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Sugarcane provides a juice, which is used for making white sugar and jiggery and many by-products.

Bagasse is used as a fuel, for production of fiber board, papers plastic and furfural.

Paper Industry :

Uses – Pulp and paper production from sugarcane bagasse.

Used for four main paper categories - Packaging and boxes, Writing papers, tissues and newsprint.

Dissolving pulp are converted into pulps are converted into products such as rayon.

Sugar Industry :

Molasses comes into midway through the process of turning sugarcane into refined sugar.

Massively simplifying the process, sugarcane is crushed to collect the juice,the juice is clarified to
remove impurities and boiled to evaporate water and create crystals.

Textile Industry :
The rise in demand for novel fibres has led to innovative ideas surging in textile industry. Sugarcane
bagasse, which is an abundant waste fibrous residue of sugarcane, is used in apparel industry.
Sugarcane is grown to extract sugar from its stalk. After the juice is extracted, the remaining
sugarcane fibre pulp is called bagasse.

334 sugar factories in Maharashtra

Sugarcane Pricing Policy :

1. cost of production of sugarcane;

2. return to the growers from alternative crops and the general trend of prices of
agricultural commodities;

3. availability of sugar to consumers at a fair price;

4. price at which sugar produced from sugarcane is sold by sugar producers;

5. recovery of sugar from sugarcane;

6. *the realization made from sale of by-products viz. molasses, bagasse and press mud
or their imputed value;

7. **reasonable margins for the growers of sugarcane on account of risk and profits

(Link for sugarcane waste ideas for startup)

Bagasse is defined as the fibrous residue remaining after sugarcane or sorghum stalks are
crushed to extract their juice and is currently used as a renewable resource in the
manufacture of pulp and paper products and building materials.Bagasse is used to make
insulated disposable food containers, replacing materials such as styrofoam, which are
increasingly regarded as environmentally.

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