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Is professionalization synonymous to professionalism?

Think of this: When teaching was professionalized with the passage of RA 7836 did this mean all teachers
automatically demonstrated professionalism? Refer to the uploaded material in Google Classroom for the full text of
RA 7836
Upload your answer/s on the forum section under this topic found in the Google Classroom
As I grasp deeper the material given in the google classroom, I tried to understand fully all the statements written in it.
Based on my own understanding, professionalization contextual to professionalism. Why I say it so? Teachers plays a
vital role in the life of the children, so they need to be equipped enough and have high standard knowledge and skills.
Accomplishing all the requirements needed for them to teach, passing all the necessary examinations that must be
taken by them and practicing professionalism whether they are in the field of teaching or not. Being a professional one
is not facile. Numerous of things must consider and following the rules, regulations nor guidelines of the specific law
connected to your profession. The competence or skill are expected from you to possess and apply to your profession.
Any professional teachers commit mistake or disobeyed the law, shall face various consequences according the
implemented rules.

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