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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930


Nitesh Soni1 and Rashmi Chindarkar2
Student1 and Assistant Professor2, Department of Information Technology And Mathematics, The S.I.A
College of Higher Education University of Mumbai Dombivli

It Is Observed That Along With Physical Impacts On Youngsters Due To Excessive Play Time For Pubg,
There Are Also Several Negative Effects On The Mental Health Of Pubg Players. Most Of The Players
Playing Pubg Are Seen To Have Aggressive Behavior In General Due To The Nature Of The Game. The
Main Purpose For This Research Is To Understand The Reason For Such Behavior And Suggest Necessary
Measures To Change. For This Research Data Have Been Collected From Regular Pubg Players Between
The Age Group Of 14-24. And By Collecting And Analyzing The Data I Will See What Happens In Pubg
Player’s Behavior Whether It Is Normal Or Aggressive Or Depressed. There Is Various Data Analysis Tool
(R Programming, Tableau Public, Etc.) Are Available In Market. Some Are Have Their Advantages And
Some Are Have Their Disadvantages. And For Data Analysis I Use
Power Bi Software, Because Power Bi Is User Friendly, Analysis The Data Very Accurately And Its Free Of
Keywords: Pubg, Effect Of Pubg, Aggressive Behavior, Depressed, Age 14-24, Fuzzification And

Most of the researches describe the negative nature of PUBG like violence, aggression, strain on eyes and
mental health, etc. But there are also studies which prove PUBG to be beneficial in certain cases. Like video
games improve the functioning of brain. Video games help to excel multi-tasking and increase concentration
“Video games change your mind,” according to University of Wisconsin psychologist
C. Shawn Green. This change can be good or bad. It has been observed in most researches and studies that
PUBG has negative impact on the male youngsters.
PUBG is a trending Online Game which has widely attracted the youngsters. However, the game has
affected the lifestyle and behavior of players. The huge impact of this game on youngsters, especially male
population in India diverts their regular routine towards more playtimes [1]. The survey found that the
mainland and overseas markets of PUBG are huge and the number of users is rising. The fast growth rate has
aroused the attention of the major game operators. Therefore, the game operators believe that improving the
loyalty of the PUBG users is an important task for today's game players. Past researches have shown that
game design will influence the initial experience of game players, trust was an intermediate factor between
social experience and loyalty, and there was a positive influence relationship between trust and loyalty. In
addition, it does not discuss the relationship between trust and loyalty from the perspective of gender.
This study will provide data relating to behavior of PUBG players in Thane. Data has been collected at
random PUBG players aged 14 to 24 who play regularly or used to play regularly.
Surprisingly, these are very few respondents from the samples who have experienced major behavioral
changes like increased aggression towards everyone for small reasons. Most of the respondents have normal
behavior and have very less impact of the game on their lifestyle or daily routine. Lastly there are also few
respondents who have no impact of the game on their behavior.

Being a PUBG player, there is always a bit of aggression in mind due to minor reasons. As also there are
many cases related to PUBG players which have led to some kind of mishaps between family members or
society. A little bit of disturbance while playing the game makes the player angry and him almost ignores
everything around him [2]. To understand the reason of such incidents and behavior, being directly or
indirectly linked with the game PUBG is the main purpose of the study.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

Few of the reasons as to why PUBG is a highly addictive game

PUBG is easy to learn but hard to master PUBG sounds plain enough and initially the player needs to just
jump off the plane and head to somewhere in the map away from the line-of-fire to find equipment and
weapons. That’s the easy part, which everybody can do; however, from there on, the competition drastically
increases. The players will need to survive the choice of sneaking into the play area, avoiding confrontation,
or go in all guns blazing with an aggressive mind-set. It’s that increasing difficulty curve as the game
progress that makesit addictive [7].
The most important strategies include the decisions made in the current match and which is different from
those in the previous one. The type of weapon chosen is crucial for the individual. All these questions get
answered only with experience. Player Population The game has lakhs of players across the globe. This
simply means matchmaking takes little or no time at all. That is always a plus point for any FPS or
multiplayer game, as it lets you binge-play. Clear Progression the players earn BP for playing matches and
the BP rewards increase if the performance is better. Finishing in the top 5, winning the match, getting more
kills etc. are all ways to increase BP [7]. BP can be used to purchase character customization, crates and
Gradual Improvement because the number of players is huge, revenues are also at an all- time high. PUBG
has worked some of that back into the game, by introducing a new map and many other improvements. The
game is in a better state compared to its initial phases. Take cheating for example. PUBG over the last few
months have generated a reputation for harboring the highest amount of cheaters in any FPS game ever. This
has created a record. The developer bans on average 10 lakh players per month for cheating something for
All Levels The game has taken a massive liking towards all age groups due to its simplicity and easy
gameplay. Battle Royale works because it is somewhat like a sandbox; each round will be experienced in
new and different way, with the same strategy resulting in various outcomes.
Isolation of data:
The data was collected through Google forms and thus, Primary data is the source of information. The
questions were asked in the format of a normal Questionnaire which contained 11 questions including name
and age.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

Questions asked to respondents:

Data Analysis Tools Comparison

Power BI vs Tableau
Power BI vs Qlikview
Power BI vs Excel
Power BI vs. Tableau
Microsoft Power BI is a business Intelligent Tool that use to handle data from different sources and provides
visualization after cleaning and integration process. It enables adhoc report generation and helps in the
analysis of the data. Effective and easily understandable Dashboards are generated and can be published on
the web. It can be used by naïve users to experienced users. It is used to run adhoc queries to identify
patterns and trends [6].
Tableau is a business intelligence tool with appealing user Interface to generate reports, dashboards, and
analysis of the huge data from multiple data sources. It provides interactive data visualization to understand
the data and make insights. It makes the users understand the data without the need for technical knowledge
and enables understanding even any complex process in a simple and efficient approach [6].
Differs majorly in the visualization standpoint ability in extracting the data from different servers.
Data Access
Power BI cannot connect to Hadoop databases whereas it enables data extraction from Azure, Salesforce and
Google’s analytics. Tableau allows accessing data in the cloud and connecting to Hadoop databases [6]. It
also identifies the resource automatically.
Power Bi provides numerous data points to provide visualization for analysis of data. It has around 3500 data
points for drilling down across dataset and conduct an analysis. Without any coding language, using drag and

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

drop method, users can create charts, scatter plots in the tableau and it also does not restrict the number of
data points.
Customer Support
Power BI provides limited customer support. Tableau has a strong customer support and has community
forums for the discussions. It has categorized the support into online, desktop and server support.
Set Up
Power BI is available in three categories. Desktop, mobile, and service. The very basic set up is Azure
Tenant. Tableau makes it possible to share the results generated in Tableau desktop over Tableau online or
Tableau Server.
Power BI is Saas model i.e. Software as a Service. Tableau is available in both on- premises and cloud.
When huge data is available in the cloud, it produces the best result.
Power BI vs. Qlikview
Power BI is possibly outstanding. But the file size issue associated with QlikView is a big matter for us.
Power BI can demonstrate verified results. Power BI gives the user more scope (compared to View) to
customize every chart (visual) as required [6].
It’s USP ‘The Associative Experience’. They allow users to gain unpredictable business insights by
understanding how the data associated is and what data is not related to. Conducting indirect and direct
searching across all data anywhere in the application globally and/or within a single field, is easy [6].
Below are the lists of points, describe the key Differences between Power BI vs. QlikView
Power BI wins the race with mobile and visual exploration and also in authoring. Both differences between
Power BI and QlikView offer advanced analytics which is embedded, Power BI can demonstrate verified
results while Qlikview has some catching up to do. Power BI is also improved at Smart and easy way of data
recovery. However, both Power BI and QlikView solutions proposition a similar level of provision for
advanced analyticsdashboard.
Qlikview’s storing data capabilities andETL are considered improved than individuals of Power BI. Their
emphasis on usability for the end customer and also enables them to deliver good customer experiences.
QlikView is having built in for analytical purposes, allows users to dump into the code itself, and test with
models that they create. This might be welcome to Data Developers and/or hard-core Scientists. But for
people intense to get their hands-on visions in order to make business decisions timely and this feature can
be rather threatenin
Power BI vs. Excel
Power BI can connect to excel spreadsheet, cloud, relational databases, NoSQL databases, Data warehouses,
flat files, Big Data tools and much more. Power BI is very robust, simple, fast and enterprise-grade, ready for
extensive modeling, custom development, and real-time analytics. Power BI is in three forms, for Windows
application, it is Power BI Desktop, as Software as a service (SaaS) it is Power BI service while third is
Power BI apps for phones, tablets, and Android devices [6].
Excel Enabling and enriched with Intelligence, Excel understands your patterns, organize your data and
helps in saving your time. Excel provides different templates that help you to create spreadsheets and
perform calculations and modern formulas. Excel will help you to get a better picture of your data. There are
wide varieties of charts, graphs, pictures which help you to present your data in a compelling way with spark
lines, formatting, and tables to better understand your data. Both Power BI vs. Excel are popular choices in
the market; let us discuss some of the significant Difference.
Power BI is a Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Visualization tool for creating custom and interactive
dashboards from different data sources while Microsoft Excel is a software application from Microsoft that is
used for data analytics, mathematical operations, data organization and many more features using a
spreadsheet system. Power BI is much faster in processing while comparing Microsoft Excel. Power BI can
smoothly handle a large amount of data while Microsoft Excel is limited to some extent of data. Power BI
handles Big Data while Microsoft Excel is not capable of handling Big Data. Power BI can connect with
different varieties of sources while Microsoft Excel can connect to limited sources. Power BI dashboards are

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

more interactive and custom while Microsoft Excel dashboards are not much interactive. Power BI is easy to
use and very much flexible while Microsoft Excel is not so handy to use [6].
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Starting with the regular routine of the players, PUBG has disturbed the routine of almost 24.56% of the
players have playtime more than 4 hours in a day. Considering the limitations, there might be more number
of players whose schedule has been affected due to excessive playtime.
Most players are from the age group 14-24 and it is observed that the youngsters between this ages are not
much negatively affected by the game. There are records which show more play time (but less than 4 hours)
of students or teenagers between the age 14 and 18. The game’s policy also restricts the playtime of ‘Minors’
to 6 hours to balance their daily schedule also avoid some negative effects of the game on them. The data
was analyzed and summarized in the form of Pie-Charts. The charts showed the summarized data in
percentages. The methodology adopted is ‘Field research’ through mass observation and survey technique as
Google forms. Although the analysis mostly represents the collected data, mass observation is also used to
generalize the result.
Refer the following Pie-Charts for change in daily schedule of youngsters due to PUBG

From the above chart no.1 there are 29.82% have responded yes and 70.18% of them have response No, that
PUBG affect in sleeping time.
In Chart no.2 there are 24.56% says they play PUBG more than 4 hours ,Secondly the response of most
players 70.18% surprisingly shows very less impact of PUBG on the behavior of players. Thus it can be said
that most PUBG players have a normal behavior.
In Chart no. 3 there are 15.98% have responded yes and 84.02% of them have response No. they spend
money in PUBG for avatar, there is a majority of the response who are not spend money in PUBG for buying
any kind of avatar.

From the above chart no. 4 there are 28.07% have responded yes and 71.93% of them have response No, that
PUBG affect in their friendship.
In Chart no.5 there are 40.44% have responded yes and 59.56% of them have response No, that PUBG
makes them to forget about rest of the world.
In Chart no. 6 there are 27.95% have responded yes and 72.05% of them have response No. that get
frustrated for not finishing the PUBG game.
The response of most players surprisingly shows very less impact on the behavior getting frustrated of
PUBG players.

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

In chart no.7 there are 8.77% have responded that they get aggressive after losing match in PUBG, there are
14.04% have response that they get Depressed after losing match in PUBG and there are 77.19% have
response that they behave normal after losing match in PUBG. Means the majority of them are feel normal in
their behavior.
In Chart no.8 there are 34.21% have response that they feel very happy after getting chicken dinner in
PUBG, there are 33.33% have response that they feel happy after getting chicken dinner in PUBG and there
are 32.46% have response that they feel normal after getting chicken dinner in PUBG.
In Chart no. 9 there are 7.47% have response that they play PUBG with their family, there are 9.91%
response that they play PUBG with unknown person, there are 12.18% response that they play PUBG alone
and there are 70.44% response that they play PUBG with their friends. Means the majority of the player who
play PUBG with their friends.
Thus it can be said that most PUBG players have a normal behavior

Chart no.10
There are 12.28% have response that they play PUBG for relaxation, there are 38.6% have response that they
paly PUBG for time pass and there are 49.12% response that they play PUBG for fun.
This survey has been done only for limited PUBG players and the result we got is represented in the form of
pie chart. Some results that we got are unexpected, it may because of limited area survey and in result we are
able to acquire some uncertain values. So for this we can use one of the popular “Soft Computing
Technique” i.e. “Fuzzy Technique”. This technology help us to find out approximate certain values from
large set of uncertain values.
We now present the fuzzy technique below:
We consider a population of PUBG Players. Suppose that the population of PUBG players P is given by the
multiset P = {p1, p2, p3, p4, …, pN }
And the population of other area B is given by the core set B = {x1, x2, x3… xn}. Consider P in the form
of a bag with the count function CP(x), where x belongs to B. The value CP(x) reflects the multiplicity
(repetition factor) of the element x in the multiset P and is called the count-value of x in the bag P. Clearly
∑CP(x) measures the cardinality of the multiset P (i.e. of the bag P) denoted by # (P). Corresponding to
every point xi we consider a fuzzy set “about xi”. Since the elements xi are not real numbers in general, the
closeness of two elements xk and xr are measured by the amount of distance between them. If the distance is
less, then they are close. If the distance is more than they are away from each other, not close. The close
elements are almost equal in some sense, or approximately identical.
In fuzzy techniques soft computing provide us many different kinds of methods to do visualization of
uncertain values which we got from PUBG survey that has been done for finding out behavioral changes in
youngsters. We can apply operation like union, intersection, Compliment and also we can find out fuzzy

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

relation among values by calculating tolerance value after implementing some relations like reflexivity,
symmetry and transivity among those values.
By using such techniques we can do survey analysis for complex and large data from various regions/areas.
Once we get large set of all possible uncertain values, it becomes easy to reach to the approximate certain set
of values with the help of “Defuzzification Techniques” such as Lambda-Cut (λ), center of largest area, first-
of-maxima and last-of-maxima.

Center of Largest Area:

First of Maxima:

Last of Maxima:

By using all above Defuzzification techniques, we can find out specific values against PUBG survey by
putting limit to membership function for the set of value (Lambda-Cut) and gravity (Center of Largest Area)
limitation across largest convex area, by calculating maximum and minimum peak value from the large set of
uncertain values.
This paper gives idea on various aspects of PUBG gaming and its effect on youngster. This paper is helpful
for everyone who wants to do research based on game addiction.
This research paper are helpful for knowing the behaviors of PUBG players regarding to their sleeping hours,
frustration and aggression, urge for winning the game.

According to the findings and collected information it can be said that there is less impact of PUBG on
behavior of PUBG players. However, there is a little change in behavior in some of the respondents but the
impact is not found as large.
Here, on the basis of collected information, it can also be said that youngsters have aggression but not at
higher rate which may further lead to violence. there is not much difference found in the players as majority
of population is not affected due to impact of PUBG.
Comparing the non-affected players with the affected ones, it can be suggested that Playtime or hours for
PUBG in a day can be reduced to an extent which will not disturb the daily routine of the players. This
gradual decrease in playtime will normalize their behavior and also minimize aggression towards others.

Volume XI, Issue XII, 2019 Page No: 1684

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Issn No : 1006-7930

[1] does-pubg-affect-your-life
[2] mobile-gets-a-play-time-restriction-of-6- hours-per-day-
will-this-solve- anything
[4] pubg-game-on-your-health-pubg-side- effects
[5] playerunknowns-battlegrounds-is-so- addictive
[7] Lancy D’Souza, Manish S., Deeksha S., “Development and Validation of PUBG Addiction Test”,
Vol.7, Issue.1, March 2019.

Volume XI, Issue XII, 2019 Page No: 1685

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