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UNIT 2 Audioscript

CONNECT to the topic page 12 of you, your first languages are Spanish or Chinese,
but English is our common language here in the
Interviewer: Thank you for coming in, Mr. Fisher. classroom; what’s known as the lingua franca. It’s
We’re excited to be expanding our team of flight the common language throughout the world right
attendants for our international flights. From your now as well, isn’t it? Professor Braj B. Kachru, an
résumé, it seems you have some relevant experience. authority on the use of English, called the current
Can you tell me a little more about your past jobs? global use of English “unprecedented.” This means
Applicant Brian Fisher: Well, I worked for three years that in the history of the world there has never been
as a concierge at the hotel in New York, and in that job one language used by so many people. It just hasn’t
I had a lot of interaction with international travelers happened before. And it’s important that we, as
from all over. I really enjoyed speaking with them and linguists, consider what it means for English to be a
helping them get what they needed to make their stay “global language.” E02 Now, today, I’m going to give
more comfortable. you two contrasting points of view about English
Interviewer: That sounds great. How did you become as a global language. (COACHING TIP 1) One is that
interested in working for an airline? English is now used all over the world, and it’s actually
replacing other languages. Now, according to this
Fisher: Being a flight attendant is a great way to travel
point of view, English will be used instead of other
and meet people in their own countries.
languages in the future. Eventually, so this argument
Interviewer: This job requires you to talk with goes, it will be the only language people speak. Now,
passengers from all over the world. Can you imagine a the second point of view is that English will not truly
challenging situation and how you would overcome it? become a global language and replace other languages
Fisher: I would adjust my way of speaking, as needed. because it’s not the main language spoken by people
At the hotel, English was valuable for communicating worldwide in their daily lives. Supporters of this point
with the guests. Almost all the guests—whether they of view acknowledge that people all over the world
were from Japan, or France, Italy, or China—knew use English every day to communicate in certain
some English; they were proficient. I didn’t run into domains, like business, or science, or government.
any problems. I feel I’m good at communicating. They contend, however, that people have retained
Interviewer: You have great experience. Thank you their first languages, and will continue to do so. Now,
for coming in. We’ll be in touch. this point of view is supported by linguist David
Crystal, (COACHING TIP 2) author of English as a Global
Language and other books. E03 So let’s examine some
Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

FOCUS your attention page 15 facts that support the first point of view. Now, first,
Speaker: Today I want to give you two contrasting English is clearly the dominant language of business,
points of view about varieties of English. There are science, and international travel. When we need a
many varieties of English now—Korean English, common language, whether in airports or hotels or
Indian English, American English—and so on. Some at international meetings, it’s English. If you take a
people are worried that there are too many varieties. taxi in Rome and you don’t speak Italian, the driver
They say this is going to cause big communication is more likely to use English than another language,
problems as English is used more throughout the right? Now, in addition, the European Union uses
world. There’s another way to think about this, English for both written and spoken communication.
though. That is to say, yes, there are many varieties of Scientists worldwide use English. Business schools
English, but this isn’t a serious problem. Here are some in Europe are now teaching their classes in English—
reasons why I say this. The first reason is that the even in France, a country that has fought very hard
basic grammar is still the same whether the English is in the past to keep English out. I’m sure all of you
spoken in China, or Australia, or Brazil, or the United can think of many situations where English is the
States. The second reason is, yes, some vocabulary is common language; how about the Internet? You use
different. But most words are the same, right? ... English there, don’t you? E04 Second, 75 countries
use English as an official language in the government
and in banks, and so on. Now, for some countries, like
WATCH the lecture page 16 England, English is the only official language. In other
Professor Brian Murphy: E01 All right, today’s topic countries, like India, there’s more than one official
is English as a “global language.” Now, linguists use language. In India, Hindi and English are both official
the term “global language” to refer to the use of English languages used to run the country. So, to sum up: We
worldwide for global communication. I know some know millions of people throughout the world need a

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common language to facilitate communication. That’s Michael: Yeah.
clear. Right now, being proficient in English gives them Yhinny: Well, I’m in total agreement with him. I don’t
an advantage in many situations. Nevertheless, does think English will ever replace other languages.
this mean that English will eventually replace other
May: Oh, definitely.
languages? (COACHING TIP 3) E05 With that question
in mind, let’s turn to the second point of view: why Qiang: Right! I don’t see other languages disappearing.
some people don’t think English will replace other I mean, yeah. I need English for class now, or maybe
languages. Now first, according to recent data, more someday at my job. But when I call my parents or my
than a billion people speak some English as a second friends back home in China, we don’t use English.
or third language. However, English isn’t their primary May: Oh, it’s the same with me. I have so many
language at home and with friends. Now this is a key Jordanian friends who speak English, but when we’re
point: These people may use English for work or school together, we only speak Arabic.
each day, but nowhere else. All right. Even in English- Michael: Well, what about the idea of having an
speaking countries, millions of people prefer to international standard for English? I mean, do you
speak a language other than English all the time. For guys think we need one?
example, Spanish is very common in large cities like
Qiang: What exactly do they mean by “international
New York or L.A. E06 Second, I mentioned there are 75
countries where English is the official language, but
this doesn’t mean that everyone there speaks English. May: It’s like a set of rules ...
Not at all. Take India, again. Most sources agree that Michael: Right.
less than half of the population actually knows some May: ... for grammar, spelling, I don’t know,
English. OK. Third, people may only know the English pronunciation—that everyone agrees to.
required for a specific job situation. For example, the
Qiang: Well, how is everyone going to agree to it? It
taxi driver in Rome that I mentioned earlier may only
seems kind of impossible.
know phrases like “Where are you going?” or “What
is the name of your hotel?” And another example is Yhinny: Well, it seems likely to me that there’ll
with the airlines. Pilots in Korea or China may only always be varieties—kind of like dialects—of English
learn the English they need on the job. English doesn’t as you go to different places around the world.
replace Korean or Chinese for them. They don’t use May: Uh-huh.
English instead of their first language. They use it in Qiang: Yeah, so a standard wouldn’t be helpful,
addition to. There are many situations worldwide like would it?
this, aren’t there? It’s evident that millions of people
Michael: But, I mean, if you don’t have a standard,
worldwide know only the English required for specific
then you’re going to start getting all kinds of crazy
situations. English isn’t their main language in daily
vocabulary words and weird spellings.
life. E07 So, where does that leave us? Well, now that
you’ve heard the reasons behind these two points of May: You’re joking, right? English already has crazy

Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
view about English as a global language, what do you vocab words and weird spellings!
think? Myself, I don’t see it replacing other languages. Yhinny: I know.
I agree with David Crystal that language is a part of Qiang: That’s exactly how I feel.
culture. As globalization continues, the use of English
Yhinny: It’s crazy.
spreads, people will want to hold on to their own
languages and cultures more than ever. Do you agree? Michael: Yeah.
(COACHING TIP 4) E08 I want you to think about these
questions: First: With English as a global language, do Unit Test
we need an international standard—a form that we
1 How do linguists describe a “global language”?|
all agree on? Question 2: If yes, which standard should
we use? Or—last question—is it OK to have different 2 What does it mean that the global use of English is
varieties of English, like Italian-English or Japanese- “unprecedented”?
English? And why? Think these over, and we’ll see you 3 Which best describes the first point of view about
next time. global English?
4 What does the example of an Italian taxi driver
using English demonstrate?|
TALK about the topic page 19
5 Why does the speaker mention business schools
Yhinny: Hey. You know when the lecturer was talking in France?
about languages and culture?
6 What does the second point of view say about
Qiang: Yeah. global English?
Michael: Yeah. 7 More than 1 billion people speak some English,
Yhinny: And he said other languages will exist as the lecturer says. He then adds a “key point” about
long as other cultures exist? those English speakers. What is it?

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8 What does the speaker say about a country’s the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language points out that
official language? Japanese car manufacturers’ have a strong preference
9 What is the use of English by Korean and Chinese for English, French, and Italian words in the names
pilots an example of? for their cars for this reason: It gets the attention of
customers. E04 A second reason a word is borrowed is
10 Does the speaker agree with David Crystal’s point
because speakers feel the foreign word expresses an
of view?|
idea better than a word in their own language. When
a German speaker uses the English word happy, it has
Proficiency Assessment a different feeling associated with it than the German
Speaker: E01 Hello, everyone. Today, we’re going to word for happy. Same with English speakers who use
talk about one area of linguistic research: loan words. the French word ennui, which means, boredom and
First I’ll explain what we mean by loan words. Then I dissatisfaction. And a bit of restlessness. See? In
will present three reasons why loan words are used. English, we just don’t have a single word to capture all
And finally, I’ll talk a little bit about modification of of those things. E05 A third reason is to fill a lexical
loan words. E02 OK, so we use the term “loan word” gap. By this I mean, a loan word is used because there
for a word borrowed from one language and used in simple isn’t a suitable word in the language that is
another language. It is called a loan word because it borrowing the word. There are many examples of
is used with little or no modification, and, because technology words being borrowed for this reason:
it becomes part of the language that borrows it. computer, laptop, smartphone, IT, modem, Internet. E06
English uses mea culpa, which means “my fault.” OK, now a word about modification. Let’s look at
This is directly from Latin. Bazaar—“a market”—is some examples of how English words are modified
from Persian. Faux pas,—“a social mistake”—is from when they are borrowed. One way is pronunciation.
French. There are many examples of loan words in A word is changed to fit the sounds of the borrowing
English. Linguists think of loan words as a natural language. For example, the English word baseball is
result of intercultural contact and communication. pronounced “bei-su-bo-ru” in Japanese. Another way
When speakers of one language come in contact borrowed words are modified is in the grammatical
with another language, some words are borrowed. role they play. In English, the word nervous is an
Borrowing can happen in both directions. For adjective. But, as it’s used in Arabic, narvas is a verb.
example, German borrows trainer from English, to It means to become nervous. And sometimes the
refer to a sports coach. Meanwhile, English uses the meaning changes. For example, in German, a handy
German term zeitgeist to talk about a “trend.” E03|Now is a mobile phone. Handy in English means to be
I want to consider: Why are loan words used? Let’s convenient. E07 So, languages are always changing.
look at three reasons. One reason is the social value of And loan words is one cause. They are a natural
using a loan word or phrase. Let’s consider Japanese result of people from different cultures talking and
advertisers. They borrow a lot of foreign words. They exchanging ideas. And as global communication
use loan words for commercial reasons. They know expands, we can assume the number of loan words
Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

products will have more appeal to consumers if will increase.

foreign words are used. The linguist David Crystal in

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