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Teaching January 09, 2019

Dates and 8:30- 9:20 a.m.
Time HUMSS 11-7
Area Oral Communication in Context
Content OC
Tools for Effective Speech Delivery
• Articulation
• Modulation
• Stage Presence
• Facial Expression
• Movement
• Rapport
Content Realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
Performance Proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.
Learning The learners are able to:
1. analyze the importance of Tools for Effective
Speech Delivery;
/ Objectives 2. enumerate and identify the Tools for Effective
Speech delivery; and;
3. perform a speech applying the principles or tools of
effective speech delivery.
Learning Sipacio, P.J. & Balgos, A.R. (2019). Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School Revised Edition. C&E Publishing, Inc. 839 EDSA, South
Triangle, Quezon City.

Materials PowerPoint Presentation / Visuals / Blackboard / Laptop / TV/

Procedure Routine Activity (5 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of the cleanliness of the classroom
3. Checking of the attendance (from a list if available)
4. Reminders/Things-to-do before, during and after discussion

Priming (5 minutes)
In this activity, the learners will put their finger down in every situation that
will be read and showed by the teacher. Take note, putting down a finger
means agreeing that learners relate to the given situations.
The list below are the situations:
1. Put a finger down, if you got mentally block during your speech
2. Put a finger down, if you are stuttering when you are speaking in front
of the class.
3. Put a finger down, if you only made a poker face throughout your speech.
4. Put a finger down, if you mispronounced a few words due to
5. Put a finger down, if you are bursting of laughter due to your friend’s
facial expression upon listening to your speech.
6. Put a finger down, if you confidently finish your speech, and is totally
satisfied with your performance.
7. Put a finger down, if you made your audience laugh while talking.
8. Put a finger down, if you feel too afraid to make a mistake before the
actual speech performance.
9. Put a finger down, if you do an unnecessary hand gesture while
performing your speech.
10. Put a finger down, if your hands were shaking while speaking.

Guided Questions:
1. What have you noticed with the given situations?
2. What do you think is the relationship of the activity to our new
discussion? What is it all about? and;
3. Why do you think being conscious about your articulation, modulation,
stage presence, facial expression, movements, and rapport during speech
performance is important?

Lesson Proper (15 minutes)

What is effective speaking?
- Effective speaking means being able to say what you need to say in a manner
that it is heard and acted upon.
Stephen Lucas (2011), defined a good delivery that means you are capable and
able to present your message in a clear and interesting way. In addition to this,
he also says: good delivery…conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly, interestingly,
and without distracting the audience.
• Tools for Effective Speech Delivery
1. Articulation- People always judge how well you speak in general.
The perceived intellect or education is sometimes used to measure
how well you articulate.
2. Modulation- This happens when you control or adjust the tone or
volume of your voice as you try to lower your voice to a loud whisper
in order to get the attention of your audience.
3. Stage Presence- a good stage presence essentially engages the
audience into the performance. It is the ability to make the audience
connect with the speaker and pull them into the story being told.
4. Modulation- This happens when you control or adjust the tone or
volume of your voice as you try to lower your voice to a loud whisper
in order to get the attention of your audience.
5. Facial expressions- are essential in setting the emotional tone for a
speech. It is helpful that facial expressions jive with the message
being delivered.
6. Movement- instead of just gesturing with hands, is appropriate in a
speech. It is suggested that starting speakers hold off attempting to
fuse body development starting from the waist until they have
completed at any rate one discourse.
7. Rapport- it happens when you have everything in concordance or

Rapport builders are:

• dressing and prepping suitably for the event
• being sorted out, prepared with reasonable substance
• being aware of non-verbal communication/body language and
using eye contact
• seeming sure, positive, in charge and understanding of the effect
of vocal delivery

Activity & Analysis (15 mins.)

Given below are lines from a speech of President Emilio Aguinaldo.
Together with their groupmates, the speech must be divided equally and
everyone must have the chance to speak during the presentation. In addition,
learners must pay attention with their tone, inflections, and generally how
they can use their voice to create more interest. The group will be scored
using a rubric.
“We are no longer insurgents; we are no longer revolutionists; that is to say,
armed men desirous of destroying and annihilating the enemy. We are from now on
Republicans; that is to say, men of law, able to fraternize with all other nations, with
mutual respect and affection. There is nothing lacking, therefore, in order for us to
be recognized and admitted as a free and independent nation.”- President Emilio
President Emilio Aguinaldo in his inaugural speech at Barasoain Church, Malolos,
Bulacan, January 23, 1899
Thought to Ponder
1. Recall to students the tools for effective speech delivery such as the ff:
• Articulation
• Modulation
• Stage Presence
• Facial expressions
• Movement and;
• Rapport

Ask the following questions:
1. What were your thoughts or ideas about the principles of speech delivery prior
to the discussion of the lesson?
2. Why do you think learning about the tools for effective speech delivery is
3. As a student, how are you going to apply these tools for effective speech in
everyday life and in school?

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by your answers
on the blank in the graphic organizer.

__________ It is the formation of clear and


distinct sounds in speech.

__________ It is a change of key in music or

the sound of a person’s voice.

__________ It is the ability to get and secure the audience’s

interest in listening to presentation.

__________ It helps enhance the verbal content of our

__________ This helps the speaker express himself with the
use of is body.
__________ This happens when you have everything in
concordance or harmony.

Prepared by: Cindy Reyes

Practice Teacher of CVSU-Silang Campus
Checked by: Mr. Mark Louie Del Mundo
SHS Faculty- Coordinating Teacher

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