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Advanced Lab Report 5

Group Names:
1. Najla Naif
2. Hajar Alamer
3. Fatimah Habib

Experiment Title: Purification of Kitchen Salt by Re-crystallization Method

Experiment Main Goal: study the recrystallization method on the purification of kitchen
salt by evaporation and precipitation.

Results and Calculations:

Crystallization of Solution Method A

1. Data on the impure kitchen salt
a. Mass of weighing beaker: 53.6 g
b. Mass of the kitchen salt + weighing beaker: 61.6 g
c. Mass of impure kitchen salt: 61.6 – 53.6 = 8 g

2. Data for recrystallized kitchen salt

a. Mass of weighing beaker: 53.6 g
b. Mass of recrystallized kitchen salt + weighing beaker: 61.3 g
c. Mass of recrystallized kitchen salt: 61.3 – 53.6 = 7.7 g
d. Calculation of percentage recovery:

Weight of kitchen salt obtained after recrystallization

%= × 100
Weight of kitchen salt before recrystallization
%= × 100 = 96.25%
Crystallization of Solution Method B
1. Data on the impure kitchen salt
a. Mass of weighing beaker: 53.6 g
b. Mass of the kitchen salt + weighing beaker: 61.6 g
c. Mass of impure kitchen salt: 61.6 – 53.6 = 8 g

2. Data for recrystallized kitchen salt

Mass of weighing beaker 53.6 g

b. Mass of recrystallized kitchen salt + weighing beaker 60.6 g
c. Mass of recrystallized kitchen salt 60.6 – 53.6 = 7g
d. Calculation of percentage recovery:
Weight of kitchen salt obtained after recrystallization
%= × 100
Weight of kitchen salt before recrystallization
%= × 100 = 87.5%

Compare between these two methods.

In method A we got higher percentage of recrystallized kitchen salt than method B, that
could be due to the present of impurities or not drying the salt enough.
Which means that method B removes more impurities and more liquids from the kitchen salt.
Give some reasons why vacuum filtration is to be preferred to gravity filtration.

1) Vacuum filtration is much faster than gravity filtration, often taking less than one minute
with good seals and a good vacuum source.
2) Vacuum filtration is more efficient at removing residual liquid, leading to a purer solid.

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