Communication Studies Term 1 Multiple Choice

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COMMUNICATION STUDIES * ‘This test consists of Section A (45 multiple choice questions) and SECTION 8 (1 essay question). ‘Answer the multiple choice questions on the answer sheet provided, and the essay question on your own paper. SECTION A 2. Communication conducted in an interpersonal context occurs only when a. Three or more people are communicating with each other at the same time. ». An individual interacts with another person. © An individual communicates with people with much disinterest. 4. Intimate conversation takes place in groups 2. What is meant by context of communication? 2. Effective communication b. An interference caused by faulty medium ¢. Non-verbal and verbal responses to messages / 4. A physical and psychological environment created for conversation or communication 3. In the entire communication process what does the term ‘encode’ mean? 8. Blocking any pathway between the sender and the receiver of the message b. Speaking toa crowd of people €. Interpreting the coded message 4. Transtating ideas into a code 4. Feedbackiin the communication process is really the listener's 2a. Negative reaction to the message ». Verbal critique of any message «. Verbal and non-verbal responses to amessage 4. Immediate acceptance of a message 5.n the communication process, to decode a message means to 2a. Translate ideas into a code b. Interpret a message c. Reject a message 4. Evaluate a message 6.1n the communication process, who decodes the message? a. Receiver b.Sender ©-Both the sender and the receiver d. None of the above scanned with Camscanner 7. Feedback comes in the form of 2. Psychological and environment noise ». Only non-verbal communication Only verbal communication 4. Both the non-verbal and verbal responses ofthe listener or receiver 3. Inthe communication process, nolse a. Enhances the message tat is being sent b. Lends focus to errant thoughts Allows the listener to lsten mare caefuly to the message 4. istorts or interferes withthe message 89. Which ofthe followings an example of a non-verbal message? a. Jargon b. Mumbiing bye contact 4. Yeling 10. One shouldbe aware that information given in error during interpersonal communication is 1. Retrievable reversible Forgivable d.fleversible, > 11. Effective communication of a message occurs when it 2. Can be repeated to the sender as proof of understanding bts delivered ina confident manner ls understood by the receivers and produces the intended results 4. Only communicated face-to-tace 432. Communication is 3a. None-way process where one person does al the talking whist the other stens b. An intrpersonal not an interpersonal process «. Impossible without the ably to speak and write 4. The interdependent process of sending, receving and understanding messages 13. A message is 2, Composed af only spoken words b. Athought, feeling or action sent from a source or sender toa receiver with the use of symbols Anonverbal communication d.Astrategic communication ~~ Scahnéd with CamScanner + Why do human beings communicate with each other? 4. To create and maintain our sense of identity '. To help create communities an to form and strengthen relationships © To create and convey information which may influence others 4. Forall ofthe above reasons 415. Which of the following is defined as “anything to which people attach meaning"? a. Message Noise «Symbol 4. Feedback 16. When you are thinking about a problem you are having with a friend, and it disturbs you to the Point where it prevents you from sleeping, you are engaging in which context of communication? 2. Intrapersonal communication ». Self communication «Interpersonal communication 4. Personal communication 117. Your teacher is conducting a lesson on how to organize a speech, but you are having trouble hhearing because the cleaner is using a vacuum In the room next door. This is an example of which of the following? a. Psychological noise ». Physiological nose Physical nose 4. Verbal noise Read Susan’s monologue below, then answer questions 18-23 “Lord, mi chile, every time mi go by Tantie, she does seh mi does talk too bad. She does say ah does chop up de words an dem and mix up de language too much. She does seh mi doesn’ ‘communicate’ right. Lord! Dem big words dere she expec mi to use. She does seh I must speak the standard language so that | may move up in society. An yu know, | say I was talking nice wid Merican accent an ting!" 18, What is Tantie’s attitude to the language variety used by this speaker? 2. Indiference b. Acceptance Shame 6.Pride 419, Which language register is used by the speaker in this excerpt? 2. Formal ». Casual Frozen 4. Consultative scanned with Camscanner according to Tanti, Standard English s superior eX Po 20. Which ofthe following is NOT a reason Why, the Creole? a. It promotes social mobility b. uses more impressive vocabulary than the Creole «Ibis more effective for communicating with others in society d.ttisthe ‘correct’ form of English 2LWhich ofthe following is NOT typical of the grammar of Trinidadian English Lexicon Creole? 1. ah does chop up.. dem big words dere everytime mi go by Tantie 4. de words an dem 22. Allof the following are arguments that can be used to convince Tantie that Susan fs speaking 2 language excent a.ttisverbal b. It can be used for every communicative function «thas its own rules 4. tean be used to entertain 23. The phrase “she does say” Isan example of 1. Habitual present tense ». Plural markers Locative verb 4. adjectival verb {Examine the following table which displays the linguistic groupings of eight Caribbean countries and answer tems 24-27. i 2 - 3 a ] Surname Teiee Tanto Doringo Gradetoure——] ‘Aruba Cariacou Puerto Rico Martinique | J 24, The official language of countries listed in column 3 is a. French b. Spanish Dutch English 25. Which is the popular language of countries listed in column 2? a. French Lexicon Creole English Lexicon Creole Spanish 4. Papiamento scanned with CamScanner In which of the following islands would persons from Bonaire be likely to encounter the most fatticulty communicating with locals? 2. Puerto Rico ». Guadeloupe ©. Curagao 4. Cariacou 27. Inwihich of the folowing territories are Mayan and Garifuna spoken by some of the locals? 2. Santo Domingo b. aruba Belize 4. Martinique 28. Creole languages inthe Caribbean are based mainly on grammatical structures from: a. England ». Africa France 4. The United states of America Read the following and answer ‘Jerome Philip, a news reporter with one of the television stations is doing a special in two days on. ‘drug use among teenagers in schools in your country. 29, Which method would be most stable for gthering primary data fr this esearch? a. Questionnaire ‘ bs Interviews «. Participant observation 4. Survey 30, Which of the following isa disadvantage to participant observation should he decide to use it? 2. Respondents are likely to alter their behaviour b.Itcan be used for large numbers of persons «. The researcher can better understand why respondents behave as they do 4d. Its easy for respondents to mislead the researcher ‘31, Which of the following is an advantage of the interview should he choose to use it? a. Itis costly bt protects the identity of the respondents «.Itallows the interviewer to probe for more information 4.1 allows tone of voice to influence the respondents 32, Which of the following data sources would provide the most information for Jerome's research? 1. The PITA. executive li, Secondary school students ii, Parents of secondary schoo! students Iv. Guidance counsellors a iland i b. tandiv & alone d. ilandv scanned with Camscanner 433, which ofthe following is NOT characteristic of Primary research? ‘a. The information is subjective +b, The information is based on published material f «First hand information is ob 4, The research can be done under natural conditions 44, which ofthe following is NOT characteristic of language? ‘tis Maturational b.ttis Dynamic «Itis Symbolic 4. tt is Phonetic 43. Insituations where speakers of different la ‘common language, which variety comes first? 2 The standard The pidgin The patois 4. The creole 136. The syntax ofa language refers to a. The meaning of individual words b. The posible sounds ofthe language «. The structure of words f

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