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Verb tenses

1.Present Simple:
Affirmative: S+verb-inf.(3rd person sg. term. s/es – go, wash, match): I live/ He lives.
Negative: S+don`t/doesn`t+verb-inf.: I don`t live/ He doesn`t live.
Interrogative: Do/Does+S+verb-inf.?: Do I live/ Does he live?
to be: I am/ I am not/ Am I?
-adverbe: always, often, usually, sometimes, never, generally, regularly, normally, seldom;
-every day/ week/ month/ year, once in a while, all the time;
 acțiuni obișnuite, repetate în prezent: I always get up at 6 o`clock.
 pentru orare: The bus leaves at 10.

2.Present Continuous:
A: S+to be+verb-ing: She is playing.
N: S+to be+not+verb-ing: She is not playing
I: to be+S+verb-ing...?: Is she playing?
-adverbe: now, at the moment;
 acțiuni petrecute în momentul vorbirii: We are now landing in New York.
 acțiuni temporare: I live with my parents, but this week I am living with my aunt.

3.Past Simple:
A: S+verb(II/ed): I played/ I brought.
N: S+didn`t+verb-inf.: I didn`t play.
I: did+S+verb-inf...?: Did I play?
-adverbs: yesterday, two days ago, last week/ year, in 1985;
to be
A: S+was/were
N: S+wasn`t/weren`t
I: was/were+S
 acțiuni încheiate în trecut: I watched TV last night.
4.Past Continuous:
A: S+was/were+verb-ing: She was singing.
N: S+wasn`t/weren`t+verb-ing: She wasn t singing.
I: was/ were+S+verb-ing...?: Was she singing?
 acțiune în desfășurare la un moment dat în trecut: At 5 o`clock yesturday I was
feeding the cat.
 acțiune în desfășurare în trecut întreruptă de o altă acțiune din trecut: I was reading
the newspaper when the guests arrived.

5.Present Perfect Simple:

A: S+have/ has+verb(III/ed): They have played
N: S+haven`t/hasn`t+verb(III/ed): They haven`t played
I: Have/has+S+verb(III/ed)?: Have they played?
-adverbs: just, already, yet, still, for, since: They have lived here for 10 years.
 acțiune din trecutul recent: They have just received the news.
 acțiune trecută cu consecință în prezent: I have lost my keys.

6.Present Perfect Continuous:

A: S+have/has+been+verb-ing: They have been drawing
N: S+haven`t/hasn`t+been+verb-ing: They haven`t been drawing
I:Have/Has+S+been+verb-ing: Have they been drawing?
-accentul cade pe durata acțiunii: for how long?
 acțiune care a început în trecut și continuă în prezent: I have been teaching English
for 10 years.

7.Past Perfect Simple:

A: S+had+verb(III/ed): She had bought flowers.
N: S+hadn`t+verb(III/ed): She hadn`t bought flowers.
I:Had+S+verb(III/ed): Had she bought flowers?
-adverbs: after, before

Past Perfect Past Present

 acțiune din trecut înaintea altei actiuni din trecut: I went home after I had bought
8.Past Perfect Continuous:
A: S+had+been+verb-ing: He had been waiting
N: S+hadn`t+ben+verb-ing: He hadn`t been wainting.
I: Had+S+been+verb-ing: Had he been wainting?
 acțiune în desfășurare în trecut înaintea altei acțiuni din trecut: I had been waiting
for two hours before the bus arrived.

9.Future with will:

A: S+will+verb-inf.: They will go.
N: S+will+not+verb-inf.: They will not go.
I: will+S+verb-inf.?: Will they go?
 pentru structuri ca: I think I will go./ I suppose they will go.
 pentru decizii din momentul vorbirii: Somebody is at the door. Ok, I will answer it.
 pentru a cere ajutor: Will you do that for me?/ Will you help me?
 pentru promisiuni: I promise I will be good.
 pentru predicții sau lucruri ce se vor întâmpla în viitor: The shop will close at 8.30pm

10.Future with be going to:

A: S+am/are/is/+going to+verb-inf.: I am going to fall.
N: S+am/are/is+not+going to+verb-inf.: I am not going to fall.
I: am/are/is+S+going to+verb-inf.: Am I going to fall?
 predicții: Look! That tree is going to fall. / She is going to have a baby.
 intenții: I am going to meet my brother tonight.

11.Future with Present Continuous:

A: S+to be+verb-ing
N: S+to be+not+verb-ing
I: to be+S+verb-ing...?
-obligatoriu cu time expression;
 pentru lucruri ce se vor întâmpla cu siguranță: I am seeing my doctor on Monday.
She is flying to Budapest next Tuesday.
Future-Present Continuous Future-Be Going To
I’m flying to Brussels on Thursday. = I have I’m going to fly to Brussels on Thursday. = I
bought the air ticket. have decided to go there.

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