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Reg: Type: TADS or MAAN


Expanded series test schedule for 3-axis microlight aeroplanes

Limitations & Units:

ASI Units: Vmin: Vmax: Va: Vf1: Vf2:
ALT Units: Min: Max:
RPM: Limit: Coolant Temp: Limit:
CHT Limit: EGT Limit:
Pitch: Limits: Bank: Limits:
Crew : Safety Equipment:
Other limitations:
(Abandonment criteria?)

1. Introduction

First flight of a new aircraft.

The first flight of a prototype or a newly built kit aircraft should normally be flown by the test pilot alone.
This flight should be a “shakedown” flight, ideally flown solo and confined to general handling only to
establish the correct functioning of the engine and systems, and basic FCMC checks. CG should be at mid
position and the take off weight should be less than MAUW. This flight should be followed by a detailed
inspection of the engine and airframe.

Subsequent flights.

The second flight should establish ASI calibration data, if required, and should be flown at similar CG
and weight to the first flight. Basic stability and control should be examined.

When the test pilot is satisfied that the aircraft is ready, he will proceed to the airworthiness test schedule.

The following details what the requirements are, and describes the test conditions required, the test points
and leaves space for the results.

(a) Issue of this test schedule alone does not give authority to fly. This must be given separately on a form
BMAA/AW/029, a CAA Permit to Fly for Test Purposes, or aircraft manufacturer’s B-conditions certificate of release
for flight.
(b) The order of tests may be re-arranged at the discretion of the project test pilot, whilst maintaining the requirement for
less hazardous tests to be carried out first. Intermediate tests may also be required at the project TP’s discretion.
(c) Please carefully read the authorising document(s) which will show the reasons for issue of this schedule, and which
parts of the schedule are required.
(d) It is anticipated that about 3 sorties will be required, all going well – but recording space is available for tasks which
extend beyond that.
(e) S251 Vibration and Buffeting During all flight testing record any undue vibration, aerodynamic buffet, control cable
instability etc that could potentially cause a problem to safe flight, fatigue life of the structure/ controls etc.

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2. General
Please detail conditions for each sortie (If necessary, please attach a continuation sheet):

Sortie No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start time:

Shutdown time:


Other relevant
conditions (e.g.
ballast, special
configuration changes):


3. Authorisation
Confirm all authorising documents checked and current prior to trial:

Please list authorising document references:

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4. Pre-Flight & Ground Test
Authority to proceed/ Permit to Test: Start date:

Expiry date:

POH (S1581): Present and complete? Y / N

(4a) Controls (S777):

Flying Controls: Engine Controls:

Elevator/Stabilator: SAT/UNSAT Throttle: SAT/UNSAT
Ailerons: SAT/UNSAT Mixture/Choke: SAT/UNSAT
Rudder: SAT/UNSAT Fuel Cock: SAT/UNSAT
Flaps: SAT/UNSAT / NP Fuel Booster Pump: SAT/UNSAT / NP
Pitch Trim: SAT/UNSAT / NP

(NP = Not Present)

(4b) Cockpit View (S773): Comment upon field of View:

(4c) Equipment:

Safety Harness/Straps (S785): SAT/UNSAT

Canopy/Door Fastening/Locking (S807): SAT/UNSAT (if applicable)
Seat/ Rudder Pedal Adjustment: (S777): SAT/UNSAT (if applicable)

Note any changes from standard cockpit arrangement:

Comment upon acceptability of changes:

(4d) Instruments (S1321):

List Instruments fitted with comment upon range of operation (if different from MAAN)
Comment upon usability and visibility of each instrument

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(4e) Switches (S777; S1541):

Correctly Placarded: SAT/UNSAT (list unsat placards in defect log)

Correct and appropriate functioning: SAT/UNSAT

(4f) Start and Static Engine Run:

Idle RPM:

Record max static engine parameters:

RPM………….. CHT……………
EGT…………… Fuel Press………

Magneto/CDI check RPM……….. Mag drop L…………..R…………..

5. Taxying
S233 General Assessed during
Adequate control whilst taxying SAT/UNSAT sortie No.s:
Tendency to ground loop? Yes/No
Braking normal and satisfactory? Yes / No

6. Take-off S51/143

Flap Setting: (if applicable)

Trim Position:

Handling technique: Assessed during

sortie No.s:
Rotate speed:
Speed at 50’:

Comment on Behaviour:

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7. Upper Air

(7a) Climb

Timed Climb through minimum 2,000 ft at POH best climb speed, Assessed during
Altimeter set to 1013hPa, recording time and height at intervals of no sortie No.s:
greater than 500ft, test to be carried out in still air at weights not less
than 95% MTOW.

Where best climb speed is not known or in question, sawtooth climbs

should be carried out to identify this speed, which should be reported
separately using appendix B.

Climb speed used: Aircraft mean weight through test:


Height Time VSI Height Time VSI

Maximum engine temperatures and pressures during climb

Unit Maximum value Unit Maximum value

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Assessed during
(7b) Handling sortie No.s:

a) Check ability to make smooth transitions to turns, level, pitch up and down at all powers and engine idle/off. Assess pilot
input forces required, skill levels and comment on safety when using non standard control combinations.
b) Fly in the rain, test all engine powers and engine at idle.
c) If control forces are high, measure loads to check compliance with temporary and prolonged load applications. (i.e. 20
daN temporary and 2daN prolonged for pitch etc)

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Demonstrate safe control Climb Yes/No
Ability to make smooth Turns Yes/No
transitions. Level Yes/No
Pitch up and down Yes/No
All powers inc idle. Yes/No
Control forces Typical of type? Pitch?
Wing flaps?

8. Glide performance Assessed during

sortie No.s:

S 71 Descent rate power off in en-route trim condition at maximum weight. VSI indication is not an
accurate method for determination of descent rate – but should be recorded if one is fitted to check the
instrument. Difference between test heights should be at-least 500ft, test to be carried out in still air,
using POH best glide speed unless found unsatisfactory (see note below).

First height: Glide speed used:

ft IAS
Second height: Time between: Average VSI reading (if fitted):

ft seconds fpm

Where best glide speed is not known or in question, sawtooth glides should be carried out to identify this
speed, which should be reported separately using appendix B.

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9. Stalls

S201 Wings level stall

Stalling will be investigated at minimum and maximum AUW over the declared CG range for the weight
conditions. Maximum weight FWD Cg and light weight AFT should suffice.
a) Straight and level trimmed to 1.4Vs (trimmer to remain at this position during testing), reduce speed
1kt/s; record speed when a/c pitches down (or pitches and rolls). If no pitch break occurs pull to
control stops, hold for 2 seconds then record speed. Check roll and yaw correct sense up to the point
of stall. Repeat this test for engine idle and maximum continuous power and at all mass & CG
b) Record any tendency to roll during the stall; must be possible to limit roll to 20 degrees using
c) Record altitude loss for stall recovery

And for Recovery

S207 Recovery from the stall
a) Record the nature of the stall warning; if no perceivable warning (i.e. buffet, exceptionally high nose
attitude etc) then: 1) Check roll can be corrected at stall speed with yaw control neutral; 2) Check no
appreciable (<20 degrees) of wing drop occurs with roll and yaw controls neutral.
b) If the wing drop criteria of (a) above was not met then test for: 1) Distinctive stall warning in level
and turning flight; 2) Onset speed of warning; must be high enough to maintain control prior to stall.
3) Report the nature of the warning.
c) N/A ; 3 Axis a/c

Max Weight/ Forward CG

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Engine idle Trimmed speed: IAS
No. Config CR
Trim at ~1.4Vs Weight: kg
Decel 1kt per sec
Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Engine idle Trimmed speed: IAS
No. Config LAND
Trim at 1.4Vs Weight: kg
Decel 1kt per sec
Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Max continuous Trimmed speed: IAS
No. power
Config CR Weight: kg
Trim at 1.4Vs
Decel 1kt per sec RPM used:

Stall Warn IAS

Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

Sortie Max continuous Trimmed speed: IAS

No. power1
Config LAND Weight: kg
Trim at 1.4Vs
Decel 1kt per sec Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

Note: If the use of maximum continuous power results in extreme pitch attitudes, consult the technical
office who will advise what power settings should be used.

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Light Weight/ Aft CG

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Engine idle Trimmed speed: IAS
No. Config CR
Trim at ~1.4Vs Weight: kg
Decel 1kt per sec
Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Engine idle Trimmed speed: IAS
No. Config LAND
Trim at 1.4Vs Weight: kg
Decel 1kt per sec
Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

Sortie Max continuous Trimmed speed: IAS

No. power2
Config CR Weight: kg
Trim at 1.4Vs
Decel 1kt per sec RPM used:

Stall Warn IAS

Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

Note: If the use of maximum continuous power results in extreme pitch attitudes, consult the technical
office who will advise what power settings should be used.

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Max continuous Trimmed speed: IAS
No. power3
Config LAND Weight: kg
Trim at 1.4Vs
Decel 1kt per sec Stall Warn IAS
Stall IAS
Height Loss ft………….
Wing drop: ° L/R
Severity of pitch break:

Roll greater than 20°? Yes/No

Recovery control Sat/Unsat
Comment (stall

S203 Turning Flight Stalls

a) Stall in 30 degree bank turn, record nature of recovery; must not roll more than 30 degrees into turn,
60 degrees out, check for spinning tendencies. Test full power and engine idle across mass/CG range
b) Record the altitude loss for turning stall recovery

Heavy/Fwd CG
Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
Engine at idle. Warning IAS IAS
Config CR Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
Engine at idle.

Note: If the use of maximum continuous power results in extreme pitch attitudes, consult the technical
office who will advise what power settings should be used.

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Config LAND Warning IAS IAS
Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
continuous RPM:
power4 Warning IAS IAS
Config CR Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
continuous RPM:
power Warning IAS IAS
Config LAND Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N

Ensure recovery satisfactory and typical of type- comment separately on any unsatisfactory or
atypical tendencies.

Note: If the use of maximum continuous power results in extreme pitch attitudes, consult the technical
office who will advise what power settings should be used.

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Light/Aft CG
Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
Engine at idle. Warning IAS IAS
Config CR Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
Engine at idle.
Config LAND Warning IAS IAS
Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
continuous RPM:
power5 Warning IAS IAS
Config CR Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N

Note: If the use of maximum continuous power results in extreme pitch attitudes, consult the technical
office who will advise what power settings should be used.

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Stall in 30° Trimmed speed:
No. banked turn,
left and right. Weight:
continuous RPM:
power Warning IAS IAS
Config LAND Stall: IAS IAS
Altitude Loss ft ft
Wing drop?: ° L /R ° L /R

Not more that 30° into Y/N Y/N

Or 60° out of turn?:

Uncontrollable roll or
spinning tendencies? Y/N Y/N

Ensure recovery satisfactory and typical of type- comment separately on any unsatisfactory or
atypical tendencies.

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10. Control

(10a) Simulated Sudden Engine Failure

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Height sufficient for Simulated sudden engine Trim speed used:
No. safe recovery, take- failure (close throttle), IAS
off configuration, pause 2 seconds with stick Lowest speed seen:
lightweight/aft, held still, attempt to IAS
trimmed at ~1.3Vs, recover to approach speed.
initially full throttle.. Flap setting:

Did aircraft stall? Yes / No

(If yes) what were stall


Any tendency to spin? Yes / No

Height lost in recovering to

approach speed:

Any concerns over handling or

attitude changes?

Sortie Height sufficient for Simulated sudden engine Trim speed used:
No. safe recovery, take- failure (close throttle), IAS
off configuration, pause 2 seconds with stick Lowest speed seen:
MTOW/fwd, held still, attempt to IAS
trimmed at ~1.3Vs, recover to best glide
initially full throttle, speed. Did aircraft stall? Yes / No
POH recommended
initial (after take-off) (If yes) what were stall
climb speed. characteristics?

Any tendency to spin? Yes / No

Height lost in recovering to best

glide speed:

Any concerns over handling or

attitude changes?

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(10b) High speed flight

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Nil turbulence, Dive to speed exceeding VNE Stick force always increasing
No. power as required, but not beyond VDF, increasing adequately?:
to recover above speed slowly, small stick and
1500ft agl, rudder “raps” at each speed
lightweight/aft, increase. Response to small control inputs?:
If VNE cannot reasonably be Any tendency to flutter?:
achieved, note maximum
speed achievable and reasons
for limitation.
Any DR or SPO excited?:

Max. speed seen?:


Handling OK on recovery?:

Sortie Nil turbulence, Dive to speed exceeding VNE Stick force always increasing
No. power as required, but not beyond VDF, increasing adequately?:
to recover above speed slowly, small stick and
1500ft agl, rudder “raps” at each speed
MTOW/fwd, increase Response to small control inputs?:
Any tendency to flutter?:
If VNE cannot reasonably be
achieved, note maximum
speed achievable and reasons
Any DR or SPO excited?:
for limitation.
Max. speed seen?:

Handling OK on recovery?:

(10c) Lateral and Directional Control (S147)

All tests in this section at MTOW/Fwd

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Roll control Speed used: IAS
No. 1.3Vs
Config CR Roll from 30° to 30° Right Time: ………………secs
Roll from 30° to 30° Left Time: ………………secs
Must be less than 5 secs
Amount of roll control used:
Any undemanded motion? Yes/No
Roll control adequate? Yes/No

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Roll control Roll from 30° to 30° Right Time: ………………secs
No. 1.3Vso Roll from 30° to 30° Left Time: ………………secs
Config LAND Must be less than 5 secs
Amount of roll control used:
Any undemanded motion? Yes/No
Roll control adequate? Yes/No
Sortie Roll control Speed used: IAS
Config CR Roll from 30° to 30° Right Time: ………………secs
Roll from 30° to 30° Left Time: ………………secs
Must be less than 5 secs
Amount of roll control used:
Any undemanded motion? Yes/No
Roll control adequate? Yes/No
Sortie Roll control Roll from 30° to 30° Right Time: ………………secs
No. VFE Roll from 30° to 30° Left Time: ………………secs
Config LAND Must be less than 5 secs
Amount of roll control used:
Any undemanded motion? Yes/No
Roll control adequate?: Yes/No

(10d) Pitch Control Force in Manoeuvres (S155)

Check control forces increase with a/c acceleration (g) whilst recovering from manoeuvres.
a) Accelerate to VH, descend in wind up turn, increase pitch force whilst increasing bank angle; maintain
b) N/A; 3-axis control

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Config CR. Descend in Trim speed: IAS
No. wind up turn, VH (trimmed
to VH6 or fastest trimmable Test Airspeed used: IAS
speed below that)
Pitch force continuously
increasing YES/NO

Maximum g achieved:

Pitch force:
Back-stick force at max g
achieved daN

VH is maximum achievable speed in level flight

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie As above, with Config Trim speed: IAS
No. LAND, trimmed to VFE–5
kn (or nearest achievable) Test Airspeed used: IAS

CAUTION: check g-limits Pitch force continuously

with flaps, may be increasing YES/NO
Maximum g achieved: Pitch force:

Back-stick force at max g daN


11. Trim
S161. Demonstrate ability to trim a/c in pitch, roll and yaw at a speed between 1.3Vs to 2Vs in each

(11a) Max Weight/Fwd CG

Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Config CR, Throttle closed Speed used: IAS
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config CR, Throttle full Speed used: IAS

Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config LAND, Throttle Speed used: IAS

No. closed
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config LAND, Throttle Speed used: IAS

No. full
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

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(11b) Light Weight/ Aft CG
Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Config CR, Throttle closed Speed used: IAS
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config CR, Throttle full Speed used: IAS

Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config LAND, Throttle Speed used: IAS

No. closed
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

Sortie Config LAND, Throttle Speed used: IAS

No. full
Will a/c trim hands off ? Yes/No

12. Stability
S171 General
The aircraft must demonstrate suitable control feel and stability during manoeuvre; this test may be co-
ordinated with S143 above. Any adverse feel or stability must be commented upon separately.

(12a) Trim Speed Band (S173)

Test trim speed band to ensure a/c returns to within 10% of trim speed when disturbed;

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Trim for level flight, Trimmed speed:
No. config CR, IAS
MTOW/fwd, RPM:
evaluate trim speed
band. Altitude: IAS

Minimum of speed band:

Maximum of speed band:

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Trim for level flight, Trimmed speed:
No. config LAND, IAS
MTOW/fwd, RPM:
evaluate trim speed
band. Altitude: IAS

Minimum of speed band:

Maximum of speed band:

Sortie Trim for level flight, Trimmed speed:

No. config CR, IAS
Lightweight/aft, RPM:
evaluate trim speed
band. Altitude: IAS

Minimum of speed band:

Maximum of speed band:

Sortie Trim for level flight, Trimmed speed:

No. config LAND, IAS
Lightweight/aft, RPM:
evaluate trim speed
band. Altitude: IAS

Minimum of speed band:

Maximum of speed band:

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(12b) Demonstration of static longitudinal Stability (S175 )
a) Record the force vs speed curve for the following flight conditions: For first example of type (or if
requested), attach graphs of apparent LSS at Fwd and Aft CG conditions, otherwise test at furthest aft
readily attainable CG. Otherwise, the table below is sufficient information.

1) Climb at 1.4Vs at maximum power

2) Cruise at maximum level flight
3) Cruise at Vne
4) Approach at 1.3Vs (or established approach speed), engine running
5) Approach at 1.3Vs engine off

All tests at lightweight-aft in this section.

Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie General data Weight:


Sortie Climb at 1.4Vs1, max Speed used IAS

No. power.
+15%, Perceptible Push Force? Yes/No
-15%, Perceptible Pull Force? Yes/No
Sortie VH (or maximum Speed achieved IAS
No. trimmable speed
below this) +15%, Perceptible Push Force? Yes/No
-15%, Perceptible Pull Force? Yes/No
Sortie VREF (approach RPM:
No. speed), IDLE pwr
Config PA (approach Speeds used (trim, min, max) IAS
+15%, Perceptible Push Force? Yes/No
-15%, Perceptible Pull Force? Yes/No
Sortie VNE Max speed used: IAS
Force increasing to VNE? Yes/No

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(12c) Lateral and Directional Stability (S177)
a) A/C Straight and level apply opposite roll yaw and check side slip angle proportional to control
forces. (this does not have to be linear)
b) Fly a/c in side slip and check any further changes to a/c orientation is progressive (i.e. higher forces
to increase; reduce force to recover to straight and level); it need not be linear but must not reverse.

All tests at lightweight-aft in this section.

Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie General data Weight:
No. CG:

Sortie Cruise configuration, Airspeed: IAS

apply roll
oppose with yaw. Sideslip angle proportional to Left: Yes/No
(Steady heading control forces? Right Yes/No
Control force increases
Maximum speed VA progressively with sideslip? Yes/No
Tendency to reverse /
overbalance? Yes/No
Sortie Configuration Airspeed: IAS
apply roll
oppose with yaw. Sideslip angle proportional to Left: Yes/No
(Steady heading control forces? Right Yes/No
Control force increases
Maximum speed, progressively with sideslip? Yes/No
lower of VA and Tendency to reverse /
VFE. overbalance? Yes/No
Additional checks during Steady heading sideslips:
Sortie Any significant pitch motion? Yes / No
Any significant ASI, VSI or Yes / No
altimeter errors appearing?

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(12d) Dynamic Stability (S181)

All tests at lightweight-aft in this section.

Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie Trim at ~1.1Vs Speed used: IAS
No. Induce pitch oscillation
(pitch doublet) Stick free. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
time to damp

Stick fixed. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____

time to damp
Sortie Trim at ~1.1Vs Induce Pedals free. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
No. yaw /roll oscillations time to damp
(rudder doublet)

Pedals fixed Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____

time to damp


Sortie Trim at VH Speed achieved: IAS

No. Induce pitch oscillation
(pitch doublet) Stick free. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
time to damp

Stick fixed. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____

time to damp
Sortie Trim at VH Induce yaw Pedals free. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
No. /roll oscillations (rudder time to damp

Pedals fixed Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____

time to damp


Sortie VNE Speed used: IAS

No. Induce pitch oscillation
(pitch doublet) Stick free (only Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
required if VNE time to damp
Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
Stick fixed. time to damp

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Test Condition Required Test Points Results
Sortie VNE Induce yaw /roll Pedals free. Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____
No. oscillations (rudder time to damp

Pedals fixed Undamped / ___ cycles to damp / ____

time to damp


13. Landing
S171 Stability and Control during landing

Test Condition Required Test Points Results

Sortie Demonstrate safe stability Descent Yes/No
No. and control during Landing power on Yes/No
landing using techniques Landing power off Yes/No
and speeds recommended
by POH.

14. Take-off and landing in crosswind (Should opportunity arise, S235)

Investigate ability to control cross-wind landings.

Flap Setting: (if applicable) Assessed during

Trim Position: sortie No.s:
Runway Alignment: ………………

Comment on Behaviour:

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)


I have carried out the flight testing required by the attached schedule and also carried out an in-flight ASI
calibration in smooth air which is attached on a form BMAA/AW/043 (note: AW/043a is also available
for convenience when calibrating aircraft with a wider speed range).

Copies of my test cards are / are-not attached. (Copies are to be retained by the pilot if they were not
submitted to the BMAA).

Provisional operating limitations have been entered in the aircraft logbook and placarded. Record of all
test flying has been made in the aircraft logbook(s).

For initial certification a comprehensive Post Flight Report (PFR)will be required.

For routine testing this may not be necessary

Additional PFR Attached YES/NO (_____ pages)

Additionally, a report will be required documenting any of the following:

- Failures to comply
- Changes to design
- Classified** recommendations for improvement
- Other design comment
- Recommendations/advice for inclusion in POH/AFM

Additional report attached YES/NO (_______ pages)

I certify that the Schedule has been completed and that the aircraft complies with the approval basis and,
subject to completion of any endurance and noise testing requirements, is fit for the award of a Permit to

Name:………………………… Signature:………………………………..

BMAA No: ……………….. Date: …………………………

Classify deficiencies Unsatisfactory or Unacceptable, and recommendations as desirable, highly
desirable or essential.

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)

Appendix A to form BMAA/AW/051
Takeoff & Landing Performance

S 51; The takeoff distance at 95% MTOW or above from rest to attaining 15m (50ft) at a speed of not
less than1.3Vs or Vs1+10 kn must be determined when taking off from dry, level, short grass. The
speeds given in the POH should be used, or if they are found incorrect, a report attached recommending
Take Off
1 2 3 4 5 6 (Spare1) (Spare2)

Time to
IAS at

Time to 15m

IAS at 15m

S 75; The landing on a dry, level, short grass surface at maximum weight in zero wind from a height of
15m (50ft) must be determined for the recommended approach speed. The data used below is based upon
the “timed segment” method, other methods may be used by prior agreement with the technical office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 (Spare1) (Spare2)

Time 15m
to T/D

IAS at T/D
Time T/D
to stop

Common data
(Runway) Surface Aircraft Weight:
Runway in use: QFE:

Slope: OAT:

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)

Appendix B to form BMAA/AW/051
B1 Sawtooth climbs – this appendix need only be used if best climb speed is in question.
Sortie No. Mean test Lower test Upper test Height ISA ± Mean
weight: height: height: difference: σ7

kgf ft ft ft °C

Test No → 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time, s →
=CAS * σ
Climb rate, fpm8 →
= 60 * height difference / time
Climb angle →
 RoC  −1
= sin  
 TAS *1.686 

2000 25


1600 20


Climb angle, degrees

Rate of climb, fpm

1200 15


800 10


400 5


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
knots CAS
Best rate climb speed = _____ kn CAS = _____IAS Best angle climb speed = ____ kn CAS = ____ IAS

Calculate from form AW/043
DO NOT use VSI reading.

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)

B2 Sawtooth glides - this appendix need only be used if best glide speed is in question.

Sortie No. Mean test Upper test Lower test Height ISA ± Mean
weight: height: height: difference: σ9

kgf ft ft ft °C

Test No → 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time, s →
=CAS * σ
Sink rate, fpm10 →
= 60 * height difference / time
glide angle →
 RoD 
= sin −1  
 TAS * 1.686 

knots CAS
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 20

100 18

200 16

300 14

Glide angle, degrees

Rate of descent, fpm

400 12

500 10

600 8

700 6

800 4

900 2

1000 0

Minimum sink speed = _____ kn CAS = _____IAS Best glide angle speed = ____ kn CAS = ____ IAS

Calculate from form AW/043
DO NOT use VSI reading.

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)

B3 Pro-forma for calculating weight and balance, to be used at Test Pilot’s discretion

Sortie No:
Mass Moment Arm Moment
Basic aircraft
Observer (if carried)
Ballast (if carried)

Sortie No:
Mass Moment Arm Moment
Basic aircraft
Observer (if carried)
Ballast (if carried)

Sortie No:
Mass Moment Arm Moment
Basic aircraft
Observer (if carried)
Ballast (if carried)

Sortie No:
Mass Moment Arm Moment
Basic aircraft
Observer (if carried)
Ballast (if carried)

Sortie No:
Mass Moment Arm Moment
Basic aircraft
Observer (if carried)
Ballast (if carried)

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Form BMAA/AW/051a issue 1(Nov 2005)

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