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ndustrial Iraining Weekiy Diary

Week 1: From.94..0.1..202..... To....a8...of...202

Expected Work:
Study of organization chart of industry/plant with responsibilities of the different posts
i. General Study of industry, its location, its history and its product range, its size, number
of employyees, its turnover etc.

Day Activities carried out

Btascted the, Tndustial Jraininq Om web vtlopmert

gatheteo Jkomahon about he
he Company
and thei projel
Repo+Ted to he ment abouu hi jaing
hearned the basics 6web developmunt
(www, webgilt, hest, "domau n).0L/Ox design
basics. How to chogse un appkapriale clomcun
et. HTTP protocol & how datg us Sterad un gewes
6asics o Hyperkt Makkup kanguage
The studue oHTML as dmp&tane hat
not a sinqle wehi le can be deweloped oiHhout
|Conhinued with HTML.
uoltd a mir projeat (calenda) wsina
Anolysed vauous HAal-hme websilks& collecke ideoa
Leavened vau ous Conenkhons makinqq an
c t e r t websi R. hRant about SEO,h
&chiq ues 90quiod to get ouw websik seakchid
9iky, and tht bouna Halt_o a uhsilk

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Keakr abouut websikt dlewelop mut ancl
CrLOled Simple web paqes.

Signature of Student:
... of lndustrial Supervisor...o aoo
tndustriat Training Weekly Diary

Week 2: From.!.01..202.2. T o . . . 5 . 0 . 1 2 9 2 . .

Expected Work: Study of layout and specifications of major machines, equlpne

materials/components used.
the Sections of Industry visited and list the major machines, equipment and
materials etc. studied:

Day Activities carried out

Vasuous dikent tasks wsL Caied out UsI

e e , anlied validah
Ut. Autofo cus PTopetuy
aded with Coscading Skyleskals
LRaened w basics. websi le
make a
Tt vaudu eatwas to
eueC and agounl

Gaared beauikl and elagrt uweb pms

3 singbasic CSS popexhes.
Amalsd ils SOme wlbsi les.

Conhinued with CSS

auwailable online
LasnRd fo use Vokioug o
oogle onti) s e Vauou iCons aNai lable
cnia Cfond AuweSomëJ0_hake 0L.
(soaltd a naw ba i d e b a e a n d
Vasuou adwaned Propeetes ocSs
Small homapage Oawebsile.
Gsaled a

summarization of the above activities:

tnhanced the webpaqes whch wur 0ated
Cavlue wth CSS
oem8 wih olidahion3.
Gceakd dukR
Signature of Student:......
.Signature of Industrial Supervisor...

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 57

ndustrial Training Weekly Diary

Week 3: From..91.2022 To.....2.2..0.1..202.4..

Expected Work: Study of production processes along with production planning and control

List the Sections of Industry visited and list the major production process, and products
for which planning and control procedures etc. are studied:

Day Activities carried out

GLted Nauos desiqns ol Soial media
1 |4iles. Analysed whert and how HTML &
Guated a wtbpage uoith vasuous Pseudo
2 Cawes nd pseudo elomerns ocSS.
(hove, als o inks ele).
UWed varipus odwance propeeheg o CSS
3 Qke tha -nded ovloo opail cto
Cmbedded hind poky websile unto oU wocbpaye.
Cuakd degant ond useul ems by onnlirg
4 vasi ous CuLtom yalidotiong . Mso asunt
abo he methods e sending the olata o
fhu hackeh d
twted oith the basi s o Jawas oupt .
5 ARarnt about Synckionous Ts and 4nchsonous
Js i.e. Hi ast Objet types oh Ts (do ctumet &
01nd oay.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

pesigrec vaious Jlol-hme webpaqe uing
CsS and Jawas oipt. bualed small po e

Signature of Student: -.Signature of Industrial Supervisor..NE

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education S8

induastriat Training
Weckly Diary

Week 4: From.2..0:1..202-2.. To.292.I.2044...

Expected Work: Study of testing and quality assuranee processes.
1 s t the Sections of Industry visited and list the major testing and quality assurance
processes studied there.

Day Activities carried out

wha JUSEvet Hanciin in Ss Th

dikeat ernts i ke clik, mouuseovt mouugeot
6 uc, douwble- cick , mouseup , mouwsRdoum,
mouseMo Load, unioad O i3e.
6asic psupgkams o s
2 Basic Pram usingGncick ewent
HTML elemerdts
Chanqed the a t i bieles
csS tedlk
GtaLhed a
m appli ed vosuous

3 and hen pertamned the va idah snS wsing

9 and uaed C OPOsiveeem.
Gaaled a possuwetd
pgin tt allouR
4 CTncotoad passuwe*cd table düsNayin pog
ACs0, CKAaled a Simple
ohi Ch
Pauemed basic mahemnahcal calculahond
and MÅ.
CouLated the Layot a a Calclotae
Gunateda duncumiic Aidex

of the above activities

Weekly summarization
eaurl about Ewent Handli ng in JawasoupU.
yaious tasks on enert handlinq.

Student: ....
....Signature of Industrial Supervisori,
Signature of
Maharashtra State Board
of Technical Education

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