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Практичне заняття 13

Географічне розташування та політична система України. Київ. Passive voice

Geography, Climate, Economy, Population

Ukraine is a state in Eastern Europe, bounded on the north by Byelarus, on the north and
east by the Russian Federation, on the west by Poland, Slovakia, on the southwest by Hungary,
Rumania and Moldova, and on the south by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The total area of
Ukraine is 603,700 sq. km. Ukraine's state border extends for a total of 7698 km; with Russia
2484 km; Byelarus - 952 km; Rumania 608 km; Poland 542 km; Slovakia 98 km; Hungary 135
km; Moldova-1194 km. The total length of Ukraine's sea coast is 1758 km (Black Sea - 1533
km; Sea of Azov 225 km). The largest mountain system in Ukraine is the Carpathian Moun-
tains which extend for more than 270 km and are 100-110 km wide.
The highest peak is the Hoverla (2061 m).
The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable for the development of its relations
with the countries of Europe and of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean Basins.
Among the big- gest Ukrainian rivers are the Dnipro, which is 2201 km in length, of which 981
km flow through Ukraine, the Southern Buh and the Dni- ester. From the lower Danube one can
travel by water to seven Euro- pean countries. Plains and the excellent chernozem territories
occu- py the largest part of Ukraine. They are rich wheat fields. The west- ern border lands,
however, are mountainous.
The climate in Ukraine is subjected to alterations ranging from continental to mild,
humid. While summer is dry and hot in the south-eastern part of the country, it is humid and
rainy in the west- ern regions. The fertile soils and generally good climate are favour- able for
Ukraine has rich deposits of iron, manganese and rare metals, coal, natural gas, oil,
graphite and other mineral resources a good base for the development of industry. Recently rich
deposits of gold have been found in the south.
Ukraine operates powerful metallurgy, multibranch machine build- ing, large-scale
shipbuilding, a developed chemical industry.
The population of Ukraine numbers over 52 million: three-fourths of them are
Ukrainians. The rest is made up of Russians, Jews, Poles, Byelorussians, Moldavians,
Hungarians and dozens of other nationa- lities. Over 55 percent of the population are urban
There are 400 towns and cities in Ukraine. Five of them have a population exceeding a
million: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk.

Read and translate the text into Ukrainian.

border ['bo:de]
to subject [sab'dzekt]
humid ['hju:mid]
manganese [,mængǝ'ni:z]
fertile ['fa:tail]
deposit [di'pozit]
metallurgy [me'tælǝd31]
to exceed [ik'si:d]

Render the text in English.

Role-play the following situations:
Situation 1. Your friend lives in Kharkiv. Ask him questions about the climate in his
native town.
Situation 2. Your friend has just come from Italy. Ask him about the climate of this
country. Discuss the climatic differences of Ukraine and Italy.
Situation 3. You are going to visit your relatives. You ring them up about your arrival.
Spaek about weather forecast for tomorrow.

Describe your favourite season.

Describe the climate of your native town.

Political System in Ukraine

On 16 July 1990 the Ukrainian Supreme Council took the historic step of issuing a
"Declaration on State Sovereignty". This proclaimed the supremacy, independence, fullness and
indivisibility of the Ukraine's power within its territorial boundaries, as well as its independence
in external relations. This was to be followed, in August 1991, by the proclamation of an act of
independence which clearly stated that only
Ukraine's own legislature and constitution were effective. In December, a referendum
was held which confirmed the Ukrainian people's overwhelming support for this choice.
Simultaneously, elections were held for the country's Presidency. Leonid Kravchuk, the former
Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, was elected. The new era of independence has
been marked by numerous problems on the economic front.
The highest legislative body in Ukraine is the Verkhovna Rada. The people's deputies are
elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The deputies of the
Verkhovna Rada are elected for 5 years. The Verkhovna Rada's main function is mak- ing laws.
The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected
directlyy the voters for a term of fivе years with no more than two full terms.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Minis- ters. It is responsible to
the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. The Cabinet of Ministers carries out
domestic and foreign policy of the state, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of
the President, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific, technological
and cultural development of Ukraine. In August 1991 Ukraine became independent.
The Verkhovna Rada's main function is making laws. The President of Ukraine is the
head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five
years with no more than two full terms.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Minis- ters. It is responsible to
the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. The Cabinet of Ministers carries out
domestic and foreign policy of the state, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of
the President, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific, technological
and cultural development of Ukraine.
In August 1991 Ukraine became independent. The independence was proclaimed on the
24th of August 1991. On the 1st of December 90 percent of the people voted for the
independence of Ukraine. Ukraine established diplomatic relations with many foreign countries.
One of them was Great Britain.

sovereignty ['sovrǝnti]
supremacy [sju premǝsi]
to overwhelm [ouvǝ'welm]
legislative ['ledyislativ]
ballot ['balat]
suffrage ['sAfrids]
executive [1g'zekjutiv]
Read and translate the text.

Render the text in English.

Write a letter to President of Ukraine. Explain why you agree or disagree with the
government's policy.

Write a description of some chapters from the Constitution of Ukraine.

Say it in English.
1. Величезна кількість цукрового буряку, картоплі, соняшника вирощується на
2. Президента України обирають строком на 5 років.
3. Нам запропонували відвідати деякі історичні місця Києва.
4. Всі предмети в навчальних закладах України викладаються українською
5. Майдан Незалежності було реконструйовано в 2001 році.
6. День Конституції України святкують 28 червня.

Look through Text about geographical position of Ukraine. Be ready to answer the
following questions:
1. What is Ukraine’s population?
2. What area does Ukraine cover ?
3. What countries does Ukraine border on?
4. What seas is Ukraine bounded by?
5. What makes Ukraine ideal for the development of agriculture?
6. What river divides Ukraine into two parts?
7. What are the main industrial centers in Ukraine?

Repeat after the speaker. Learn the words.

to be located - бути розташованим
to be criss-crossed - перехрещувати
to ensure - забезпечувати, гарантувати
highways - автошляхи
watershed – басейн (ріки)
pipelines - трубопровід
high-voltage transmission lines - високовольтні лінії
above sea level - над рівнем моря
depth – глибина
deposit – родовище
Swityaz – Світязь (озеро)
The Carpathian Mountains – Карпати
Hoverla Говерла (найвищий пік Карпатських гір)
Chornohora massif Чорногорський масив
The Crimean Mountains Кримські гори
Roman Kosh (найвищий пік Кримських гір)
up-to-date – сучасний
equipment – устаткування
synthetic diamonds - штучні діаманти
machine building – машинобудівний
fuel - паливний
Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:
 to elect
 to divide
 to rule
 to carry out
 the Supreme Court
 the national anthem
 domestic policy
 to be accountable to
 foreign policy

Give English equivalents for the following:

 суверенна держава
 незалежність
 президентські вибори
 законодавча влада
 виконавча влада
 судова влада
 приймати (про закон)
 державне свято
 проголошувати

Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. On August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s independence was proclaimed by the Ukrainian
2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the only body of the executive power.
3. Ukraine includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the
4. The powers of the government are divided into legislative, executive and judicial.
5. The National Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 28.
6. In 1993 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections and became the President of
7. L.Kravchuk was the first President of Ukraine.

Role – play the following situations:

Situation 1. Paula Smith, a British guide of the Ukrainian students in London is going to
visit Ukraine. She is interested in information on Ukraine. Answer her questions on geographical
position, history, natural resources of Ukraine.
Situation 2. A student of the Law faculty is taking an exam in the Constitutional Law of
Ukraine. He has difficulty with the question about the political structure of Ukraine. The teacher
asks him questions and helps to reveal the question about the political system of Ukraine.
Situation 3. A young businessman has a possibility to invest money in the development
of our country. He is interested in Ukrainian industry. Prove him that investing money in the
development of industry will give a profit. Tell him about the main industrial centres of Ukraine.
Useful expressions: I’d like to say a few words about – я б хотів сказати декілька слів
про … ; As I know – як відомо; I think that – я думаю що; Quite on the contrary – навпаки;
Certainly – звичайно; (Could) Can I ask you – чи можу я вас запитати;
I want to give a few examples to prove it – я б хотів навести декілька прикладів,щоб
довести це; As far as I know – наскільки мені відомо; I am interested in – мене цікавить;
What can you say about – що ви можете сказати про …; You are welcome – будь ласка;
Thank you – дякую .
 Give Passive transformation of the following sentences as in the models. Translate the
1. The Dnipro divides Ukraine into two parts: Right-Bank and Left Bank Ukraine.
2. The teacher showed students many colourful slides of Kiev.
3. Railroads and highways criss-cross the territory of Ukraine.
4. Yesterday the Verkhovna Rada adopted a new law.
5. In 1994 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections.
The guide told us to visit the Independence Square.
We were told to visit the Independence Square.
Model 2:
1. I invited my friends to Lesya Ukrainka theatre.
2. They took us for the excursion to Sophia Cathedral yesterday.
3. A young man proposed me to join the party New Generation of Ukraine.
4. They asked her to do the report “Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine”.

Виконання граматичних вправ

Change the sentences to the Active Voice. Use the words in brackets as the subject
A lot of new experiments were carried out. (Our students). — Our students carried out a
lot of new experiments. 1. The new film was much spoken about. (They). 2. This fact is often
referred to. (The speaker). 3. She wasn’t listened to. (Nobody). 4. We were greatly impressed.
(The perfomance). 5. I was invited to see the new machines. (The manager). 6. Everything will
be explained to you. 67 (The teacher). 7. The boy is looked after by his aunt. (The boy’s mother).
8. His advice is listened to carefully. (People). 9. He can’t be relied on. (People).

Answer the questions according to the patterns, using the Passive Voice
Do people speak English in many countries? — Yes, English is spoken in many
countries. 1. Do people buy newspapers every day? 2. Do they translate many foreign books into
Ukrainian every year? 3. Do most people often spend summer holidays in the south? 4. Do the
Caucasian mountains protect the Black Sea coast from the cold northern winds? В Did they ask
many questions after the lecture? — Yes, a lot of questions were asked after the lecture. 1. Did
they complete the plan yesterday? 2. Did they show the film yesterday? 3. Did they publish his
article last week? 4. Did he solve this problem yesterday? 5. Did they make the sky-scraper of
glass and steel? C Will they complete the plan tomorrow? — Yes, it’ll be completed tomorrow.
1. Will they settle the problem next Wednesday? 2. Will he complete the novel next month? 3.
Will they publish his new textbook next October? 4. Will they stage the play next April? 5. Will
they pass the exam tomorrow? Exercise 61. Change the sentences using the Passive Voice. Mind
the tense They don’t pay Jim very much. — Jim isn’t paid very much. We shall hold this
meeting tomorrow. — This meeting will be held tomorrow. 1. The president addressed the
conference. 2. I shall present my paper in Ukrainian. 3. They didn’t offer Ann the job. 4. 320
registered participants attended the conference. 5. They never invite me to parties. 6. The
computer solves complex mathematical problems. 7. She didn’t introduce me to her mother. 8.
They gave me two hours to make my decision.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian using the Passive Voice

1. Де продаються книги та журнали іноземною мовою? 2. Цей красивий палац
побудовано багато років тому. 3. Я гадаю, що йому поставлять багато запитань, коли він
скінчить говорити. 4. Магазини зазвичай відкриваються о восьмій ранку. 5. Ці книги
повернено до бібліотеки вчора. 6. Музей влітку зачинено. 7. Йому дали два дні, щоб
закінчити роботу. 8. Ці предмети не вивчаються у нашому інституті, чи не так? 9. Йому
сказали, що моя дочка ще вчиться у школі. 10. Мені сказали, що він повернувся. 11. Мене
запитали, де я живу. 12. Які запитання йому поставили?

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