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1 Supplier assessment for Shyamlal ,IEMCO and BSPL was not available
2 Audit plan, report of the above mentioned supplier should be made available
3 Action plan for the closure of supplier audit done in the month of Aug 19
4 Improvement plan
5 Improvement plan target date should be within 30 days
6 Scoring requirement for the supplier assessment should be revised
7 Scoring rating criteria should be defined
8 CSR copy to be available with RM
9 Continual improvement or Kaizen from supplier should be taken (at least 2 year)
10 Supplier agreement should be made
11 Quality agreement sheet with SKRM and slitting supplier should be available
12 Escalation matrix for RM to be defined(if not meeting the delivery date)
13 Date should be mentioned in PPAP document and approved signature soud be present
14 PSW should be signed from supplier(shymlal,iemco,bspl)
15 Delivery performance of supplier (shymlal,iemco,bspl)
16 Analysis and action required for process capability trend should be made available
17 Tag identification is not clear
18 Display board should have WI, FIFO, colour coding, PE equipment
19 Quality inspection area should be there and quality acceptance criteria along with use of
instrument should be made available
20 tag holder should be there for verification
21 QA acceptance stamp to be made available
22 QMS policy should be displayed
23 Stock day bad its consumption day must be mentioned on the display board
24 Stone flooring required for RM
25 contigency plan should be available for failure of crane SANDEEP SHARMA
26 semi finished goods should be taken off
27 FR and LR storing pallets are not good condition VIJAY KHUMBHAR
28 Reason for the sudden increase and decrease in graph must be available in monitoring chart
29 Display of rejection and rework in-house to be displayed
30 Updation of kaizen gallery
31 Moving goods identification tag required
32 Identification of material not evident
33 NG product identification not present
34 Specification sheet do not have signature of supervisor
35 Red hot trimmed part falling in front of operators safety issue
36 Quality policy to be displayed on shop floor also
37 Rejection bin is in damaged condition
38 Rework process should be reflected in WI
39 Ear plug not used in shop floor
Skill matrix evaluation criteria and action plan evidence for GAP identification not identified
41 Disposal of chips practice have to be done(gutter machining)
42 WI, check sheet should be made near the machine
43 Identification of material not evident in Assy line
44 LPM machine calibration status not available
45 All man cooler is dusty and black
46 list of POKA YOKE for rim line and ctq parameter should be made available.
47 Bolt hole PCD gauge use not evident
48 SI sheet not followed for in process inspection
49 Separate sheet should be used for different process in DL
50 Product not meeting with defined specification i.e. run out spec for disc is given 0.3 max but obs
0.36, 0.33
51 lack of identification tag in RL
54 GSD is defined as CTQ parameter but POKA YOKE for the same is not identified
55 All machine are black coloured because of dust
56 Poka Yoke list must contain Poka Yoke for CTQ parameters
57 Kaize, Improvement, rejection, rework, for last two month must be displayed
58 External lab certificate should be available for all pressure gauge
59 Gap found in skill matrix of AL
60 PPE's use at planishing area not evident
61 Stage inspection report not followed for major/critical parameters of assembley
62 Machine parameter recording sheet not maintained
63 Material kept at shop floor without identification
65 Action plan against the non achiving targets must be defined
66 Skill matrix format needs improvement MR BALDEV SHARMA
67 Parts must not be kept on the floor, rubber mats must be used
69 Dates and signature for the participation for the training must be present
70 CSR to be displayed in PDI area
71 WI control number not available in FG area
72 Identification not available for lock ring which came ack from warehouse
73 In FG area rework wheels and FG wheels are kept together in open space
74 behind utility area reworking is done and many wheels are lying without identification
75 Reworking zone is not documeneted
76 NO identification of customer returne wheels,rework and FG material
77 No board identification available for TATA MOTORS WHEELS
Dated: 08/01/2020
Company, Governance and Financials
Sr No.1.1
Company vision and mission statements understanding was not found at managerial level
company vision and mission not displayed at key areas in plant, Boards under procurement and installation
Code of conduct available and shown
Performance improvement system shared evidence to be produce
Expansion plans, technology upgradation plans/capex plan evidence not shown
For Expansion plans, technology upgradation Plans/Capex plans, Plan vs actual status, Review MOM’s, Progress an
implementation evidence not shown
Business plans Long term and short term shared, Competitive postion, Comparative data shared
Diversification, management enhancement systems not available, to be prepared and evidences to be shared
Sr No.1.2 Marks:)
Business Score Card (BSC) data and cascading to below levels to be prepared
Organization structure (special focus on Quality Organization) to be prepared
KPI and KRA data, target vs actual achievement & Last MOM of review evidence not shown
Quality Review Meetings (QRM) data evidence not shown
Management Review Meetings (MRM) performance monitoring systems evidence not shown
Visual Management systems found on shop floor, needs to be updated.
Operations, business matrices indicators, action plans for achievements evidence not shown
Sr No. 1.3 (Marks:)
Documents to be maintained in sequence
Form no-3 was not shown to be added
Permissible value to be added for noise pollution check sheet and standard value upto zero decimal place to be ke

Sr No. 1.3a
 Not Required
Sr No. 1.4
Document Control, document no., revision to be mentioned in HR Policy
Recruitment procedure available but not readable
Joining policy effective data and new revision date to be checked, next revision date observed was 1 st Jan 2019, bu
was produced post revision
Employee feedback and surveys evidence not available in process for FY19-20
Competency matrix past records evidence not available
Evidence of Review of competencey matrix as per frequency mentioned not available
Competency matrix and actual trainings has no correlation 
Competency matrix behavior and functional are not identified
Apex level training needs identification execution, feedback actions evidence not available
Competency feedback affecting training, evidence not available
Skill Matrix defined for workers
TNI person wise identified
Evidence Correlation with trainings not available
Feedback mechanism and review frequency for update and action plan to be establish
Performance Management System
Evidence KRA setting methodology not shown
Evidence KRA review not shown
Evidence Gap of target achievement action plan not shown
Evidence Plant head and first level KRA cascading of goals not shown
Evidence Employee engagement activities/Evidences not shown
Employee engagement policy evidence not available
Succession planning / Gap Analysis / Career development / Action taken / feedback evidence not available
Suggestion scheme policy / implementation & Execution evidences to be shown
Kaizens schemes policy / implementation evidences to be shared
Rewards and recognition policy is in place, implementation, execution records to be produced
Employee motivation and retention policy and evidences not shown
HR regulations, attendances and leave system evidences of implementations not shown
Sr No. 1.5
PF/ESI register is available
Software being used for Leave register
HR Compliance tracker shared shall contain the dates of application for compliance monitoring
Sr No. 1.6
No. of PCs does not match with No. of Microsoft license
Type of Theft  their Prevention evidence to prepare
NDA of suppliers and SSWL evidence to be produced
Sr No. 1.7
Safety committee meetings are held, evidence of feedback, actions decided, closure point not shown
Documents to be maintained in sequence
PPEs compliance not monitored, Evidence on process wise PPE’s  not shown
Signed copy of safety policy not available
Near miss captured, Evidence on closures not available/ action plans/ monitoring and closures not shown
Evidence Deptt. Wise safety audit observations closure not available
Accident monitoring data available, to be summarized year wise
CAPA closure are available, evidences to be maintained with detail, plan of actions, follow ups, and closures were

Accident register maintained

Evidence checked for Safety Work instructions of the operations, manual loading/unloading in PO were not availa
done for all processes
CAPAs are found related to training, Evidence on system improvement and elimination of cause found missing to a
Hiyeri Hatto was shown as safety audit and compliance
Safety audit done on shift basis and shared to all concerns
Safety award and week celebration was shown, Evidence PPT to be updated with 2019 events
Fire NOC available till 25/12/2019
Training given for emergency exits, fire extinguisher, assembly points
Safety induction and safety training, firefighting training records available
Firefighting team available, Evidence om training records of firefighting team not shown
Mock drill plan available, plan vs actual not updated, mock drill records shown
Accident register was shown, record to be kept of insurance payment/ ESI policy should be kept for the man days

Fire extinguisher layout, list also available, numbering to be on layout/Equipment list/ physical Equipment on shop
there, Non compliance was found in no. of fire extingusihers shown in layout vs physical available, Complete plant
and discrepencies to be removed

Safety promotions evidences are shown to be documented properly

Sr No. 1.8
Evidence of Management initiative towards plan vs actual to be shared
evidences to be documented and shared with plan vs actual, target vs achievement, monitoring and control along
and progress  Energy management and audits, Alternate energy, Continual project, Kaizen events, Cost reduction
level, cost control measures, alternate energy options, advance tooling improvement, cost control meetings,

Sr No. 1.9
Master list available, equipment, Asset number of new additions not defined
Revision date of the documents and revision history records to be incorporated
Machine capability analysis shown, process wise mapping available, bottleneck analysis available basis cycle time,
calculation basis bottleneck, capacity planning done basis schedule vs actual capacity
Evidence of Capacity utilization month wise not available
Evidence of New machines and technology, capex planning to be shared
Evidenec of Technology Upgradation programs and execution plans not shown
Evidence of Continual improvement projects in all functions to be listed, plan vs actual to be shared, feedback and
be shared
Sr No. 1.10
No evidence shared during audit, as per Mr. Prabhakar he shall provide the evidence target date to be shared
Sr No. 1.11
No evidence shared during audit, as per Mr. Prabhakar he shall provide the evidence target date to be shared
Sr No. 1.12
No evidence shared during audit, as per Mr. Prabhakar he shall provide the evidence target date to be shared
Sr No. 1.13
No evidence shared during audit, as per Mr. Prabhakar he shall provide the evidence target date to be shared


Main gate entry hazardous inventory was not updated; Nov-19 was displayed
Assembly point outside shear area, not accessible
Fire extinguisher layout in shearing area shown 6 extinguishers, physically only one available, physical vs actual sh
be reviewed for complete layout
Process wise PPEs not displayed on shop floor
Kaizen gallery was not updated
4M change board was not updated (updated till 5 th for disc/SLR/Paint shop till Nov.19)
Production dashboard not updated
Safety instruction matrix is not available on shop floor
WIP process wise areas to be marked, type of WIP area missing
Staff not having PPEs compliance
Restricted areas / Do not enter areas to be marked on floor
Welding area, curtains are torn
PPEs compliance not found in welding area, awareness missing, found using white glasses instead of black one
Gangue marking missing
Lux level very low in daytime
Propane area expire license displayed of 31/03/2019
5S was not evident on shop floor
PPEs compliance evident at worker level, staff was non-compliant on operations, compliance of PPEs was missing,
welder operator not wearing mask
ETP area: PPEs not displayed
ETP area: compliance not found
ETP area: registers not reviewed
ETP area: Work instructions missing
5S was not maintained at floor improvement is required near welding area/Disc Line/SLR/Paint shop
Material identification/Tagging was missing
WIP areas defined, Process wise WIP in the areas to be defined
Air quality was not ok, lot of smog near butt welders/Welding areas
1 Supplier assessment for Shyamlal ,IEMCO and BSPL was not available closed 1/11/2020
2 Audit plan, report of the above mentioned supplier should be made available closed 1/10/2020
3 Action plan for the closure of supplier audit done in the month of Aug 19 closed 1/10/2020
4 Improvement plan
5 Improvement plan target date should be within 30 days closed 1/8/2020
6 Scoring requirement for the supplier assessment should be revised closed 1/7/2020
7 Scoring rating criteria should be defined closed 1/7/2020
8 CSR copy to be available with RM closed 1/8/2020
9 Continual improvement or Kaizen from supplier should be taken (at least 2 year) closed 1/11/2020
10 Supplier agreement should be made closed 1/11/2020
11 Quality agreement sheet with SKRM and slitting supplier should be available closed 1/10/2020
12 Escalation matrix for RM to be defined(if not meeting the delivery date) SANDEEP SHARMA closed 1/9/2020
13 Date should be mentioned in PPAP document and approved signature soud be present closed 1/10/2020
14 PSW should be signed from supplier(shymlal,iemco,bspl)
15 Delivery performance of supplier (shymlal,iemco,bspl) closed 1/11/2020
16 Analysis and action required for process capability trend should be made available closed 1/9/2020
17 Tag identification is not clear 1/12/2020
18 Display board should
Quality inspection have
area WI, FIFO,
should colour
be there andcoding,
qualityPE equipment
acceptance criteria along with use of instrument should be
19 made available closed 1/7/2020
20 tag holder should be there for verification
21 QA acceptance stamp to be made available closed 1/8/2020
22 QMS policy should be displayed closed 1/8/2020
23 Stock day bad its consumption day must be mentioned on the display board
24 Stone flooring required for RM
25 contigency plan should be available for failure of crane SANDEEP SHARMA closed 1/7/2020
26 semi finished goods should be taken off
27 FR and LR storing pallets are not good condition VIJAY KHUMBHAR
28 Reason for the sudden increase and decrease in graph must be available in monitoring chart closed 1/8/2020
29 Display of rejection and rework in-house to be displayed closed 1/8/2020
30 Updation of kaizen gallery 1/12/2020
31 Moving goods identification tag required closed 1/8/2020
32 Identification of material not evident closed 1/8/2020
33 NG product identification not present closed 1/7/2020
34 Specification sheet do not have signature of supervisor closed 1/11/2020
35 Red hot trimmed part falling in front of operators safety issue 1/14/2020
36 Quality policy to be displayed on shop floor also
37 Rejection bin is in damaged condition closed 1/7/2020
38 Rework process should be reflected in WI closed 1/10/2020
39 Ear plug not used in shop floor closed 1/8/2020

Skill matrix evaluation criteria and action plan evidence for GAP identification not identified closed 1/8/2020
41 Disposal of chips practice have to be done(gutter machining)
42 WI, check sheet should be made near the machine closed 1/10/2020
43 Identification of material not evident in Assy line
44 LPM machine calibration status not available closed 1/10/2020
45 All man cooler is dusty and black
46 list of POKA YOKE for rim line and ctq parameter should be made available. 2/15/2020
47 Bolt hole PCD gauge use not evident closed 1/7/2020
48 SI sheet not followed for in process inspection closed 1/8/2020
49 Separate sheet should be used for different process in DL MR KAUSHIK SHARMA
Product not meeting with defined specification i.e. run out spec for disc is given 0.3 max but obs 0.36, 0.33 closed 1/11/2020
51 lack of identification tag in RL
54 BSD is defined as CTQ parameter but POKA YOKE for the same is not identified 1/15/2020
55 All machine are black coloured because of dust
56 Poka Yoke list must contain Poka Yoke for CTQ parameters 1/15/2020
57 Kaize, Improvement, rejection, rework, for last two month must be displayed closed 1/10/2020
58 External lab certificate should be available for all pressure gauge 1/12/2020
59 Gap found in skill matrix of AL
60 PPE's use at planishing area not evident
61 Stage inspection report not followed for major/critical parameters of assembley
62 Machine parameter recording sheet not maintained
63 Material kept at shop floor without identification
65 Action plan against the non achiving targets must be defined closed 1/9/2020
66 Skill matrix format needs improvement MR BALDEV SHARMA closed 1/9/2020
67 Parts must not be kept on the floor, rubber mats must be used closed 1/9/2020
69 Dates and signature for the participation for the training must be present MR BADRINATH closed 1/10/2020
70 CSR to be displayed in PDI area MR BADRINATH closed 1/10/2020
71 WI control number not available in FG area
72 Identification not available for lock ring which came ack from warehouse MR PRADIP closed 1/11/2020
73 In FG area rework wheels and FG wheels are kept together in open space MR PRADIP closed 1/11/2020
74 behind utility area reworking is done and many wheels are lying without identification
75 Reworking zone is not documeneted
76 NO identification of customer returne wheels,rework and FG material
77 No board identification available for TATA MOTORS WHEELS MR PRADIP closed 1/11/2020

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