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Wireless Router

Baluyot, Alyssa
Fabros, Raul
Sanchez, Nicole


This paper report discussed about configuring a wireless router. From the basic
knowledge about the differences of wired and wireless router to the important parts of a
wireless router and how their functions then the step by step process on how to properly
configure our wireless router and why we need to configure the router.


A wireless router is a small electronic device supplied by your internet service provider
that allows you to connect to the internet. Wireless routers are by far the most popular
way to connect to the internet in your home, as wired routers have long been outdated,
and are only really used by those who want to connect to the internet via an Ethernet
cable. The one way to manage, control and secure your network is to configure your
wireless router to make your network complete. You need to configure the wireless router
so that it can communicate with your network components. In configuration steps are
rather straightforward. configuring a wireless router are the SSID and the long, cryptic
password, which you need to access the network.

Nicole part….
Raul part…
Alyssa part…

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