Class 7 - Science - Motion and Time

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7

Chapter 13 – Motion and Time

1) Classify the following as motion along a straight line, circular or

oscillatory motion.
i) Motion of your hands while running
Ans: Oscillatory motion
During running the hands move to and fro and as this motion gets repeated after
certain time interval.Therefore it is oscillatory motion.

ii) Motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road

Ans: Straight line motion
As the horse cart is moving on a straight road. Therefore motion is along the
straight line.

iii) Motion of a child in a merry-go-round

Ans: Circular motion
Motion of the merry-go-round is circular. Therefore kids sitting inside it
experiences the circular motion.

iv) Motion of a child on a see-saw

Ans: Oscillatory motion
As the see-saw goes up and down continuously .Therefore it is oscillatory

v) Motion of the hammer of an electric bell

Ans: Oscillatory motion
When the hammer vibrates the bell it starts vibrating. It is an example of
oscillatory motion.

vi) Motion of a train on a Straight Bridge

Ans: Straight line motion
The train is moving on the straight bridge. It exhibits motion of a straight line.

Class VII Science 1

2) Which of the following are not correct?
i) The basic unit of time is second
Ans: Correct
SI unit of time is second.

ii) Every object moves with a constant speed

Ans: Not correct
Speed of object is constant or variable.

iii) Distances between two cities are measured in kilometers

Ans: Correct
The distance between two cities is very large. And as a kilometer is a bigger unit
therefore it is used to measure the distance between two cities.

iv) The time period of a given pendulum is not constant

Ans: Not correct
The time period depends upon the length of the thread. Therefore it will be
constant for a particular pendulum.

v) The speed of a train is expressed in m/h

Ans: Not correct
The speed of train is measured either in km/h or m/s.

3) A simple pendulum takes 32 s to complete 20 oscillations. What is the

time-period of the pendulum?
Ans: The time taken to complete one oscillation is known as time period of the

Time Period =
( Total time taken )
( Number of Oscillations )
Given: 20 oscillations taking 32s to complete.
1 oscillation will take =
( 32 ) sec = 1.6 second
( 20 )
 1.6s is the time period of the pendulum.

Class VII Science 2

4) The distance between two stations is 240 km . A train takes 4 hours to
cover this distance. Calculate the speed of the train.

Ans: Speed =
( Distance travelled )
( Time )
 Speed =
( 240 km )
( 4h )
Speed = 60 km / h

5) The odometer of a car reads 57,321.0 km when the clock shows the time
8.30 AM . The odometer reading was changed to 57,336.0 km . Calculate the
speed of the car in km/min during this time. Express the speed in km/h also.
Ans: Initial reading of the odometer of the car at 8:30 AM = 57321.0 km
Final reading of the odometer of the car 8:50 AM = 57336.0 km
The car starts at 8:30 AM and stops at 8:50 AM.
Distance covered by car = ( 57336 - 57321) km = 15 km
20 1
Time taken between 08:30 AM to 08:50 AM = 20minutes = hour hour
60 3
So Speed in km/min Speed =
( Distance travelled )
( Time )
 Speed =
(15km )
( 20min )
Speed = 0.75km / min
Speed in km/h
Speed =
( Distance travelled )
( Time )
 Speed =
(15km )
 Speed =
(15  3) km
(1h )
Speed = 45km / h

Class VII Science 3

6) Salma takes 15 minutes from her house to reach her school on bicycle. If
the bicycle has a speed of 2 m / s , calculate the distance between her house
and the school.
Ans : Speed = 2m / s
Time taken to reach school = 15 min
 15  60s = 900 s
Distance = ( Speed x Time )
 Dis tance = 2  900 = 1800m
Also 1km = 1000m
 Dis tan ce = 1800  = 1.8km.
The distance between her house and the school is 1.8 km.

7) Show the shape of the distance-time graph for the motion in the following
i) A car moving with a constant speed.
Ans: A car moving with a constant speed covers equal distance in equal intervals
of time. It will be a uniform motion.
Distance-time graph will be as below:

ii) A car parked on a side road.

Ans: A car parked on a road there is no change in the distance with the time. No
motion.Therefore the graph so obtained will be parallel to x-axis.
Distance- time graph will be as below:-

Class VII Science 4

8) Which of the following relations is correct?
1) Speed = ( Distance  Time )
 Distance 
2) Speed =  
 Time 
 Time 
3) Speed =  
 Distance 
 1 
4) Speed = 
 ( Distance  Time ) 
 
Ans: Speed of an object is given by the relation:-

 Distance 
Speed =  
 Time 

9) The basic unit of speed is:

1) km / min
2) m / min
3) km / h
4) m / s
Ans: m / s .
The unit of distance is meter (m) and of time is second(s).
 Distance 
Speed =  
 Time 
Therefore the basic unit of speed is m/s.

10) A car moves with a speed of 40 km / h for 15 minutes and then with a
speed of 60 km / h for the next 15 minutes. The total distance covered by
the car is:
1) 100 km
2) 25 km
3) 15 km
4) 10 km
Ans: 25 km
Case 1:
Speed = 40 km / h

Class VII Science 5

 15 
Time = 15 min =   hour
 60 

 15 
Distance ( d1 ) = Speed  Time = 40    = 10 km
 60 
Case 2:
Speed = 60 km / h
 15 
Time = 15 min =   hour
 60 
 15 
Distance ( d 2 ) = (Speed  Time ) = 60    = 15 km
 60 
Total distance ( d ) = ( d1 + d 2 ) = 10 km + 15 km = 25 km
Therefore total distance covered by the car = 25km.

11) Suppose the two photographs, shown in Fig. 13.1 and Fig.13.2, had been
taken at an interval of 10 seconds. If a distance of 100 meters is shown by 1
cm in these photographs, calculate the speed of the blue car.
Ans: With the help of the scale we will first measure the distance.
Suppose the distance measured is 2cm .
So, the distance covered d = 2 100 = 2m . (Because 1m = 100cm ).
Time taken = 10seconds.
 Distance   200m 
Speed =  =  = 20m / s.
 Time   10s 
Therefore the speed of the blue car = 20m / s.

12) Fig. 13.5 shows the distance-time graph for the motion of two vehicles A
and B. Which is one of them moving faster?

Class VII Science 6

Ans: In distance – time graph speed is measured by its slope.
Vehicle A is moving faster as the slope of the graph of A is more than the slope
of the graph B. Therefore Vehicle A is moving faster

13) Which of the following distance time-graph a truck moving with speed
which is not constant?.

Ans: (iii) as graph is not a straight line, it keeps on changing.

This shows that the truck is moving with variable speed.

Class VII Science 7

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