Watershed and Agriculture Management in Rajasthan

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Watershed and Agriculture Management in Rajasthan

Dr. Panmal Pahariya
Associate Professor, Geography, Government College, Tonk, Rajasthan, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Panmal

Scarcity of water, poor natural resources and desertification are the Pahariya "Watershed and Agriculture
most critical issues of Rajasthan. The state has the highest probability Management in Rajasthan" Published in
of drought occurrence in the country. Agriculture and animal International
husbandry are the major sources of livelihood. However, scanty Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
rainfall and low availability of underground water make the
and Development
occupations uncertain and generate low returns. Poor income has led (ijtsrd), ISSN:
to several other challenges in the region, including malnutrition, 2456-6470,
women’s drudgery, distress migration and exploitation of natural Volume-6 | Issue-7, IJTSRD52339
resources. A large number of farmers in Rajasthan still practice December 2022,
traditional farming which impacts yield due to the limited availability pp.374-379, URL:
of irrigation water and extreme weather conditions. The majority of www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52339.pdf
the population are poor and marginalized farmers who depend
primarily on agriculture and livestock for livelihoods. Traditional Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
rainwater harvesting systems such as johads, paals, and bandhs are in International Journal of Trend in
a neglected state, so the water from monsoon rains is not collected Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
and is lost through runoff. And there are no perennial rivers that can
Open Access article
meet the needs of the people. COVID-19 has caused widespread distributed under the
uncertainty throughout the population. A drought scenario with lack terms of the Creative Commons
of water would increase the anguish among the population. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Communities need adequate access to water for livelihood and for (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
domestic use, especially during harsh summers. Traditional KEYWORDS: Rajasthan, watershed,
community water conservation practices will be considered when management, rainwater, harvesting,
planning solutions for watershed management. conservation

The Community in Rajasthan will also participate in 3. The project includes the important aspect of soil
the selection of water bodies suitable for development conservation and improving the green cover to
in order to improve the impact for the beneficiaries. mitigate the impact of climate change.
In accordance with government protocol, low-income Communities will be mobilized to understand and
community members enrolled in the Mahatma Gandhi act on the importance of planting trees and
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act improving green cover. Triggering slow growing
(MGNREGA) will be employed in certain project tree stumps for faster growth has been a
activities such as embankment strengthening, shrub successful strategy in enhancing the green cover.
pruning, and reforestation. Thus, helping day laborers As communities mobilize through the water user
will contribute to improving the financial security of committees, they are empowered to manage the
the community. watershed in the future. This project will work closely
Planned implementation methods and their with community organizations, farmer groups, the
advantages are: Department of Agriculture - Krishi Vigyan Kendra
1. Combination of community based labour and use (KVK), the Panchayat village, the District and State
of machinery for for speedy implementation of Governments.[1]
the project. Women are important stakeholders and are negatively
2. The course of the watershed is looked into to get affected during droughts, as the burden of collecting
the maximum amount of water during monsoon water for the home falls on them. Addressing
rains. Water collected during the rains will help women's issues by involving them in water user
for surface water storage and lead to percolation groups and promoting leadership and decision-
of water to improve ground water levels.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
making roles among them will facilitate their long- adverse impact of drought and provided more food,
term ownership of the project and its sustainability. water and fodder security to the community. Due to
watershed activities, the livestock population and
The agriculture in low rainfall areas of eastern
their productivity increased substantially particularly
Rajasthan, India is characterized by high risks from
in the case of the marginal and small farmers. The
drought, degraded natural resources and pervasive
socio-economic status of population significantly
poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. In this
improved due to the impact of watershed program.
region, water is the main limiting factor for upgrading
The watershed program also increased the income
rainfed agriculture. For such areas integrated
and reduced poverty of people in the watershed. The
watershed management is recognized as a potential
small and marginal farmers got relatively greater
approach for agriculture growth and rehabilitation of
benefits from the watershed activities. It increased the
fragile and degraded lands. At Gokulpura-
working days of all categories of farmer; and
Goverdhanpura village in Bundi eastern Rajasthan,
achieved good success in reducing the seasonal as
India an integrated watershed project was
well as long-term migration from rural to urban areas
implemented using the holistic systems approach. We
by providing better employment opportunities to
discuss the impacts of this watershed program on bio-
farmers within the village itself. In summary the
physical, socio-economic, environmental and
watershed program improved surface and
ecological parameters. Results indicate that due to
groundwater resources, minimized land degradation,
watershed interventions the groundwater availability
reduced runoff and soil loss, enhanced vegetative
has substantially increased which brought changes in
cover and improved ecological status; and finally
cropping patterns with high value crops. Significant
brought prosperity to the people in the watershed
increases in irrigated area, cropping intensity along
with diversification of crops from traditional to
commercial cash crops were recorded. The watershed Discussion
program also significantly improved the socio- The world as a whole, experienced remarkable
economic status of the watershed community. It has economic growth, technological development and
increased the income and reduced poverty of the scientific progress, but development has harmed the
people in the watershed. The watershed interventions environment and now the environmental harm has
generated good employment opportunities and been adversely affecting the development. There is
significantly reduced the migration of both skilled also an attempt to have an appraisal of watershed
and unskilled labor from the watershed village to management for exploring its impact agricultural land
urban areas. It has also improved the environmental use pattern in Thanagazi tehsil. Furthermore, the
quality and ecological status in the watershed. The study aims to investigate rationally and objectively
watershed interventions increased the vegetative the dynamic nature of land use and agricultural land
index or greenery, reduced runoff, soil loss, and land use pattern and its findings and queries to make
degradations and improved the bio-diversity in fragile useful suggestions for better crop pattern because the
ecosystems. Overall, the integrated watershed change in cropping pattern is the best indicator of
program at Gokulpura-Goverdhanpura provided socio-economic and cultural development of an area.
resilience by ensuring continued and sustainable A watershed is the most scientific agro climatic and
multiple outputs, besides soil and water conservation hydrological unit bounded by natural ridges and
and other positive environmental effects.[2] allows the run-off due to rainfall to drain in well
defined drainage pattern of streams formed within the
The integrated watershed management program at the
watershed boundary. The watershed approach creates
Gokulpura-Goverdhanpura watershed made
sustainable development aimed at eradicating
significant positive impact on water resources, rural
poverty, increasing the standard of living, and
livelihoods and environment and ecology. The major
improving the overall welfare of the rural population
impact of watershed program was on improved
that is dependent on the geographical land area. The
surface and groundwater availability even during the
trapping of surface runoff water, watersheds have
critical periods of post-rainy and summer seasons.
emerged as the growth engines in entire the fragile
Increased surface and groundwater availability
Bairath region.[3]
resulted in increased cropping intensity and
diversification to more remunerative land use systems The rapid depletion of underground water, growing
involving livestock, horticultural and vegetable mining and industrial activities and increasing
production. Watershed program increased the population are severely affecting environment of
productivity of most of the crops, resulting in higher Thanagazi tehsil and agrarian and rural society
profit margin. It also significantly decreased the consequently.

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Ever-increasing pressure of population coupled with Thanagazi. The assured market in Alwar city, and
poor, management of land and water resources in Thanagazi and Narayanpur other neighboring tehsils
Thanagazi tehsil also is putting immense stress on the have promoted all the farmers to go for vegetable and
fragile environment of Bairath region which is the fodder cultivation. This reflects that people of the
part of Aravalli mountain ranges. Land use data hold watershed village have responded positively to the
great potential for deriving timely and reliable market need.
information on the nature, extent and magnitude of The significant change in cropping pattern is seen in
agricultural land with reference to impact of the Sanwatsar. The Wheat, Bajra, Barley, Gram and
watershed development at the micro level. Mustard and Maize has shown the maximum increase
The watershed development helps in raining from 25.66% to 21.50% to whereas no change
rehabilitation/revival of degraded land, forest water is observed in fodder crop whereas spices are not
resources through various technological inputs (both grown. Surprisingly vegetables area has not shown
Indigenous and technology) along with development any change and cropping in the watershed area which
of agriculture, horticulture, pisci-culture et cetera, to is required after development of watershed
make people self-sufficient and self-reliant in food, programme. The spices and Jowar are also not grown
fuel, fodder, forage, fiber and fertilizer. in the Sanwatsar watershed.
Rajpura watershed is located in Thanagazi Panchayat
Oils in the watershed are shallow to medium deep
Samiti of Alwar district of Rajasthan and lies nearly
brown soils. Physiographically, watershed is having
90 km away from the district headquarters. The area
terrace like sloping pattern where gentle to moderate
is connected by metallic road as watershed. The
sloping pattern is observed specially in the middle
watershed area consists of three villages namely
and lower reaches. Geologically, the area is mainly
Rajpura, Basai Abhayram and Gudha-Chotti Chind.
occupied by Aravalli hills. Groundwater occurs under
The village has a total population of 1623 and the
unconfined conditions in the weathered and fractured
watershed covers treatable area of 1216.34 hectors.
rocks and under semi-confined to confined conditions
The literacy rate in the village is 66%. The watershed
in the undulating terrain. Demographically the
area belongs to mixed villagers with majority of
watershed area is having a total population of 750
Gurjar and Meena. The different communities in the
with 150 household with an average family size of 5
area have maintained their own identity with their
peculiar culture and traditions. There are total 17
This watershed is comprised of Sanwatsar part of landless households in all the watershed villages.
Thanagazi and Rundh-Jhiri the having communities The people have to depend on rainfed agriculture and
of different socio economic background therefore; crops like Bajara, Moong, Moth and Guar are grown
separate efforts were adopted to mobilize the villagers during Kharif. Agro-Forestry and Pasture
and to convinced them for Sharamdan and other development activities have not yet been carried out
guiding principles like Ban on tree cutting and open and horticulture has not been also picked up in a right
grazing. For example village Kabligarh and Rundh- way in the watershed. The watershed activity has
Jhiri which located in the upper reaches of the made marginal impact on crop productivity and
watershed is predominantly Gurjar community where underground water table and ensuring the safe
as is in Sanwatsar lower part of the watershed is drinking water. The treatment has also helped to
having mixed community mainly comprised of withstand the adverse effects of erratic rainfall.
Meena, Gurjar, Brahmin and SC. For example village Further, it has also ensured the livelihood for entire
Sanwatsar and Kabligarh which located in the upper year. Seasonal migration has become restricted. The
reaches of the watershed is predominantly tribal indirect impact, is visible in the overall improvement
villages have taken a lot of convincing to adopt social of standard of living like improvement in the
fencing as most of the households were having cattle dwellings, household level assets have increased. The
and the villagers was excessively dependent on forest first glance of result reflects their overall marginal
for the livelihood. The farmers were reluctant to positive interaction productions for crops but
adopt the watershed principles as per the guideline forestation and pasture development progress is very
therefore in this part of the watershed different poor but subcutaneously there is marginal increase in
strategy was adapted to convince the villagers and to water level in the watershed area. Additional area also
implement the project.[4] has been brought under cultivation. The overall
The major impact of watershed is the change in impact of the measures undertaken fill date have been
cropping pattern and preference of farmers for resulted into raising of ground water table, increase in
vegetable crops. Now village is one of the main productivity of crops as well as wage employment
suppliers of vegetables to close by Alwar and generation.[5]

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The watershed intervention has brought an overall market of Thanagazi, Narayanpur and Alwar which
improvement - in productivity, cropping pattern, has resulted in the improved income for the farming
sustainable drinking water supply socio economic villagers of the area. Moreover, village has also taken
conditions and reduction in the seasonal migration. few steps forward by initiating other development
Now, this area is known for Tomato, Onion and Potato work specially to improve the drinking water facility.
cultivation, which has helped the farming villagers to Now the new water supply scheme at Vijaypura is
attain self-sufficiency in term of assured livelihood. nearing the completion.[11] At present village is also
[12] getting input from agriculture department, which has
resulted in improved irrigation practices and adoption
The major impact of watershed is the change in
of horticulture activities in a big way. At present
cropping pattern and preference of farmers for
almost 30%, tomato growers have adopted to drip
vegetable crops. Now village is one of the main
irrigation. Though Rajpura watershed have achieved
suppliers of vegetables to close by Alwar. The
many landmarks but still issues like over exploitation
assured market in Alwar city, and Thanagazi and
of ground water, migration of land less in summer
Narayanpur other neighboring tehsils have promoted
season, non functional institutions and non utilization
all the farmers to go for vegetable and fodder
of maintenance fund are causing serious concerns to
cultivation. The significant change in cropping
the sustainability of watershed intervention and needs
pattern is seen in the Rajpura. The Gram, Fodder,
to be tackled on priority basis
Mustard, Barley and Bajra have shown the maximum
increase raining from 28.57% to 13.19% to whereas Results
marginal change is observed in Wheat (7.75%). Rajasthan is characterized by erratic and low rainfall
Surprisingly vegetables area has not shown any with varying intensity and uneven distribution of
change and cropping in the watershed area which is heavy intensity rainfall in short spell. In addition, the
required after development of watershed programme. steep slopes with sandy soils make livelihoods of
The spices and Jowar are also not grown in the small and marginal farmers from natural resources a
Rajpura watershed. Almost all major crops like heat, very challenging task. A major portion of rainfall
grain mustard, bajara, fodder etc. have shown positive goes off as runoff, which also takes the top layer of
impact on area but percentage of the Urad and Bajara soil away from the fields. The water tables in general
has shown decreased trend of total cropped area are very deep and are declining further on account of
whereas wheat, gram and odder percentage of the overdraft. Combination of all these factors makes
total cropped area has increased. agriculture a very difficult proposition in the region.
Hence, the central focus of this project is on works
However, it is observed that the area has already been
related to water and soil conservation and watershed
declared as dark zone and as a result, farmers are not
getting loan for the construction of dug wells. Now
farmers have resorted to bore well drilling and after Soil Conservation and Watershed Management,
watershed intervention around 27 new bore wells are Animal Husbandry, etc. The specific objectives are as
drilled and they are causing serious overexploitation follows:
to the ground water regime. Imparting teaching and training in different
branches of agriculture and allied fields
The overexploitation of groundwater and erratic rain
particularly Horticulture, Fisheries, Dairy,
fall in the last few years have adversely affected the
Forestry, Engineering, Community and Applied
groundwater availability in the watershed area and it
Sciences etc.
is reported that out of 110 bore wells drilled at present
only 25-30 are functional and rest of them are either The advancement of learning and conducting
defunct or have little water. At the time of field visit, research, seeking solutions to emerging problems
a vast tract of fallow land was observed and the in Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Animal
reason cited was non-availability of groundwater and Science, Community and Applied Sciences, Dairy
very less rainfall over last couple of years. This and Food Science and other allied sciences.
clearly indicates that at present the watershed Transfer of technology to farmers and farming
interventions are not able to contribute towards community and government and non-government
drought proofing during long dry spells[6] agricultural organizations through various
The programme has brought prosperity in terms of extension programmes especially for the rural
improved income, which has increased many folds people of the state of Rajasthan.
mainly due to agricultural activities. Since this Providing diverse technical services and
watershed is situated nearly the Alwar-Narayanpur consultancy in industries allied to agriculture to
district high way and having close proximity to the

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optimize resource utilization and for proper (CHF) in 2004 and the College of Fisheries at
harnessing of technologies generated in the Udaipur in 2010 were established. In order to address
laboratories and fields. the socio-economic and policy planning research
related issues of agriculture and allied areas a separate
Developing linkages nationally and
internationally for education, research and cell named as “Socio-Economic and Agricultural
Policy Planning Research Cell” has been established
extension education.
in the university. [8]
The extension and research programmes have
The university has a full-fledged Directorate of
regional functions and are based upon priorities and
Research with comprehensive infrastructure for
requirements of identified micro-farming situations in
research both at headquarters and at different research
three agro-climatic zones of the state.
stations. A number of research projects are in
To achieve the above objectives, the university has progress where in postgraduate students do participate
made untiring efforts and all developmental plans by taking up their research problems under the main
were strategically and effectively implemented, which project with a specific objective(s). Many a times, the
resulted into rapid and systematic progress in all postgraduate students get financial help also in the
spheres of teaching, research and extension. The form of research fellowship as provided in the
university has a good status among the Agricultural project.
Universities in the country.[10] This has become
The Directorate of Extension Education is another
possible with the unstinted and genuine support of
Government of Rajasthan and the Indian Council of important component of the university responsible for
the development of extension education processes and
Agricultural Research. University is now actively
transfer of technology to the stake holders. Farm
involved in upliftment of socio-economic conditions
advisory service, organization of field days, various
of farming community particularly tribal in the south
trainings etc. through a number of Krishi Vigyan
and south eastern Rajasthan by promoting efficiency
Kendras are some of the major activities of the
in use of natural resources, ecological security and
sustainability in productivity by crop diversification,
quality seed production etc. Concerted efforts are Keeping in view the above extensive academic
being made on utilization of indigenous resources of programmes, the university has created a Directorate
energy, integrated nutrient management involving of Student’s Welfare with the aim to plan and
bio-fertilizers and vermi-composting, diversification organize the co-curricular activities for the students at
of cropping systems, integrated pest management, the University and College level. The main objectives
judicious use of scarcely available irrigation water, of the Directorate are to coordinate different activities
rainwater harvesting management, processing and of NCC, NSS, Sports, Literary, Cultural, Moral
value addition, farm mechanization, women Education, Placement and Counseling etc. to facilitate
empowerment and ergonomics of farm women, the overall personality development and to inculcate
entrepreneurial promotion, livestock improvement the basic values amongst the young students of the
and production in order to attain a sustainable farming university to groom them as a good citizen of the
system. The university also supports the Commission nation. The Directorate is also supervising the
for Agricultural Costs and Prices with the data base Students’ Union activities to allow them to work in a
for cost of production estimates of major crops democratic way to solve the genuine problems of the
required for minimum support price policy of the students and to bridge the gap between the students
Government of India.[7] and university administration.[9]
To start with, Rajasthan College of Agriculture Conclusions
(RCA), College of Community and Applied Sciences Ministry of Jal Shakti is taking up a nation-wide
(CCASc), College of Technology and Engineering campaign “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” (JSA:
(CTAE), College of Dairy and Food Science CTR) focusing on saving and conserving rainwater
Technology (CDFST) at the erstwhile Udaipur with the theme “Catch the rain, where it falls, when it
campus of Rajasthan Agricultural University, falls” from 29 March 2022 to 30 November 2022 in
Bikaner, Agricultural Research Stations, Sub- the pre-monsoon and monsoon periods of 2022,
Stations, Livestock Research Stations as well as covering both urban and rural areas of all the districts
Krishi Vigyan Kendras in 10 districts in earmarked in the country.
service area of the university were transferred along
National Water Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti
with staff and facilities to this newly created
launched a campaign “Catch the Rain” with the tag
University as its constituent units. Later on the
line “Catch the rain, where it falls, when it falls” in
College of Horticulture and Forestry at Jhalawar

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to create Rain Water Harvesting Structures (RWHS) Sudi, S. N. Singh and M. D’Souza, “Assessing
suitable to the climatic conditions and sub-soil strata, the Environmental Benefits of Watershed
with people’s active participation. As a preparatory Development: Evidence from the Indian Semi-
step for the “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” Arid Tropics,” Journal of Sustainable
campaign in 2021, a massive awareness drive was Watershed Science & Management, Vol. 1,
launched on 21st December 2020 in collaboration 2011, pp. 10-20.
with the “Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan” (NYKS)
[8] V. R. Reddy, “Sustainable Watershed
involving Youth Clubs in 623 districts across the Management: Institutional Perspective,”
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 35, No.
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