Footnote To Youth - (Demo)

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SCHOOL YEAR 2022 - 2023

School Bulihan Integrated National Grade Level 8

LESSON PLAN Teacher Cristine Jewel D. Ogalinola Learning Area English 8
Teaching January _, 2023 Quarter Second
Details 8 – Xanadu

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Read and comprehend the short story entitled “Footnote to Youth” by
Jose Garcia Villa;
2. Compare and contrast the qualities of the characters in the story with
the characteristics of today’s youth; and
3. Understand the value of decision making in life as emphasized in the
4. Create presentations about the story through differentiated activities.
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine
Standard literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature
Standard of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;
participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent
expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic
features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct
subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Evaluate text content, elements, features, and properties using a set of
Competencies criteria.
D. Pedagogical Collaborative Approach
Strategy Jigsaw Method
Activity The TDAR Activity (Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect)
II. CONTENT Footnote To Youth by Jose Garcia Villa
Module 2: Lesson 6
III. LEARNING Let the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials
RESOURCES sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there
is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hands on learning promotes concept development.
1. TEACHER’S pp. 18-24
2. LEARNERS’ pp. 18-24
LEARNING Teacher-made materials
IV. PROCEDURE These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities
appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from
formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students multiple ways to learn new things, practice the
learners, question their learning, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences about previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
Teacher’s Activity Student Responses

A. REVIEIWING Routinary Activities

NEW LESSON Before anything else, may I ask all
of you to stand for a prayer.
Representative of group 3, please
lead us in prayer. (The students will stand as Velasco
lead the class in prayer.)
Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, please
pick up the trashes under your
chairs and arrange your seats
properly. You may now take your
seats. (The students will do as asked.)

Aside from that, I also want to

remind you of our safety health
protocols. Always wear your face
masks, bring your alcohol with you,
sanitize yourselves and maintain
our social distancing. Understood? Yes, Ma’am!
How are you today? We’re doing great today, Ma’am!

That's good to hear!

Let’s check the attendance. Group
1, who are the absentees of your
group? I am glad to say that we are
complete today.
What about Group 2?
I am happy to say that we are also
complete today.
Group 3, any absentees?
I am happy to say that we are also
complete today.
Group 4?
I am glad to say that we are also
complete today.
What about Group 5?
We are also complete, Ma’am.
And the last group, Group 6?
I am glad to say that we are also
complete today.
Alright! Thank you so much for

Last meeting, I gave you an
assignment, right? Yes, Ma’am.

You may now pass it to your center

aisle and forward, so I can collect it. (The students will do as asked.)

Before we proceed to our next
discussion, let’s first have a short

What did we discuss last meeting? Ma’am, last meeting we discussed

about comparing and contrasting
own opinions.
That is correct! But aside from that,
what else did we discussed? We also discussed about the three
elements of persuasive techniques
such as the ethos, pathos and the
Very well! Indeed, we discussed all
of those for you to become an
effective communicator in the

So, do you still have questions

regarding our past discussion? None, Ma’am!

PURPOSE FOR THE If none, that is great! Before we
LESSON proceed to our next topic, let’s first
have a short activity!

The activity is called “Emojis to

Words”. In this activity, I will be
showing you emojis that will tell us
the title of the story that we are
going to be discussing for today. All
you have to do is to connect these
emojis and convert their meaning
into words. (The pictures/Emojis

Do you understand the

instructions? Yes, Ma’am!

If none, then let’s proceed with the


What do you think are these

pictures telling us? Ma’am, I think the pictures meant
“Footnote to Youth”.
Very good! That is correct! The
story that we are going to discuss
today is “Footnote to Youth”.

This story will talk about just how

important decision making is in our
lives. And, basing on the title alone,
do you have any idea of what the
story will be about?
Ma’am, I think the story talks about
the struggles the youth as they go
Thank you for answering! Let’s see along in life.
if your inklings about the story is
just like as you said.

Are you ready?

Yes, Ma’am!


CONCEPTS AND But before we dive right into the
PRACTICING NEW discussion of the story itself, let’s
SKILLS #1 first try to get to know the person
behind the creation of the story
“Footnote to Youth”. He is Jose
Garcia Villa, a Filipino poet.
Everyone, kindly read this one.

Jose Garcia Villa was a Filipino

poet, critic, and writer. He used the
pen name “Doveglion” which was a
combination of the words “dove”,
”eagle”, and ”lion” that he believed
was his true persona.
Thank you for reading! Now, aside
from that his most notable works
are The Anchored Angel, The
Emperor’s New Sonnet and of
course, Footnote to Youth.

Now, before we get to that, let’s

first get ourselves familiar with
some of the difficult or unfamiliar
words that we might encounter in
the story later on.

Read the sentence first and tell us

your understanding of the word.
Then give an example sentence of
your own. Alright, so can someone
in the class read this?
 Dodong resents his father's
question, and finally his
father gives his consent.

Ma’am, the word RESENT

expresses annoyance to something.
My own sentence is “She resented
being told what to do.”
Very good! Now, for the last one,
who would like to read and
 There had been another
suitor, Lucio, who was nine
years older than Dodong.

Ma’am, I think, the word SUITOR

refers to a man who seeks to court
or marry a woman. My own
sentence is “He was her most
persistent suitor.”
Alright! So, of course, we are going
to encounter all of this words in the

Now, I have here a short video of

Footnote to Youth that you are
going to watch. But, allow me first
to give you the copy of the story, so
you can follow the story better.

Pay attention and listen and watch

attentively. I will be asking you
questions by the end of the video.
Is it clear? Are you ready to watch
and to listen? Yes, Ma’am! We are ready!
Let’s watch the video:


CONCEPTS AND Alright! So, did you understand the
PRACTICING NEW story? Yes, Ma’am!
Good! Now, first and foremost,
let’s first recall who are the
characters of the story? The characters of the story are
Dodong, Teang, Blas and Tona.
Correct! The story obviously circles
about these four characters that
you mentioned.

Now, basing on the video that you

have watched, who can tell a short
summary of what is the story all
about? Ma’am, the story is about Dodong
who entered marriage life with
Teang at the age of 17, and
regretted later about his marriage
life. The same thing also happened
to his son who also married at a
young age.
Very good! That is a very good
summary of the story. Now, just
like you said, it’s a story of Dodong
who decided to marry at an early
age. But what made Dodong think
that? What made him feel that he
was no longer a boy, but a man
who is now ready to get married? I think that he felt that he was no
longer a boy because of his strong
body and facial hair. He thinks that
those are enough evidence that he
was already a man.
Indeed! But is that an enough
reason for him to think that he was
already old enough to get married?
It’s not, because physical
appearance does not measure our
maturity and being ready of getting
On that same note, with you as a
teenager and a student that you
are now, what do you think of
Dodong’s decision of getting
married early? (The students answers may vary.)

Very good! That was a good

reasoning. Now, what about
Teang? How did she find married
life? Ma’am, she found her married life
difficult to the point that she was
unhappy with their marriage. She
was unhappy of bearing children
for six consecutive years and for
doing the household work as well
as taking care of the children. She
become shapeless even at a young
Correct! She was unhappy even to
the point that she wondered how
her life would be if had married
Lucio, instead of Dodong.

When Dodong asked permission to

get married, his father felt sorry for
him. So did Dodong when Blas
asked him the same thing. But why
did you think they did not stop
their sons from experiencing the
struggles of married life?
I think, it’s because both fathers
married early, they lacked the
experience and the knowledge of
raising children. That’s why they
were unable to fulfill their
responsibility as parents in guiding
their kids down a wiser path.
Exactly! This is due to the fact that
Dodong’s father never had that
wisdom either. So, when dealing
with his son Blas, Dodong could
only agree like his father did with
him, and that is to allow Blas to
marry early, when he should have
discouraged him instead.

The lesson then becomes universal

in the sense that it is not only for
the young ones, but to parents as
well that they should have the
wisdom on how to guide their
children properly.

Do you have any question

regarding the discussion? None, Ma’am!

E. DEVELOPING Application
MASTERY Our next activity will require you to
work in a group. Are you all already
seated with your groupmates? Yes, Ma’am!

Alright! Now, let me explain the

activity. I have here 6 strips of
paper, 2 are written with “The
Actors”, another 2 are written with
“The Singers” and the last 2 are
written with “The Poets”.

Can I have one representative each

group to pick a strip of paper? (Students will draw their paper.)

Now, this is what you are going to

do. The groups who picked “The
Actors” will choose an
unforgettable scene in the story
and act them. The groups who
picked “The Singers” will choose a
song that suited the story and sing
it. The groups who picked “The
Poets” will write a 1 stanza poetry
that highlights the theme of the
story. Are the instructions clear? Yes, Ma’am!

I will only give you 5 minutes to

prepare and then let’s proceed
with presentation. The duration of
each presentation will only last for
2 minutes.

Here are the rubrics for each

presentation. So, you know how
you will be graded on your
performance. (See the rubrics on
the last page.)

(The teacher will explain the rubrics

of the activity.)

Is everything clear?
Yes, Ma’am!
If you have any more questions
along the way, just raise your hand
to ask me right away. You can now

F. FINDING PRACTICAL Great job, everyone!

APPLICATIONS OF Congratulations on accomplishing
CONCEPTS AND the activity.
LIVING The way I see it, I can say that you
have fully understood the message
that this story is telling us. I want to
ask you some questions.

If you were to be in the position of

Dodong and your son/daughter is
asking for your permission to get
married, what would you like to tell
them about their impulsive
decisions? (The students answer may vary.)

Thank you for answering! That’s an

interesting take on things.

Now, if you had the chance to

change the story, how would you
like it to end? (The students answer may vary.)

Alright! Thank you for answering!

That’s an interesting ending for a

G. MAKING To summarize today’s discussion,

GENERALIZATIONS can someone tell me what do you
AND ABSTRACTIONS think is the significance of this
ABOUT THE LESSON story? The story serves as a warning to us,
youth, as the title itself suggests. It
reminds us of the responsibilities
and realities that come with
marriage and the family life.
That is correct! What else?
It advices us that life after marriage
is difficult especially when we are
yet incapable of the responsibilities
and challenges that life gives.
That’s why we shouldn’t rush into
something that we will be
regretting in the end.

H. EVALUATING Following that, let’s have a written

LEARNING task. Answer it on your notebook.

All you have to do is to identify the

following items based on the
descriptions given. Answer only.

Read the statements carefully.

Identify the following items.

1. He is the author of Footnote to

2. Teang suitor aside from Dodong.
3. The age of Dodong when he got
4. The number of children Teang
and Dodong has for six years.
5. The woman Blas wanted to
mary. (The students will start answering.)

Alright – time’s up! Exchange

papers with your seatmates,
please, and let’s check. (The students will exchange and
check the papers.)
(The teacher will ask some students
of their answer for each test item
and announce the correct

Nice work, everyone! Count the

total of the correct answers and
give it back to its owners. Who got
a perfect score? (The students will raise their
How about those scores are lower
than 7? None? Good job, everyone! (The students will raise their

REMEDIATION Before we dismiss the class, please
remember to work on this
assignment. For your assignment,
List down 5 priorities in life that
you must have as a student and
teenager. Rank them accordingly.

Do you have any more questions None, Ma’am!

about anything before we dismiss?

If that is the case, then I’ll dismiss

the class. Wait for your next
teacher quietly. See you on our Goodbye, Ma’am! Thank you for
next class, everyone. teaching us today!

Prepared by:


Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Grade 8 English Teacher

Noted by:

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