Uas Inggris Jan 7, 2023

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Jl. Walanda Maramis 31 Cengklik

Ujian Akhir Semester

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : 0 7 Jan 2023
Penguji : M. Taufiq Yunanto, ST.,MT Waktu : menit
Sifat : Buku Tertutup Semester :

Read, and understand its contents (pilih 2 bacaan diantara 4 )

I. Reading Practise : 1

Suramadu bridge, also known as the Surabaya-Madura Bridge finally connected on April
1, 2009. Longest bridge with three cable-stayed sections will connect Surabaya in Java
and in the city and at the island of Madura in Indonesia. The bridge will be the first to
cross the Madura Strait.
This bridge will have two lanes in each direction plus an emergency lane and a special
lane for motorcycles. When it is scheduled to be completed in June 2009, the 5.4
kilometer bridge will be the first land link between the two islands and the longest bridge
in Indonesia. Cable-stayed section will have three spans with a length of 192 m, 434 m
and 192 m. The total cost of the project, including connecting roads, has an estimated 4.5
trillion Rupiah (U.S. $ 390 million).

The rest targated work will be completed in June 2009 were:

1. Approach bridge in between causeway and main bridge of Surabaya side
2. Connecting road of Madura side

Longest bridge have 4 main parts of the structures :

1. Connecting road
2. Causeway
3. Approach Bridge
4. Main Bridge

Answer the following questions :

1. When The Suramadu Bridge tart connecting project?

2. How many Suramadu Bridge has spans and length ?
3. How much the cost of making The Suramadu Bridge ?
4. Mention the main structure of The Suramadu Bridge !

Reading Practise : 2

Planning pavement.

Pavement design can be grouped into:

1. Pavement thickness design, which was to determine pavement thickness and its parts, such
as a thick surface layer, a thick slab and others.

2. Pavement layer materials planning, which determines the type and quality of materials to
be used for pavement layers, for example: the requirement of asphalt, stone, concrete quality,
the quality of asphalt concrete and others.

To prepare the pavement to consider the following matters:

1. Pavement performance.

it relates to traffic, the traffic volume and axle load of vehicles that will be passed.

2. Age of performance or pavement plan.

design life is the time of year counted from pavement (road) was opened to traffic until
repairs needed weight. during the life of this plan, expected pavement free of heavy repair

3. initial conditions and the condition of the pavement.

is related to the condition of the pavement (defect / damage) at the beginning of the age of the
plan and level pavement condition is still acceptable at the end of life plans.

answer this question:

1. what is the planning of pavement thickness?

2. what is the planning of pavement layer materials?

Reading practise : 3


All living creatures (makhluk) are in need of the existence of the river.

in doing engineering on a river so that we can benefit from it, we must know the properties of
natural and adjust our actions are friendly to the properties so that the natural equilibrium
(keseimbangan) would not be disturbed.

for this purpose we need to study the elements and obey the laws of nature both qualitative
and quantitative shape properties of the river.

that engineering measures based on the river without the knowledge of its properties and do
not obey the laws of nature, not of success but a disaster that will be obtained (diperoleh).

Potential, and usability that can be taken from a river.

1. water. Water is a necessity for the survival of all creatures. water to support food
production: soil wetting irrigation, fisheries.

2. flow. along with water will produce energy, pollution and provide cleaner facilities.

3. groove. road transport and elements of defense and security, especially in the past.

4. sediment. can be used as building material, shape and fertilize the land.

5. valley, delta. can be developed as residential areas, agriculture and industry.

Answer the following questions:

 Explain what the reading above is about?

 Specify the potential, and usability that can be taken from a river ?\

Reading Practise : 4

How to Fight Against Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that really threatens our planet. It potentially brings us
horrible disaster. Nowdays , the effect of global warming has been felt more severely.
Therefore, we should do some considerable actions to reduce global warming.

Here are two important steps to help save our earth from the disaster caused by global
warming. We have to do them and persuade all of our family and our friends to do them.

First of all, save energy. The less energy we use, the less pollution we create. This will reduce
the amount of greenhouse gases which create global warming. Use electricity wisely. Try to
cut the use of motor vehicle.

Second ,plant some trees. Trees absorb carbondioxide which is one of greenhouse gases.
Don’t cut down the tree unless you really need to do it.

Those are just of many things we can to do stop global warming. We have to do them for our
planet and our life.

Answer the question :

1. what is the topic of the speech? .

2. why does a tree help to reduce global warming.

3. how to save the planet for our lives?

II. Arranging jumbled words

Arrenge the following jumbled words to form meaningful sentences. Write the correct
sentence in the spaces provided.

1. Can’t improve – the government – the country’s economy – the riots – because of
2. completion schedulu - the project work – procurement affect – weather factors and
3. yesterday morning – the project – you go to – did – what time
4. auction soon – will announce – public works agency - contruction work
5. and selected sand – is a mixture – of crushed stone – the foundation – layer
6. crushed stone fraction & sand & asphalt – is a mixture of– hot asphalt mixture
7. the specification – soil compaction – requirements – experiment does not meet
8. is very beautiful – on the island of Bali – which is located – the Nusa Dua bridge
9. the quality of work – in controlling – is important – control - quality
10. users and vehicles - element of -The road is - the traffic on the side road.

III. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya.

1. I scored twice in a football game 2 days a go

( - )…………………

( ? )…………………

2. Alisa bought a new fancy car

( - )………………….

( ? )……………………

3. You came late to her birthday party

( - )…………………..

( ? )………………….

4. He took the best choice five minutes a go

( - )………………………..

( ? )………………………..

5. They decided to hire me as their new employee

( - )………………

( ? )………………..

6. My uncle and I played badminton last Sunday

( - )………………..

( ? )……………..

7. The dancer blinked her eyes to me

( - )………….

( ? )………………..

8. Mr. Smith walked to his office this morning

( - )…………..

( ? )…………………

9. We kicked them out of this competition

( - )……………….

( ? )………………

10. The children lied to their parents

( - )……………..
( ? )…………….

IV. Choose the correct answers for the following questions by crossing
a, b, c, d, or e. ( atau beri tanda silang/X pada akhir kalimat
1. Obama : …….. the election?
Trump : it likely that the candidate from the opposition will wn.
a. What your plan for.
b. Who do you thing about.
c. What’s your prediction about.
d. What do you do for.
e. Whom do you choose in.
2. Before you begin, you should make sure that the stove works.
The above sentence is to ……..
a. Command
b. Complain
c. Ask for information
d. Permit
e. Prohibit
3. Suryo : I want to cancel my concert tonight. I thinh I’m to nervous.
Herman : …
Suryo : emm let me think of it twice.
a. You wan’t let me down, will you?
b. You should think abaout it.
c. There’s nothing to say.
d. I have no objection. (keberatan)
e. It’s crazy !
4. Suryo : Lisa look,, the plate is broken what have you done?
Lisa:….even I don’t know abaout it.
a. I have no idea about it.
b. I should admin I “ve done it.
c. I know who did that.
d. Are you accusing me of brsking the plate?
e. Are you accusing me of knowing nothing?
5. Hasan : you cheated Albet in the exam. It’s not what my student should
Boni : I am so regretful, Sir….
Ms. Ina : Alright. Keep your promise.
a. I promise I won’t do that next time.
b. I can do better next.
c. You’d better keep your promise.
d. I will try something new.
e. It is untrue.
6. Trisna : I can’t understand what Zaky did last night.
Osvaldo :……
Osvaldo wants to know Vitri’s motive that by saying….
a. Let me suggest you on it.
b. Is it really mean wrong?
c. What you mean by that?
d. Is it all you need to know?
e. Do you really know about it?
7. These are expressions to show agreement, except…
a. I think I’d accept that should be relocated.
b. I absolutely agree that the settlement should be relocated.
c. I’d go along with the idea that should be relocated.
d. It’s quite untrue that should be relocated.
e. I completely agree that the settlement should be relocated.
8. Fred : Excuse me, Sir. Do you have the time?
Lusi : Yes. What can I do for you?
Fred : Actually,…. about Carla He copied my homework but he got higher
mark than me.
a. I need to know.
b. I want to complain.
c. I’m curious. (aneh)
d. I’m certain.
e. I’m sorry.
9. Have a good time is an axpression to…
a. Introduce others.
b. Make good wish.
c. Show agreement.
d. Congratulate.
e. Persuade others. (membujuk orang lain)
10.Herman : it’s my bad performance.
Suryo : Hey, you’re doing fine. You just need more spirit. The underlined
sentence is an expression to…
a. Show possibility
b. Ask one’s motive.
c. Resolve conflict.
d. Give motivation.
e. Refuse request. (menolak)

Nama :…………..

NIM :………………

Tanda Tangan :

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