PI - Reflections - Sociology Paper 2022

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QUESTION WISE REFLECTION OF 2022 SOCIOLOGY – I (26/28 Reflections, 22 Direct,4 Themes)

IN 2022 TEST
 Comment on the utility and scope of sociology.
 What is Interpretative Sociology? How far has it
Test 9 Q 2(c) ||
influenced the scope of the discipline?
Delimit the scope of Sociology in relation to Test 1 Q 2(b)
1(a) 10  Human history provides the base for study of
other social sciences. ||Test 7 Q1(a)
social life. How?
|| Test 1 Q1(b)
 Examine the influence of economics in
establishing sociology as a social science.
 Is interpretative sociology value free? Justify your
How does a researcher achieve objectivity in Test 9 Q 4(b) ||
1(b) 10  What is objectivity in sociological research? Is
interpretative research? Test 1 Q 8(a)
objective social research possible? Clarify your
 “Torture the data, and it will confess to
The difference between information and data Theme
1(c) 10 anything”. Is the scientific method value-neutral?
in social science is subtle. Comment. Test 1 Q 4(a)

Durkheim argued that society is more than

1(d) 10 --------------- -----------------------------------------------------
the sum of individual acts. Discuss.
 Explain the concept of ‘Patriarchy’ and how does it
affect entitlements to women.
How do sociologists construct gender in their Test 6 Q 3(a) ||
1(e) 10  "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman."
analysis on social inequality? Test 7 Q 4 (a)
Discuss the methods and implications of gender
stratification in society.
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What aspects of ‘Enlightenment’ do you think
 How did Renaissance and Enlightenment
2(a) paved way for the emergence of sociology? 20 Test 1 Q 2(c )
contribute to the emergence of sociology?
Explain the different types of non-probability
Theme  What is probability sampling? Discuss its utility in
2(b) sampling techniques. Bring out the conditions 20
Test 7 Q 3(a) sociological research with suitable illustrations.
of their usage with appropriate examples.
 What is social mobility? How can education
influence social mobility?
Test 4 Q1(b) ||  Present a note on hierarchy in open and closed
Discuss social mobility in open and closed
2(c) 10 Test 7 Q1(c) || systems.
Test 4 Q1(a)  Discuss the structural and cultural barriers to
social mobility. Is technology a bridge across these

What are the shortfalls of positivist philosophy  Discuss how non-positivist methodology fills the
3(a) that gave rise to the non-positivist methods of 20 Test 1 Q3(b) gaps in positivist methodology.
studying social reality?
 What are views of R.K. Merton to the concept of
structural strain and anomie? Give your views.
Critically examine how Durkheim and Merton Test 9 Q4(b) ||
3(b) 20
explicate Anomie. Test 7 Q4(b)
 Is the theory of ‘alienation’ different from that of
Suggest measures to minimize the influence
3(c) of the researcher in the process of collecting 10 --------------- -----------------------------------------------------
data through focus group discussion.

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 Critically examine the implications of technology
on worker alienation.
What characterizes degradation of work in Test 3 Q 1(b), Q  “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy
4(a) 20
capitalist society according to Marx? 2(c) capitalism”. Evaluate the extent to which
Marx succeeded in this objective.

 How is social order maintained in societies?

Social stratification in claimed to contribute to
Test 3 Q1(c) ||
4(b) the maintenance of social order and stability 20
Test 4 Q3(a)  Are all societies stratified? Critically examine the
in society. Critically assess.
inevitability of social stratification.
 What dimensions should be regarded to validate
What is reliability? Explain the different tests social research in addition to Reliability and
Test 1 Q4(c ) ||
4(c) available to social science researcher to 10 Validity?
Test 9 Q2(b )
establish reliability.  Elaborate on the aspects of reliability and validity
of quantitative primary research techniques.

Critically examine the relevance of Durkheim’s  Critically examine the contemporary relevance of
5(a) 10 Test 3 Q2(b)
views on religion in contemporary society. Durkheimian theory of Religion.
Discuss various theoretical perspectives on
5(b) 10 --------------- -----------------------------------------------------
the family.
Explain the implications of feminization of Theme  What are the causes for and consequences of low
5(c) 10
work in the developing societies. Test 8 Q 7(a) female labour participation rate in India?
 Has religion lost its social significance in the
5(d) Write a note on global trends of secularization. 10 Test 6 Q2(b)
world? Substantiate.
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 Are development and dependency are two sides of
the same coin? Clarify your arguments on the
Trace the trajectory of development same.
5(e) 10 Test 6 Q1(e) ||
perspectives on social change.
Test 7 Q7(a)
 Elaborate on Wallerstein’s views on development
and dependency.

 “Our view of ourselves, of who we are, is developed

from birth through interaction with those closest
to us. Individual selves are not the products of
According to Mead the idea of self develops
Test 3 Q 7(b) || biology but rather of this interaction.” Analyse
6(a) when the individual becomes self-conscious. 20
Test 7 Q1(e) using Mead’s theory.
 Discuss the presentation of self in everyday life. Is
individual identity a reflection of society and social
 What is a political ideology? Illustrate with
examples from the contemporary world.
 Comment on the recent trends in electoral voting
Test 5 Q1(d), behaviour in India. Can we witness a de-
Analyse the nature of transition from ideology
6(b) 20 Q5(a) || Test alignment of vote bank politics?
to identity politics in India.
10 Q6(a)
 What is mandate politics? Do you agree to the
view that Indian politics has been shaped by
competing communities and the ascendancy
“acquired” by some communities over the other?
 Examine the dynamics of little tradition and great
How do little tradition and great tradition
6(c) 10 Test 1 Q5(b) tradition. Identify instances of both in
coexist in contemporary Indian society?
contemporary Indian society.

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 Elaborate on “Social System’s theory” of Talcott
Parsons. How can this theory be used to
Critically analyse Parsons views on society as Test 3 Q6(a) || understand democracy as a system?
7(a) 20
a social system. Test 9 Q1(e)
 Explain whether Parson’s theory of social systems
is relevant in the present day context.
 The environmental movements as a form of new
social movement has two aspects: general,
Discuss how ‘environmentalism’ can be universal aspect, and uniquely specific or
Test 8 Q8(a) ||
7(b) explained with new social movements 20 particularistic aspect. Elaborate with suitable
Test 9 Q6(c)
approach. examples.
 What are new social movements? Illustrate with
suitable examples.
 Assess the role of pressure groups on
Illustrate with examples the role of pressure Test 5 Q2(b) || contemporary Indian politics.
7(c) 10
groups in the formulation of social policies. Test 8 Q5(a)  What are pressure groups? Examine the influence
of “pressure group politics” on democracies.

 Technology can moot social change, however in

Sociologists argue for democratization of
reality it can destroy social order. Comment.
8(a) science and technology for inclusive 20 Test 7 Q8(b)
development. Comment.
 What do you mean by ‘pandemic precarity’? How
has the pandemic affected the social institutions,
Are traditional social institutions getting Test 7 Q 6(b) ||
and how have these institutions responded?
8(b) weakened as agents of social change in the 20 & Theme
 Is religion a social necessity? Debate on the social
contemporary society? Substantiate. Test 7 Q7(b )
necessity of religions in the modern societies.

How do you understand the relationship Test 6 Q 2(c) ||  Elaborate the impact of Patriarchy on sexual
8(c) 10
between patriarchy and social development? Test10 Q 7(a) division of labour.

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 How does patriarchy influence “The rules of
marriage and divorce in India”?

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