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Recall your most memorable teacher who had the greatest impact on your life. What special
personal qualities did he/she possess. Write them down and briefly explain them.

One of the greatest and wonderful teachers of the world is the one I always admired for. She
became my second mother at school. She was always there to lift me up and motivates me the most. The
following qualities did she possesses are:
1. A loving and caring mother of mine – she always reminds me for my own seek whenever I
committed a mistake. She corrected me right away. She cared for my future self.
2. A teacher who shows the real world to me – she makes me open my eyes for the real situations
and struggles. She told me that life will never be easy, instead a tough one. She said to me that I
may encounter rough roads and failures but the most valuable thing I must do is to stand up and
continue chasing my journey.
3. A generous and responsible teacher – she always gives something to others especially to me,
she told me that giving is more appreciable than receiving. She is very responsible one, she never
wasted her time with non-worth it thing. She always prefers to used her time to her career and
more devoted into it.
4. A prayerful teacher – even how loaded her schedule every day, she always has time to thank
and pray to God. Specially on Sundays, she goes always first at church before anything else.

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