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Tayug, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2022-2023


SUBJECT: Oral Communication In Context Time Allotment: 5hrs

Grade Level: 11_12
Week 1
Topic: Nature and Elements of Communication
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
1.Defines communication
2.Explains the nature and process of communication.
3.Differentiates the various models of communication.
4.Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other.
5.Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
6.Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
7. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural dimension of communication situation with focus on
a. culture
b. gender
Learning Targets: The learners will be able to state:

1. explain the nature and process of communication;

2. recognize the importance of the models in understanding the communication process as applied in everyday life.
3. practice effective intercultural communication
Day 1:

1. Start the class with a short prayer

2. Checking of attendance
3. Discussion of the lesson
Start by motivation asking students about what is communication in their own.
Discuss the definition of communication and its nature
4. In the end of the lesson learners generalize things about communication

Day 2:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking the attendance of the students
3. The class review yesterday’s lesson
4. Discussion- Discuss the process and models of communication
5. In the end of the lesson,the learners differentiate the process and models of communication

Day 3:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. The class review yesterday’s lesson
4. Discussion of the lesson about the Five Elements of Communication
5. Short activty: Essay
Differentiate the verbal and non verbal communication
6. In the end of the lesson allow students to ask question about the lesson

Day 4;
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. Recall the subject yesterday
4. Discussion of the lesson about the Effective Communication Skills
5. In the end of the lesson allow students to ask question about the lesson
Day 5:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. Recall the subject yesterday
4. Discussion of the lesson about the Intercultural Communication
5. Group Activity
1. Imagine yourselves to be a group of individuals of different nationalities.
2. Think of a business you are interested to put up.
3. Think of a creative name for your business.
4. On the lines below, write what the business is about, who your prospective clients are,
and why you put up such business.
5. Do these in 10 minutes.
6. In the end of the lesson allow students to ask question about the lesson

Week 2
Topic: Functions Of Communication
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner values the functions/ purposes of oral communication.
1. Discusses the functions of communication.
2. Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s).
3. Watches and listens to sample oral communication activities.
4. Ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose.
5. Comprehends various kinds of oral texts.
6. Identifies strategies used by each speaker to convey his/her ideas effectively.
7. Evaluates the effectiveness of an oral communication activity.
Learning Targets: The learners will be able to state:
1. Discusses the function of communication
2. identifies the speaker’s purpose; and
3. recognize the importance of different communicative functions in our daily life

Day 1:
1. Start the class with a prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Based on the pictures, the students will identify which of the pictures can be categorized under regulation and control
4. Present and discuss function of communication
5. In the end of the lesson allow students to ask questions about the lesson
6. No homework will be submitted for the next session.
Day 2:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. Discussion of the lesson Function of Communication: Regulation/Control and Social Interaction
4. Give a short activity.
5.In the end of the lesson,Observe the activities happening throughout the day and list all of the verbal and non verbal
cuesunder Regulation/Control

Day 3:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. Discussion-Brief discussion of verbal and non verbal cues
4. In the end of the lesson allow students to ask question about the lesson

Day 4:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. The class review yesterday’s lesson
4. Short Recap about the lesson yesterday
5. Discussion- Discuss the strategies that are usedin the speech.
6. Tell students to bring coupon and pencil for tommorows activity.

Day 5:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of the students
3. Recall the activity yesterday
4. Activity:
On a clean sheet of paper, draw a comic strip based on the scenes of a chosen movie or TV show. Your challenge is to come up
with a comic strip that shows combinations of communicative functions.

Week 3
Topic: Communicative Competence Strategies In Various Speech Situations
CONTENT STANDARD: the learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context,
speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.
1. Identifies the various types of speech context
2. Exhibits appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior in a given speech context
3. Distinguishes types of speech style
4. Identifies social situations in which each speech style is appropriate to use
5. Observes the appropriate language forms in using a particular speech style
6. Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act

Learning Targets: The learners will be able to state:

1. Differentiate the two types of speech context by raising cultural awareness.
2. Understand the purpose of speech acts for effective communication
3. Practice interpersonal through active reading/listening and critical thinking on social media.

Day 1:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Starts with Motivation:
The teacher will group the students into four. Each group will receive an envelope with a set of jumbled letters. The
students will arrange the letters and come up with the following words.
4. Discussion
The teacher will discuss the Different Types of Speech Context and site some example.
5. The teacher will summarize the discussion and will ask the students to differentiate the different Types of Speech

Day 2:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. The teacher will show some pictures of various people to the class
4. The teacher will show 3 minutes video clip to the class
5. Discussion about The Speech Style
6. Activity:
The teacher will pose a picture in the slides and let the students identify what types of speech style is being presented.
7. In the end of lesson allow student to ask questions

Day 3:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Proceed to the new lesson which is the types of speech acts
4. Ask the learner about their ideas in the types of speech acts
5. Introduce the types speech acts and the meaning
6. In the end of lesson allow student to ask questions

Day 4:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review the lesson yesterday
4. Discussion about the topic Types of Communicative Strategy
5. In the of the lesson allow students to ask questions

Day 5:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Short Recap about the topic from Types of Speech context, Types of Speech Style, Types of Speech Act, Types of
Communicative Strategy
4. Activity:
Long quiz

Week 4
Topic: Types of Speeches
CONTENT STANDARD: realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
1. Distinguishes types of speeches
2. Uses principles of effective speech delivery in different situations.
3. Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing ono Audience profileo Logical organizationo Durationo Word choiceo
Grammatical correctness
4. Uses principles of effective speech delivery focusing ono Articulationo Modulationo Stage Presenceo Facial Expressions,
Gestures and Movementso Rapport with the audience
Learning Targets: The learners will be able to state:
1. Identify each type of speech style,
2. Distinguish the types of speech styles, and
3. Illustrate social situations in which each speech style is appropriate to use.

Day 1:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Motivation:
The teacher will group the students into four. Each group will receive an envelope with a set of jumbled letters. The
students will arrange the letters and come up with the following words.
4. The teacher will discuss the Different types of speech context and cite some examples.
5. The teacher will summarize the discussion and will ask the students to differentiate the different Types of Speech
6. In the end of lesson, students have an advance reading about Types of Speech Styles.

Day 2:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Discussion of the lesson about Types of Speeches According to Delivery
4. In the end of lesson allow student to ask questions

Day 3:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Motivation :The teacher will show a 3 minutes video clip to the class
4. The teacher will pose few questions to the class.
5. In the end of lesson allow students to answer the additional activities in Page 25 of their module. Write it in a 1 whole
sheet of paper

Day 4:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review the previous topic
4. Discussion of the lesson about Principles of Speech Writing
5. In the end of lesson allow student to ask questions

Day 5:
1. Start the class with a short prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review the lesson Types of Speeches
4. Activity:
Ask student to create their own speech in 15mins after that student were going to deliver their created speeches.
5. In the end of lesson allow student to ask questions

Submitted to:
Prepared by:Batallia,Mharilyn E.

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