4.2. Mind Your Steps - Banking

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sjuawjsn{pe pue sjulejdwog ésseulsng jeo1yjeun Jo (eo éPeq JO poob ‘syyolg S914} Sseulsng sis6iew yueq ueedoing « yueg JueYyoJew ‘yUeg jeloraWUICO “yueg jeyuag syueq Jo sadfy (seukoy preukeyy uyop) juayqosd 0 soy jt ‘spunod uoryuu PH AKO NOK fy wejqoud D 2ADY MOK ‘spunod paspuny 0 YuDq sNok OHO Nok ff :onoyy suryueg Mind your steps to success Types of banks 41 Central Bank, Commercial Bank, Merchant Bank The Central Bank is the official bank of a country and is responsible for setting interest rates, controlling the money supply, issuing bank notes and coins, keeping the country supply of foreign currency and gold and acting as a lender of last resort to commercial banks with liquidity problems. Commercial banks are involved in international trading and provide services for businesses, organisations and individuals, which include accepting deposits, making loans, managing their customers’ accounts. On the other hand, merchant banks are banks that deal with business rather than the general public. They also advise on and arrange finance for investment, takeovers and mergers. 1.1 Questions: 1) Do you know any other types of banks? Give examples, 2) What are the most important services offered by banks? 3) What are the most common types of accounts? 1.2 Match the words with the definitions: 1. interest 2. cash card 3. mortgage 4. liquidity 5. bank loan 6. foreign currency 7. “deposit account (BrE)/time or notice account (AmE) 8. traveller's cheque (BrE)/traveler's cheque (AmE) 9. ATM (automated teller machine)/cash dispenser/cash machine 10. current account or cheque account (BrE)/checking account (AmE) 11. standing order 12. joint account 13. solvency 14. promissory note/ P note ‘A. a legal arrangement where you borrow money from a financial institution in order to buy land or a house, and you pay back the money over a period of years. If you do not make your regular payments, the lender normally has the right to take the property and sell it in order to get back their money money borrowed from a bank on which interest is paid a bank account that pays interest, often used for saving money not needed immediately oe 82 8 isiwouoag 944 woy paidepy) “autoauy stous Jo sso] utpuods Aq - Kem pouorysey-p]o ayy “77 (gp) Hers oF poou Aoys yey astpeD1 ATuoppns jI1M ‘uoIsuad a[qenojIUOD v {ia wrayp aptaoud 01 saotid asnoy ***+*"7** (Z1) UO BULATOI OFOM YAN 10 “YSeO JORI}XO 0} (91) we ayy auioy roxy Buysn us9q axey oyAr SIOUANG “ysed Up UT MOY “s+ (1) Sq atoui wy uoatip w99q sey woog ao1zd-asnoy stip solunos AueUI UW “Ife JO queyodun soy "sonped aferoae unL-Bu0] 0} yoeq saouid [ear BuLIq 0} opeodp v Isto] 1 40} yeU, Aeys 0} aAzY pinom saotid Moy OS *****"** (pT) UMA INg ‘Syeod snorodd ye ueY) Panjeasoao o4OUr 400] soLNUNOD AueUL Ut sosnoY Op ATUO ION * "+" (ET) UT YNSaT Aijensn pur ‘saysero yoxreunjoors 19ye osoup se OB10] sv 99144) woog ‘oBeIOAe UO “OARY SOLMUNOD Yols Ul sisnq aoud-asnoy Jaye sasso] ****+++* (Zz) TYP PUNOJ AW aut Aq Apmis y ‘ssawyeam o1uioudde pa8uoord Jo spousd (+) wou mnoge jeondoos aq 0} puay sxoIsaAu! pue sisK|euE 1 ou Bujq Su9TIOUI YRS asnvdaq yey) SPIOW BY ‘TAOMOH] “AL ssyueg uet|ea] e1eaas Jo 1no 1pa4D!UA Bu‘Bre) uy prooar youn s,oungord “WW pue (-~*)eBroUL 0} peau jue8IN S,|AH DUOM 1 djoy Aeur yey s1o}O"I omM paBpapmowyse ay Img “¥ ‘sBujaes 1809 ayetpour <}xa yp UT SoOUDTUOS BuyMO]IOY a4 WASKl LZ Aspuouoog oy) (g) ‘wuosreyd s083iq voyeur 01 aurquioo syueq Surpeay oan YoIyA Uy ‘Sjenbe Jo 1aBioU! v Joyard pinom oy VOU} PUY yoyeur jeroueuys ueadoing payeataqut a1oul & 2q pinom ayisinbaxaud y “JoneU! soUROUe 2q plnom adoang waysom ut Jofiout 4apiog ssoz9 iq e UUDLLIOYOY “AP JO} IN| (7) worn ouput uonisinboe Biq asiy sit aq plnom stip ‘sounoD uvadoung fesiue9 jeLonas ut suoresado sel ayosinaq YSnoipty “adoing wioiseo ul uoneseatad yuLg Ziq ise] au “fuEq ISBT s,2iuEWoy EUWOY E[EIOLOUIO5 koueg Ul! palsaialUl asou uoUTE St oyDsIMag "+++" (J) () orpand 04 Apart ssa} St asnany s,aypsinaqq (***) “woos 1940 UayeI 2q 10 atau Kjains {IY 11 mg “yUEq [1eI91 pue oVe1odIo9 son-o[ppIU v sv UOTE at OF 07 BULAN pur Supjueg oUNsaaut uy sisoo sy uyino se04 sed omp quods sey yueqziowut0> + (9) eLmequadiy eAeozIA ORgIIg oouRg s,uledg pue OW NEW .SpuryoyaN, 21 Aq ‘spiq quand om JO uo UO AfUBiuaq eoU yoo] IYI jug jeNuID ain ‘peoage poxeioy Sey aIpaIDIUN Te MON “AfeIT UF Ang oF BuNUEAN syUEQ UBLoI0y Uo poumouy sey yueq enuad s,Xjer] ‘sed oy) U] C2q ACW IXaU OUP IUBIU TEUAL ‘yom paaput two sieB1aU Jepi0q-ss019 Jem smoys “QOOZ UI IYBNOG GAH YIU “eLNSNY yUeG Jo sssoons oyp TEU soAatfaq 1durey. “ay “("") 1y poo’ & yons yoadxe pinoo edoing wioisea pue wiowsom Suluueds 49819 JOJO OU :oBUyUWApE JOAOWI-ISIy SAOftua ay SaAatjog Os|e OLUNJOIY “IP, (G) ‘sanyjno pue soden3ue] quosayyip omy yum Bulfeop Jo aBusqJeyo ayp pure ‘soBrour AAHEPAOIUN tp JO soHUOUOD2 ay Noge siqnop sey (---) ‘s1e[JOp UoIIq 98g (“"*) JO ones yooeUE w TIM SuEq SsIMg BIQ B “SEIN JO BATMODKE Jory “IIMA JOE ‘10UL 10 ‘oma uortEg Op Jo anyea royTeW v YsIA syUEG Jo aBuEI axp Jo pus WoROg ayp re HE sind FEL -%S 49A0 snl Jo ones jexldeo ouo-s0N1 & :uoNEstferIdeo UIYA sy si ssoUDeam S98Biq sit sdeyiog * (p) ‘xiur ssouisng poo8 v st sea JoyLIR Yvsoul YI pue adomg wioIsoM UF ssoUtsng 2[geIS Jo UOHBUIqUIOD ay Ie) onde ‘uouLNIEYD eattoadsosd ayy “durey “ayy pur ‘eannooxa joryo s.yueq Mou stp 2q 03 208 st oYm ‘OUURJOIg “I “pound Apeauye 0OZ'Z 0} UOHIPPE UF “uoRLME feMIeU YBnor Inq Aso] aq ITEM sqot 990% Aueuniog uy ‘puvjog UF Aijetoadso ‘sdejzaA0 Jo asneaaq 08 01 patoadxa aie sqor 900'6 mnogy *****"""* (¢) >fueq ystiog & ‘Hae pur eINsny yuEg ‘sarel]uJe Parsi SH Pue EAH 0 soaoayer Jing B 405 (UOHITIG €zg) SoInd uoHTIG 61 Puno Ked {JIM UpaIDIUN, Bungay Mind your steps to success F. The new group’s biggest challenge will be in Germany, where HVB has struggled with a fragmented retail market and a legacy of bad corporate and property loans. G. The most pressure, though, may be felt by Germany’s two remaining big, independent, private-sector banks, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. H. The group will be a strong force in northern Italy, Bavaria, Germany's southernmost state, the northern German city of Hamburg, Austria and four countries in central and eastern Europe. 2.2 Answer the following questions: a) What is your opinion about the merger of the Italian and German bank? b) What will be the consequences of this merger? ©) Do you know any other famous merger? 2.3 Explain the meaning of the following words taken from the text: takeover, retail market, capital ratio, equity, market value 2.4 What do you understand by the expression from the text: “has set the rumour mills turning"? 2.5 Find as many synonyms of the following words taken from the text. Afterwards make sentences of your own: 10 expect shares affiliates bid wave CEO to ‘aim struggle ‘copy-cat Yo soar market to merge ‘mere investors legacy ‘savings deal 10 range Border purchase 2.6 Find as many antonyms of the following words taken from the text, Then make sentences of your own: daring retail to plummet fo soar to to privatise acknowledge 10 start to merge savings ‘fragmented ‘advantage ‘strong 2.7 How many words of the same family do you know? 86 Lg SY, “SasNOG UI LIDEF SuIOY SUIye} 2q 0} Pres ox “uoISIAIP uryuEq waUNSAU! oy UL 9q 0} porsi[eq ‘seaojduso oat “JeuoeULaIUY PloyssNo}] WI UWE] GA JO J2ACDye1 si &q parsoog sem 1yosd ut ofins ASH “ZOOZ UO eseaioul yee e sjuosoidar ue Sxusq paseq Nv Aq papiosas woysty ax $1 EOOT 40} ONS YL “VOU LF Jo 1youd xei-a1d & paounouue ysnf sey SjuEg 389810] puoods POM O41 ‘DESH épeg 40 pood :syyoid solyyg sseulsng und ays usop 08 0} ‘saqna ay) mop 08 01 ‘sapun 08 of ‘dn Ayjaq 08 oF ‘ayo1g 08 oF ‘jou ay1 0} 08 01 ‘1snq 08 OF jadnayueg suo sey duedeos w, yeu Burkes Jo sKers tuo exe B101p Yooods Uy [pupa uy day 78 “os wet aiow hq *** NOK Jt 9g Jo aay oBesn KyuoW v 8,101, -Aulo 10 UMo} KUE UL SALLY Woy YseO “** UO NO’ ~sButavs Jo °**Ayita 40) saneuad axe a10U4, -yooods Aut Jo *""38ayy OM St SHY, “Somujoey “pias stunoo9e JuoLINO Jao 4Ueg oy, -asojo v oy"**seas Sunoow SUL addins Ylosp ‘woup of ‘Yoaptano “‘AbAp.240 0} "JDALD4pY tion ‘“DAPYIIM OF :spiom Buyaonpoy yy upias syuetg 94H UE [LA BZ “000'00¢S 104 *** aup Uo uaUNede arorp ind LOUUL “OT -yoeq siewoysno Ula 0} “+ pu Sa]Bs UO 210u UaAd puads oF aney o1 SuIOS a1,KO4L, °6 “> sdag ® ses ‘,tapeoig pure 4988q uoneroued isdog ou oyeuL 0} st uBredures oxy Jo aspuraid mau [oy UL, “varoys aacuduy) [jum sareys $ Auedwos oup Jo saquinu ays ut asvasout oy, “sqof pallpysun 0} payust] st oy “S|IPYS 20m “°° Jo uoHeONPA 19yBIy OU sey oy asnEIDg speouge “*-osje a1e sjonpoid so1uanyso[9 s,Auedusoo au, “syooys ul Kououu srayy ynd 0} axoY"A ynOge Pasryuod axe “ABojouyjoay parewowne ut *** ase] AJoworyxa we ape sey VO1AIDS [EISOg OL “poouge *** ut paysouaqut st Auedutoo aursrpow oy, ssavoA }XOU OY} UI WOIILD £§ OF 0 jood s191p yoodxo soluedwioy “| worn 7g wos mous 01 spuny (AMV) (aE) -punoy spuom aun Buisn soouaquas Susmoi}oy ayy a1ojduog, Faye Tea OF aaRSaIE Tange amo qa Bang Mind your steps to success bank, which has 90 million customers worldwide and 9,500 offices in 80 or so countries, has plans to expand into India, China, Mexico, Brazil and the Middle East. While much of the profit comes from lending to corporates, the bank has also benefited from the rise in the rate of consumer borrowing around the world, prompting criticism of what some claim are exorbitant interest rates on loans. Those critical of what they see as excessive profits have attacked the size of the bonuses. “While the fat cats continue to get richer, who pays? The consumer!” argued one bitter customer, complaining about what he sees as poor service. ‘One Financial Times reporter responded to this by pointing out that Britain has been a capitalist economy for more than 200 years — so why criticise profit? Supporters of the bank say that HSBC has benefited from good management, and that the remuneration to its directors is justified. Given the vaste range of financial products currently available, they say, consumers should simply make sure they shop around before taking out a bank loan. Gannw.businessenglishonlinenet) 3.1. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you agree with the idea of the text that banks are exploiting their own customers? 2. Do you think that banks make excessive profits, or are they justifiable and a sign ofa healthy economy? 3. Are the banks” rates on loans competitive in your country, or are they too high? 4. Is consumer borrowing rising? What other trends can you identify in the financial/banking area? 5. Are you satisfied with your bank’s services? 3.2 Read the whole article and summarise the two points of view on the profit made by banks. 3.3 Match the words on the left with the words on the right to make expressions found in the article: 1. pre-tax A. economy 1 2. investment B. borrowing 2 3. consumer C. cat 3 4. interest Dz profit 4 5. fat E. banking 3 6. ‘capitalist F. rate 6 3.4 Explain the following economic terms from the text: ‘fat cat, interest rate, capitalist economy 4 Ethical or unethical business? 4.1 What do you understand by business ethics? Do you think that the following activities are ethical ar not? Why? 88 6 pamoapnd /GUDLIDA *N (quay) syo015)(qagy)saaoys “IAL dayouqyoors: “| (quay) sappouyoors/(qag)sapjoyamnys “yy puapiap °f aounjoq “| podrouud “y aojoau “ ayumuopun oF“ (uy) eoteuag anuaasy poutoruy “% dyanjou -q spuoq “OD piaid “a Ayunaas jposa1yoo “Y suo! UJOP OY UIA sproM 4 UOTE TP ysooysyog/yssoysyong ‘supod fo Susspa.3 “sauajaoms ‘sapunyyong 'yooqyo1y 4 2q14g, Burkes Jo skem soo axe axotp Yoaads Uy jpg ay dooy “ssattsng ay} YIIM poyouL0D asoun £4 K[UO umoUy VOMBUOJUE Jo djoy om YPM saxeYS Jo AIjeIoodso Suyjjos 40 Buisng esoyy! suvowr yep ¢,Suyjeap sopisur, zo SuIpen soprsuy, *] spolqo Aoi 31 stoupne ayp aoujdar 0} Suruaywasty pur “320K 03 sad Woy sony 1yOId ‘uy suoneUeA Bq apy 07 ,Suunosse eanearo, Jo sondluyoo) ou He SUIS] “HL “aeSuep ul agi] $.a[doad Sunind axogazem pue suoryeyndax Arages pue wpjeay Supjeaiq st Aueduioo v yup ajdurexa so} ‘sadedsmou v 0} 0 aorjod aip 0} NoNReUNOJU! [eRUEpHUCS Burjeanad sued IwYP *,FuMoIg ONSIYAL, “D “penuos B UIM 0} UBM NOK JI ao[oYo OU aALY NOX ‘ajt] Jo AWM B St Azequq aIOyM Jeu Burkes ‘Siownuoo uBlo10 usm oF L9pI0 Ut s[eIO1JO uBfo10 rdnwioo Fugue ‘UIODUT Jo doINOS JOfeU LOY aso [[1M BBeIIIA efoym Oy) ue Kxoy08) aup asojo 01 aAzy JM Aaup Srapl0 INOX JeouED NOK 41 YoU Avs APY, “suonfpuos Suppom puey ul ‘K1o39¥ Sit ul pjo sia ausU se SuNoA se uoIp|Yyo sKo|duia Aayumoo Suidojeaap & ul suatjddns anoX Jo eu IY) 2@A0OSIP MOA “a -Ausnpur sejnonied sno 01 a]quunoagy sae] ssed 0) suviontjod apensiod 01 Burn suvaw yeuy BuLqgo| uo Kauow Supuads “aq “aatpoue ur parearo sqof gos pur ‘umor uo ut sgof s1o1p Susso] ajdoad goog UE s1nsax pinom siz, “AnUNOD Surdojenap aedeayo & 0} BuNeoojar pue ‘iopjoyereys sofeu ev are nok araym uo} Ireus & uy A10,90y ¥ BuIs0]> Aq siso9 uooNposd nos Jo %O anes pINOD NOx “D “yonpoid e jo sjoadse peg aup snoge ain Surdosy 10 jeap yea v SunesafBex ‘Syuaurastuaape ui YMA Jyey A[Uo BUILIOL “a + aSeuojdso peunsnpuy, ~ sasseaord uoponpord say Jo saimyord aye) oF YyeIS Hoy Jo BuO Ked o1 Apjou098 s} Bulop axe suoyodwoo yeym ino puy o} Kem ysoIsea axp yeIp sIsaBBns Kpoqauiog “y Bang Mind your steps to success 1, the time when a financial arrangement such as a bond or an insurance policy becomes ready to be paid 2. to agree to pay the cost of something and to take financial responsibility for it if it fails 3. a person or organisation whose job is to buy and sell shares, bonds for investors 4. assets promised by a borrower to a lender if the borrower cannot repay a loan 5. a part of the profits of a company for a particular period of time that is paid to shareholders for each share that they own 6. an amount of money borrowed by a government or organisation. The government or organisation produces a document promising that it will pay back the money that it has borrowed usually with interest 7. one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided 8. someone who owns shares in a company 9. the original amount of a loan not including any of the interest that is paid 10. the amount of money that you get from an investment, especially bonds 11. a written promise that a company gives to a customer, stating that it will repair or replace a product they have bought if it breaks during a certain period of time 12. a document sent by a seller to a customer with details of goods and services that have been provided, their price, and the payment date 13, the government department that collects national taxes in the US 14, it shows how much a bank account contains, or how much it is in debt 4.3 Fill in the blanks with the missing words: Bank bilateral chancellor of the exchequer collecting ldebr-relief debis indebied —_ long-running Monetary money roughly poverty.stricken written off Misers may be disliked, but usurers are despised. This may explain the remarkable success of the (1) campaign by churches, charities and celebrities to have the (2) sess. Of the 3) sscseeeee Countries (4) sesseseee « Even when aid budgets were especially tight — (5) ......... speaking, from 1993 to 2001 — the campaign shamed the governments of the G7 rich nations into cancelling much of their (6) ......... debt. Reluctant to give (7) to poor countries, rich countries’ governments became equally chary of (8) ......... debts from them. On June 11", the (9) ......... campaign won another triumph. At a meeting in London hosted by Britain’s (10) ......... and a strong advocate of debt relief, the finance ministers of the G8 agreed to cancel all the debts that 18 heavily (11) poor countries owe to three multilateral lenders, the World Bank, the Internat (2) Fund and the African Development (13) ....+...- (Adapted from The Economist) 90 16 Sunured osseaig & Buixnq - spuog Bung - ssoujsng umo anog Suado - soreys Sung plo8 Burkng - >queg v uy Kouow! 943 Bund ~ :umo anok jo siotpo say pug pu sojdurexo Sujaroy{ oJ 212 UO wowed gavou Jo unoUre oie] & poy MOK Jt ISOAUE NOK PINON TUM UL sso1doy Busmoljoj ay Jo U0 ssnosiq 7S Ajsnoapnos pus Suypua oayisod v anid souioysno aip aunsseas asiSojode ‘ujee Sutsiodo opeysjur a0p yuonasd 03 u9>fe) WONDP aves uojqoxd aup 2ajos 0} Wor}e) UNDE oyeIs ‘uio|qoud up Jo asneo aya ureidxo junoooe oul ayia) sem qurejdutoo ayy yey oBpaymouje& _ysnuu perounsn{pe yo 19019] Ajsnoayinos pus ayer 01 yureayKuredutoo Joujo up autnbar nok suoroe eyes fuedutos 3nok 40 nok Ka, wo3{e) SuoNoe 1seBENs ‘uta|qoud aip Jo sasme ojqussod ysa8ns qurpjduroo 303 (s)uoseax ayes ypenuoo 10 Japs0 OV QJOI# sysmu zayepdurod J0 19973] xt ; “uoyems aun | so wewomies pue vopeoyre 40} y8e nod yoIyM U xed | | | ayy 0} werdwoo e yew 0} papizep nok 'SrMy, 7! UF Yat | $00ce aren sisuy pue wuna2oe up porxoyo nok ax0}aq | | 38m ou) “Mduo sem yunoooe oy) Jeu) pasfeas Nox | | ing 'sjusufed auos eyeu of nende wound nok woy | -ayerduon ax Buriooveo yued a wos, ensue. | AavOW MespUA o|paiLeM no Yeu, Ye} 2) UORLALL | 212 Pinoys Tex) juauysnfpe Jo sane) © SUNK | nok you ul yueq & o} rweydluoD Jo J0H0] © OANA ! @ iNznus wanacnus vs sjuowjsn[pe pue syurejduiog ¢ Faguog ‘Mind your steps to success 2, Some companies seem very happy to spend huge sums of money on their best clients in order to ‘keep them sweet’. Does this make good business sense or is it just another form of corruption? When is a gift a bribe? And when do you draw the line? 3. “It is better to be first than it is to be better”. (The Law of Leadership) 5.3 Writing: 1. Make the presentation of a Romanian or foreign bank including the following steps: history of the bank, the type of bank, the number of employees, the major investors, the services offered by the bank, the main competitors (1-2 pages). 2. Read a financial newspaper and find an article that talks about a company Whose shares’ price was affected by: governmental decisions, bad management, stock market crash or any other cause. Afterwards try to make a short presentation of the article, mentioning also how you think that the company can improve the situation. Remember! y Expressing probability with modal verbs MAY, MIGHT, COULD * You use MAY, MIGHT, COULD to say that there is a probability of something happening or being the case. “May” is slightly more formal than “could” or “might”; otherwise there is very little difference in meaning between these modals. e.g, Don't eat it. It could be a toadstool. His route from the bus stop might be the same as yours, In rare cases the jaw may be broken during extraction. * If you put “well? after MAY, MIGHT, COULD, you are indicating that it is fairly likely that something is the case. ©.g. I think that it may well have been his intention You might well be right. It could well be there the place he likes to live in the following years. © You use MAY, MIGHT, COULD with “have” to say that it is possible that something was the case, but you do not know whether it was the case or not. e.g, Sally could have got there by the time you finished your homework. Tom might have secretly married his girlfriend from childhood. I may have seemed to be overreacting. 92 £6 nes: Poco ieee apooysuy anvouy 4p OF BOT MOgE MOH“ anoo"* a amnoxs""""* “pousosop aq |11a4 yowag stip y9adxo | “3 are Drriddceeet mie a “Wo 11 []e0 9m Jf douDIOYy EP OU SomLUL I] Tua" roy $.yeyp ous WT “Y “ous ou shes Suruwour 24s wy os pUE ‘syedeo UI pUoM Oy SUIMLUOD JF IBY OS DOUDTUDS YoeO a}LIMIY S°s ‘op oy 77" (Sp) 1 FeYM Apoexa mou, “"-""""(H1) asyo_auokiana yyy aBuens uloes Soop 21 ing “HOU uxked dn popu ancy (je (ET) | pur ‘qof aip jo ssou e apeut aavy Ayqeqosd (21) a4 ‘Ayjemoy jalep | MOY OULSeUL (TP) NO, *,AOUOU Yon Os paysem BALY JOU (ov NOK Woy, NOK 105 31 Party Avy AyseD ****"°°"-(6) J, “Kec OF * (g) | yanut mou, uy Surjfor seas | Uoyas puouy v pres “,owl pjoy aaey “"77"°"""(L) MOA, “ApyoINb 40A0 Hf (9) 1121p poproap 1 1nq ‘qof aassuadxo ue seas 4] “Bupyom 3,uaI9M SqyBY] ayy 9sn¥o9q DBeIeS oy} 0} 120 Ku oy) 0} (&) 1 \durexa Jo} Sjoom ye] “sorjowsd YoRUI os pey aAvy | asMeD0q 2q “~* (p) 4 yo au way yods **""""""" (g) | mou Aq “ane] 00} otto99q sey 31 UOYyM dup DAey ] NOK wy Mou SKosspe MoyaUtos UM ‘odKy Up ssoIDe oULIOD 2ALy * w “yuene ai Joye Alo Iq ‘nok oAls OF ao1Ape Pood aavy seme ojdood awog :o0vds yoro Ut q204 [epow 1qeIINS OuO Ind FS 108 pu ‘Aud yom se * mou Aq yfoq BRETT OF HISD ays, “mou dq poap.iin BAOY PYAOTS apy 39 “Apeauye pauraddey aney on unpoutos ada NOK erp AUS 0} ALY WM OL LHDNO 100 TAOHS 90 10K OL.LHON0 ‘GTNOHS “waists ay ag TSM us awi09 1snf soy Oya uosiad 24] “upwoss 0 9 wore u20g aaDy FS opoIAD S147 “39 -seoumysuunono 10 sqoey semnored Jo asneoaq asvo ou} st Suryauios arataq nok yey aeo1pul o1LSAWY en NOA © Isa ‘sayagtinoa wood Buysisso uy panjonur aq ppnoys sainyg panup) ays 14s aeu8o PAOM nox “;sunyd yrau8 ayy fo panay aavy TAR s1auayst Iso “snp mouy TPR au ayy yren sozrruinf aap oye nod fo aso, 8'2 -ayyjod arcu aq 0 UBM NOK JLATIOAA 980 UO NOK ,{T1M,, JO PROISU “If IQNOp 0} Uosear Aue st os0y Syunyp OU Op NOK pur ‘oseo axp st FUatos yey) Bujwunsse ou NOK LOY -TTTAL © @INOAS “THI Baquog Mind your steps to success F. It will be all the same if we gave up now. MIGHT 5.6 Choose the most suitable words underlined. . That can’t have been/shouldn’t have been Nick that you saw. . You had to give/might have given me a hand! . TL eaught a later train because I had to see/must have seen a client. 1 2. 3, 4, I suppose Bill should have lost/might have lost his way. 5. I didn’t refuse the cake, as it must have been/would have been rude. 6 . I don’t know who rang, but it could have been/must have been Jim. . It was odd that you should have bought/would have bought the same car. It’s a pity you didn’t ask because I could help/could have helped you. 7. 8. I asked them to leave, but they couldn’vwouldn’t go. 9. 10, It’s your own fault, you can’t have/shouldn’t have gone to bed so late. 1, Match each sentence from Ito 10 with a sentence from A to J: 1. We have to haggle We have a nice little nest-cag, We have a high expenditure We get in free We are in debt We are very thrifty We are paid on commission We want a rise We lend money }0. We have a high income SY enema We spend a lot We don’t waste money We let people borrow from us We eam according to what we sell We argue about the price We eam a lot . We don’t have to pay |. We need higher wages We owe money ST ROABOORD> so | co} aes fcn] ff | ‘We have some savings 94 6 + soyonaJ9ed *b 4c 980M 105 UO “11 YO,, «608 uoNRUasaId OY} PIP MOH, “€ ‘ssaoons ony v Sv 1! 12 S40] SF] srouyied osauedey aup (py [Bap Mau yp jnoge ********** St JO}OOSIC] BUIBOURYN HL “Z -sesssseees OUA TUBISISSE SIY S,3! ‘9Bueyo ul uog soFwuEU Ou} JO PeOISU] “YL “Ayooip juauiaReueM Jo Base au UE Buppom us9q 24,1 “IIe YY Sppo amp 10A0 “f. woked *y woous auf 4940 (04) “H. dn oaunbs “5 Wo-du wey “A sonv9 3044 ON 19S“ ‘Jlasouo 20} oweu voyeur “ sos omjoums oy 119“ sBunp uo of uv dooy “g quiog & oy!1 03 “y :sq194 yeseayd 20 swHoIpy ajqenns YM suE|G up UE Ly OL songs} Ay,N9as SyWAUApUN “OT 6 siyoud aatgoal “6 8 suo] aster “8, L ysouoqut Red oy 9 spuny ayo 9 s sysodop “a ayeu *s ¢ sajouonno “a ones *p € ssoutsng “2 aBuryoxo “E z spuog “a op % T solape “¥ o8m0y “1 :suomea0}]0o w0y 01 sunoU pur sqreA ayy dn yore E Buyout ouw sdy ara, “a ‘pues yBnows ON “G “quousaytoxa ou 9481 1,Ue9 AOU, “D. radon ay IND“ poueny “¥ 902, 8 Woy UMOP JUEJUNODIE UE JoH NOK Op MOH] “Ss {quejUNODDe JULIO] v |[e9 NOK OP YM “p gstuvqunoser autooaq sioupner,uop AYA “€ puns o1p UT SyoOU IOI 03 dn syuEUNODDE BAY aALY NOK J! ALY NOL OP WYAL “Z {BuIA] 1e SuEjUNODOE J} 10} NOK UO AMOK] "T :soyof Supmoyfoy ap Jo soarey axp dn yor *Z aapaeg Mind your steps to success 5, “Who’s going to be in charge of the Personnel Department while you're away?” “Pve asked John to. 6. I know thal, in the short term, relocating the capital seems very costly but I'm sure it’s going to ...... in the long run, 7. Let me pay this time and you can ext week, 8 ur revenue has doubled and is still on the increase. Our products 9. Our prices may seem a bit . but custom-made footwear doesn’t come cheap. 10. “Five dollars for a Coke? ... 5. Replace the italicized words by idioms or phrasal verbs with a similar meaning. “There are some extra idioms: A. stand a good chance of B. work one’s fingers to the bone C. keep one’s ear to the ground D. get off on the wrong foot E. pullit off F. up to his ears in G. be in the market for H. up-and-coming 1. put (something) on the market J. long overdue K. drive (a company) out of business L. turn (a company) around M. play second fiddle 1. ['ll pay attention to rumours/office talk and if 1 hear anything about it on the grapevine, I'll let you know, 2. They say he is heavily in debt and will have to sell the business. 3. Everybody thinks he’s very likely fo be promoted to manager, himself included. Obviously, he doesn’t enjoy taking a back seat and he’s been acting head for quite a long time already. 4, Right from the beginning he had a bad relationship with the manager. 5. When he took up the job, no one believed he could urn a hopeless business into a successful one again almost single-handedly. He worked very hard and he finally ‘managed to make it happen. 6. Iyou're interested in buying a beautiful holiday villa, this one is for sale. 7. He's a successful artist and has no intention of going into the advertising business, so he’ll have to sel! his father’s company. 8. Competition is getting tougher and tougher, and they’re afraid it will cause their small company fo clase down. 9. He's been recently appointed CEO of a new manufacturing company that’s very likely to become successful, 96 i (oarpounnye oupuupides) “yzeajade a8 axvo vy asnpoud 1§ 119,198 ap sojundn warepioge wud ‘azijeue youn wuLN up reULLZoTOP a1s9 wyse0e “HINSOnUL 2p uejd inun walliqeis wazapon uy ouunse [+15 ys sndsyp ise Jmuatyo aivo ed ost 2p tnpei® aiSoauid 09 e200 Ul “Jajald wiinjone ap uti azeo ajtanosis ylunse 18) wIso0e “PING pj aovof ys aBaye AIA woljo uN pugo youre ‘jn adeode aise [nosis ‘ojerjuosjord yzuygop ap gzeioyouaq iva vp ‘oivourg 10jyzodep jnzen ut woe “quo alo | oyWso008 y varnd ¥ NsqUed axpoUteg o}1z0d9p uy puins gywnue o gzeansed Joysiuor[o voyeysofeur “eouautose aq] “oune op ouzoy ul | oma 2p tui ap ans eaargo v] ap ‘nudod tnyeaideo usp %06 18 OF AHIUL eLEA puEINE aja ‘eimsace inyijoad ap arioury ut nut oueo) BrQyp thar op sunsoAaut fauns “Ory “jeuideo ap vivid ad oquautese|d avy os Yo oforIpaz9 ayese00 yUNs Sap feu [2D ) -gNsonuT Inga te 229 “jsqiuodsip npeudes wip eazopuod no pingay ut 1S ywo ‘OUTINSaAWI exfeuNsep arSonyad 90 vee Uy Jeop nu dings uns wfuoy ‘snjd uy “aveygurans wy 18 199 Bre} uy rere “LMpuogosne Suis 9p UMP WI Sort areod mua ‘InN-Bupyueg oearg mpouuoruy Wltd ‘ayes Jojparnoaigo #8 sojseidayse axeidepe ayezzeuossod orejouvuyy injos op RzeIoysuIq WaH]o assy yo IMdey Ud ponpan 98 NJO|AIOS inysow je Me inyedioutsg (--*) “ousedap fap 190) no soylroyoueg apjszidayse yo oued as (""*) yoseoUgWOS gizid od nou niotaies un oso 8aq] “Supjueg ewatid ap EHIO aapovad muuizeidan voyseoe oWwor ‘oluoNdaI> YoIAes ‘40j9q12z0dp uopeysuv.L, vasvojea wip %o8 v1 gued aBunfe rod 20 pero ap sul, Sequiny yiv0? Ul Bupyug ‘ojefuoseyasd zugqop ‘a[euorfeusoNut ajaiaid ad iinsoaur ‘yymerd grerouruy aivoryiueld yostouyuros vjeid ad nou teoueq npprases UA “Sango

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