ghee ands aeting snsnasy Te ‘ne of tho read ay by temaaeech nba a ‘are to the ther aca. Eack ouch rating is maine Fors res ineapecve of loading in thn ater Sa Wee Lines ‘Nominal breaking strengths for new wice rope are own im APL Spee 9h Specfcation for ire Roe, Balt 2 Wioaeh 33k Te a ey rr hse Eds ute G2"se SS Tae ee prea Ghar Sa ls Peat me eae ane Ebeavaewir ects © {oe voller bearing sheaves, has been ertblshed 32 ioe Hob inbecien 19 parts of line, eBiiency factor ‘he asia london the fast line may be deter fed from the follwing fort: wr B= lout on fas ne W = hook loud in pounds, including traveling Beak! 7 1N = nur of parte of line (ins strung to Serva Hock) : Bm etiency foctor DETERMINATION OF HOOK HORSEPOWER ek begepoer gay be determi aig ip Ings apd ing wht a stopwatch Ske bas of toe sl af yarn asa eer et {Glowing stindSrd eqeation assuming the average ‘engi of singlet be 30 oad (8) x $0 Tine (ee) 8D The welghtindicatr reading includes the weight ot the Sec and ook and any Be drag, Teasog oe Fie sige ven a ead contin and pte Recon of the wan wich spe percrmance, ffs Sea EniiGeorer af nahin ‘works im the next es from Sool up vetoed peel Te eeEe ee nee eee oe et se et eae rey ee eee pir ia uy aes See ee fo demorutrate the AUXILIARY BRAKES beeps stn rity (fasta aces tele Shaw maid sie ease Erthmacnararansar ve ‘Siltenane, Two general type of Soraya in Cobian wali. hye name > Sitar rumrtarm feeling sates, * “ Asilary-brake copabiliier may, be determined asthe tipingopaan by oaeving wee ator readings Sha timing” wth a sapmch te fawering ofthe mule angle of 2 eand While cary {ng the ind excleively wth the Susiary Sroke ‘The operating principle employed areas flows ‘Hydrodynamic Brakes ‘A hydrodynamic brake ia a hydraule device that seton Geely ontering edaalea cong ino Se elance i cated ected) Oy aetaton ‘slo and ator elomenin, wit the Coneraon of ‘Bechanfal ‘ery int at taking place cel ‘ihn the wate alt Tho amegnt S¢ rachael Tey he ce total Fn marie [the working chamber ‘With any specie quantity of water inthe working charabar, the veloc) of te water clvealaied fe ie toed it nerense’reoleng sped af the tar, ‘Sih Fett ncrnon in fuld feo. tn tsa: er ie trae capac of © hydrodynamic Urabe ays peng he eta "Tha primary funtion of the crating sytem fe te surly col water tous te net of the Dake to

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