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1a. 1. How many people are there in your family?

2. How old are you?

3. How was your weekend?

4. Where would you like to live?

5. What is your hobby?

6. How often do you go to the cinema?

2a. 1. every now and then

2. rarely

3. most days

4. sometimes

2b. 1. I nearly always go online.

2. Every now and then, I go out for a meal with my family.

3. I hardly ever play computer games.

4. I go to the gym most days.

5. I never do yoga.

4a. 1. time with relatives

2. fun

3. shopping

4. yoga

5. a family meal

5a. 1. writes a blog

2. take photographs of

3. write posts

4. have a look

5. have dreams

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