DLP Three Stories From My LifeFINAL

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10

Second Grading
S.Y. 2022-2023
Month: September

Subject: English 10


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
a) understand the speech "Three Stories From My Life" using reflective approach;
b) reflect the importance of success through real life situations;
c) perform the central ideas of the speech by doing differentiated activities.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
Three Stories From My Life by Steve Jobs

B. Strategies to be used
a) Interactive discussion
b) Inquiry-based
c) Flipped classroom strategy

C. References
Arjan R. Espiritu, LPT, Ed.D, Ma. kristina O. Velez, World Literature: Echoes
The Series 10 (Revised Edition)

Grades Fixer, 2020, Three Stories of Life: Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’
Commencement Speech

D. Materials Needed
a) Instructional Materials:
 Cartolina, handout copy of the speech, pictures (related to the speech)

b) Motivational Materials:
 Envelope, pictures (related to the speech)
III. Learning Procedure


A. Daily Routine
Before anything else, may I ask all of you
to stand. Morse, can you lead the prayer (The students will stand and Mrose will lead
today? the prayer.)

Greetings Good morning, ma'am!

Good morning, everyone! Let's have a
productive day ahead of us.

Classroom Management (Students will do as asked.)

Before you take your seats, I want you to
check your surrounding first and look if
there are any trashes under your chairs.
You may now take your seats.
Aside from that, I also want to remind you
of our safety health protocols. Always
wear your face masks, bring your alcohol
with you, sanitize yourselves and maintain
our social distancing. Understood?
How are you today? Yes, ma'am!
That's good to hear! We are doing great, ma'am!
Now, for our class attendance, class
monitor Cindy are there any absentees for
today? None, ma'am! We are complete today!
It's nice to hear that!

Last meeting, I gave you an assignment, Yes, ma'am!
(The students will pass the assignment.)
You may pass it now to the center aisle.

Aside from that, what other homework did

I gave you? To read the speech entitled, Three Stories
From My Life

We did!
Exactly! Did you read it?

Alright! Later we'll see if you really did

read it.

Ma'am, one of the types is Impromptu
let's first have a short recall of our last speech. It is the type of speech where the
topic before moving on. speaker was only given a short period of
Last time, we have discussed about the time for preparation to speak about a
four different types of speech, right? particular topic.
Anyone in the class who can tell me what
an Impromptu speech is? Yes, Angeline? Ma'am, manuscript reading refers to the
type of speech that the speaker is just
basically reading his/her speech word by
Great! How about the other type called Ma'am, I think, memorized speech refers to
Manuscript reading? Daryl, you are raising the type of speech that is learned and
your hand? recited word for word.

Ma'am, as far as I know, Extemporaneous

speech refers to the type of speech where
That is correct! How about the type of the speaker is given enough time to
speech called Memorized speech? Yes, prepare and rehearse for his/her speech.

None, ma'am!

Alright! How about the last type called

Extemporaneous speech? I want to hear it
from Raymart.

Great! I can see that you really learned a

lot of things from our last discussion. Do
you have any questions regarding the four
types of speech?

B. Motivation
None, ma'am!
Glad to hear that! But, before we proceed
any further, we will be having an activity
This activity is called "Picture The Image".
But, before I explain to you the premise of
our activity, allow me to show you first
these three envelopes that I have here.
Is it clear?

These envelopes have jumbled picture

inside. I will be dividing the class into 3
groups and each group will be given 2
mins. to do the activity.

Can you follow class? Yes Ma’am

Now, all you have to do is to arrange the
picture inside the envelope that you have
and after you are done arranging it,
identify the words/sentence that these
Yes Ma’am

None Ma’am

pictures are representing. Do you have

any question regarding the activity?
Alright! Now without further ado, let's do Ma'am, the picture shows a person trying to
the activity. connect the dots.
(Picture in the 1st envelope)
Ma'am, our picture shows a picture of a
(Picture in the 2nd envelope) heart and a person with the word loss.

Ma'am, the picture we arranged shows a

(Picture in the 3rd envelope) grave which symbolizes death.


Alright! Now, that we are done with the MINDFUL ON THE ORGANIZATION OF
activity, group 1, what have you noticed THE IDEAS AND PICTURES OF YOUR LP

with the picture that you arranged?

Good! How about group 2? What can you

say about the picture that you arranged?

Steve Jobs was born on February 14, 1955,
Great! How about group 3? How can you in San Francisco, California. He was then
desrcibe the picture that you arranged? adopted by a man named Paul Jobs. He
studied at Reed College, but never
Very good! Because today, we are going graduted. He died on October 5, 2011
to be studying a speech entitled "Three because of pancreatic cancer. He was
Stories From My Life" and these 3 behind the creation of Apple.
pictures that we have here is definitely
connected to that.
C. Lesson Proper
But, before we dive right into that, let's first
try to get to know the person behind this
inspirational speech, Steve Jobs.
Who is Steve Jobs? Claire, can you read
this one?

Thank you, Claire! Aside from Apple, he

was also behind the success of NeXT and
Pixar. Can you imagine that? Despite not
finishing college, dropping out of school,
Steve Jobs became one of the most
successful and influential person in the
world because of his inventions.
Steve Jobs was also known as an
inspiring speaker as well. Thus, the
creation of one of his most memorable
speech, Three Stories From My Life
during the graduation in Stanford
Now, before we head to that, we will first
get ourselves familiar with some of the
difficult or unfamiliar words that are
included in the speech. Pay attention, so
you will be able to understand the speech
Regina, can you please read the first word
and it's given sentence? The first word is "unwed" and the given
sentence is "My biological mother was a
young, unwed college graduate student."
Now, Regina, using the given word, what
does the word "unwed" mean? Can you I think, the word unwed refers to the people
give us an example? who are unmarried. My example is, "She is
an unwed mother."
The second word is "entrepreneurs" and
the given sentence is "I felt that I have let
Very good! For the next one, Lizzeth, the previous generation of entrepreneurs
kindly read it. down."

Next, Lizzeth, using the given word, what Ma'am, entrereneurs refers to a person who
does the word "entrepreneurs" mean? organizes and manages a business or
Can you give us an example? enterpsise. My example is, "I want to
become an entrepreneur someday."

What about the last word? I want to hear it The last word is "incurable" and the given
from Rommel? sentence is "The doctors told me this was
almost certainly a type of cancer that is

Then, using the given word, what the word Ma'am, I think, incurable refers to
"incurable" mean? Can you give us an something that is not curable, cannot be
example? changed or corrected. My example is, "He
has an incurable disease."

Very Good! Now, I have here the bigger

version of the pictures that we have
already encountered during the activity Ma'am, based on what I've read, these
earlier. pictures shows the three stories that Steve
Since, I already told you to do an advance Jobs was talking about in his speech.
reading regarding the speech, do you
have any idea how this three pictures are
connected to that? Yes, Angelica? The major stories that he was pertaining to
are connecting the dots, love and loss and
last is death.
That's right! Because Steve Jobs' speech
addresses three major stories regarding
his life. Jonna, can you name those major

Very good! The first story, indeed is about

connecting the dots.
(The teacher will show the picture.) Ma'am, the reason was because she found
out that her adoptive mother did not
In his first story, Steve Jobs shared that graduated college.
his biological mother decided to give him Ma'am, I think, It's because his adoptive
up for adoption, but later on refused to mother promised to let him go to college
sign the adoption papers. Why did his someday.
biological mother changed her mind at last
minute? What is the main reason? You're Yes, Ma'am!
raising your hand, Thrisha?

Correct! What made her changed her He decided to dropped out of college
mind again about the adoption? Erica? because according to him, the tuition in his
school is as expensive as in Standford
Right! Now, when Steve Jobs a little older. University.
Did he go to college just like his biological
mother wants? He said that he couldn't see any value in
He did. But, then, he also shared that he studying that is why he stopped, Ma'am.
didn't finish college or that he never
graduated. Why did Steve Jobs decided to (Student's answer may vary/differ.)
drop out of college? Yes, Aubrey?

Aside from that, what other reason did he Because he doesn't have anything that he
have? How about you, Charlotte? wants to pursue, and he couldn't see any
value in doing what he was doing that time.
Exactly! But, if you are to be in the same
position as him, will you also do the same
decisions as he did, Chrybelle?
I see, that also made sense. If we are
going to think about Steve Jobs' journey
as a student, he was actually smart, but
they refer to him as someone who is
directionless. Why do you think people call
him that, Mary Grace?
Ma'am, it's because he decided to hire
Right! So, he then, decided to enroll someone who he thought was talented
himself in a calligraphy class which enough to run the company with him. But
basically proves to be helpful 10 years then their visions suddenly differs and he
later with his creation of Apple. Thus, his got fired.
first story is called connecting the dots.
Now, the second story is about love and Ma'am, after his experience of getting fired.
loss. At first, hes devastated, but he realized that
(The teacher will show the picture.) he loved what he was doing. That's why he
decided to start again and created new
In the second story, he shared and talked companies.
about the success of apple. By the age of
30, he got fired. What happened then?
How can someone get fired from the
company he started? Yes, Mrose?

That's correct! But, after he got fired from

Apple, did he stopped and just accepted
everything? or did he do something about
it? What did he do, Cindy?

Correct! That's when he created the

company of Pixar and NeXT. Ma'am, just like any other person, I think
Can you imagine that? He dropped out of the first emotion that he felt was fear of
college with no particular plan, only hoping dying. Then, he realized just how important
that everything will work out okay and it time is, so he decided to never waste time.
did. Starting a company, being fired from
his own office, losing everything he has He always asked himself that "If today were
worked out for, yet still finding the courage the last day of my life, would I want to do
to start all over again. what I am about to do today?"
Explains why the second story he shared
was called love and loss. Because he
loved what he was doing, despite the (Student's answer may vary/differ.)
Now, the third story is about death.
(The teacher will show the picture.)
Yes, Ma'am!
In his third and last story, he shared how
he found out about his pancreatic cancer
that is supposed to be incurable. After
finding out about his illness, what do you
think is the first feeling that he felt? Let's
hear it from, Angeline.

Exactly! And what was the question that

he always asks himself after finding out
about his cancer? Yes, Daryl?

That's right! Now, let me ask you. If today

were the last day of your life, what would
you like to do in your remaining time? I
wanna hear it from, Alyssa?

That is an interesting answer. Because in

life we can never be sure of anything. Just
like what Steve Jobs is trying to say, we
should live each day as if it's the last. Isn't
that right?
He ended, his speech with the birth of his
long-lived iconic quotation, "Stay hungry.
Stay foolish." To always be eager of
changes. To never waste time. To never
settle for less.
Do you have any questions regarding the

D. Application
With that, we will be having an individual
activity called "Speech Perfect".
I will be dividing the class into 3. I have
here the themes/topics written on a strip of None, ma'am!
paper that will be the center of your
activity. One representative of each group
will choose the topic. Group one will be
assigned to create a poem. Group 2 will
be assigned to create a skit. Group 3 will
be assigned to create a song. Each group
will be given 3 mins to prepare and 2 mins
to perform your activity. Do you have any
If none, then let's start the activity! None, Ma'am!

E. Generalization
For the encapsulation of today's topic,
Raymart, who is the person behind the
speech which was the center of our Themes/Topics:
discussion for today?  Success (Group 1)
Definitely! Claire, what is the first story
 Love and Loss (Group 2)
that Steve Jobs shared in his speech
called?  Death (Group 3)
(See the rubric at the last page.)
Great! What about the second story that
he shared? I wanna hear it from Regina.

Lizzeth, what is the third and the last story

in his speech?
The person who wrote "Three Stories From
My Life" is Steve Jobs.
Very well! That summarizes our The first story is about how he tried to
discussion of today's topic. connect the dots throughout his life.
IV. Evaluation The second story is about accepting both
Directions: Answer the following the love and the loss in his life.
questions. You will write it on a 1 whole
sheet of paper. The third story is all about how this was his
You can pass it to me after you are done closest he's gotten with death, yet still
answering. Do you understand? overcoming it even for a few more years.

1. How did Steve Jobs began his speech?

2. What are the three stories that Steve
Jobs told the students?
3. Why is it important to believe that the
dots will connect in the future? Yes, ma'am!
4. Why did he chose to drop out of
school? Cite lines in the speech that
support your answer.
5. How did Steve Jobs describe the
struggles he experienced in life?
6. If you were in his position, would you
also choose to drop out of school hoping
that everything will work out okay or stay
in school with no particular plan?
7. According to the speech, how did being
fired from Apple affected Steve Jobs?
8. One of Steve Jobs motto was to "think
differently". How do you think this can
make a person succeed in life? CRISWEL, OBJECTIVE TEST DAPAT
9. Why is Steve Jobs' speech considered DITO SA EVALUATION
as inspiring?
10. If it were you, how would you attain
your own dreams?

Time is up! You can pass it now to the

center aisle.
Key to correction:

1. Jobs started his speech by describing

how he had dropped out of Reed College.

2. The first story is about connecting the

dots. The second story is about love and
loss. The third story is about death.

3. (Student's answer may vary.)

4. He decided to dropped out of college

because the tuition is expensive and, "After
six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I
had no idea what I wanted to do with my life
and no idea how college was going to help
me figure it out."

5. He mentioned about being scared at that

V. Assignment time, but looking back, he loved the things
Direction: Write a reflection answering the he experienced.
given question.
Question: Following Steve Jobs quotation: 6. (Student's answer may vary.)
"If today were the last day of your life, how 7. He discovered that he could use his skills
would you want to live your remaining to build other successful technology
time?" companies.
Write it on a 1 whole sheet of paper, to be
passed on our next meeting. 8. (Student's answer may vary.)
Do you have any questions?
9. (Student's answer may vary.)
If none, then that is all for today. Thank
you for listening. See you next Meeting! 10. (Student's answer may vary.)
Goodbye class!

None, ma'am!









Prepared by:


BSE-English 4B

Checked and reviewed by:


English Instructor


Criteria Exceptional Good Satisfying Needs

(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts)
(1 pts)

Understanding Indicates a clear Good understanding Fair understanding Presentation is

of Topic understanding of of topic. of topic. off topic.
the topic.

Cooperation Accepts ideas of Accepts most idea Unwilling to Group does not
others; able to without negative compromise. Few work together.
compromise. All comments; able to members One person
members compromise. Some contributed. does all the
contributed. members contributed. work.

Presentation Shows confidence. Shows some Unsure. Engages Portrayal stalls.

Entertaining. confidence. Engages audience Audience are
Speaks loudly and audience. Can be intermittently. bored.
clearly. heard. Hard to hear. Mumbles.


Criteria Exceptional Good Satisfying Needs

(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts)
(1 pts)
Content Your poem is Your poem is written Your poem is Your poem
written in a well- in a creative shape. written in a simple lacks creativity.
defined, detail and shape.
advance shape.

Words and Your poem uses Your poem Little thought has No thought has
Sentences precise language. demonstrates good been given to been given to
relates to the Words are carefully language. Words are word choices. word choices.
topic. chosen. appropriately used.

Planning The final product is The final product is The final product The final
neat. Carefully understandable. is somewhat product is
planned. Shows Somewhat planned. understandable. incomprehensi
excellent effort and Shows effort. ble.


Criteria Exceptional Good Satisfying Needs

(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts)
(1 pts)

Lyrics/Content The song lyrics are The song lyrics are The song lyrics are The song lyrics
outstanding. The good. The words are somewhat are not
words are memorable. coherent. coherent.

Creativity The students The students The song The song

composed an composed an original composed is not composed is
original song with a song, the theme is very original, the not original.
clear theme. somewhat clear. theme is not very the theme is
clean. not clear.

Organization The song is clearly The song is somewhat The song lacks The song was
organized. organized. organization. unorganized
and hard to

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