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Mole Concept
1.Homogeneous mixture (Solution) : It has uniform composition
e.g. Aqueous solution of sugar, aqueous solution of NaCl, air etc.
It has only one phase.

2. Heterogeneous mixture: It has not uniform composition

e.g. Water + oil, water + sand, storm etc.
It has more than one phase.
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept
SI unit is an international system of measurements that are used universally in
technical and scientific research to avoid the confusion with the units. Having a
standard unit system is important because it helps the entire world to
understand the measurements in one set of unit system.

Seven basic units :

Sl. No. Name of the Quantity SI Unit SI Unit Symbol

1. Length (l) Metre m
2. Mass (m) Kilogram kg
3. Time (t) Second s
4. Electric current (i) Ampere A

5. Temperature(T) Kelvin K

6. Amount of substance(n) Mole mol

7. Luminous intensity (Iu) Candela cd

International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept Derived units:
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept Derived units:
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept Derived units:
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept
Some Derived units

Quantity Definition Unit Abbreviation Basic Units

Area Length × breadth -- -- m2
Volume Length × breadth × Height -- -- m3

Density Mass per unit volume -- -- kg/m3

Speed Distance per unit time -- -- m s-1 (m/s)

Acceleration Change in speed per unit time -- -- m s-2 (m/s2)

Force Mass times acceleration Newton N kg m s-2

Pressure Force per unit area Pascal Pa kg m-1 s-2
Energy Force times distance Joule J kg m2 s-2
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept
Commonly used prefixes with the base units-


-1 1
deci d 10 deka da 10
-2 2
centi c 10 hecto H 10
-3 3
milli m 10 kilo K 10
-6 6
micro µ 10 mega M 10
-9 9
nano n 10 giga G 10
-12 12
pico p 10 tera T 10

-15 15
femto f 10 peta P 10

-18 18
atto a 10 exa E 10
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept
International System Of Units (SI)
Mole Concept

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