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Effects of New Normal Education to Senior High Students of San Roque

National High School

Chapter 1

The pandemic has a very huge impact in every people’s lives but its effect greatly severed the
education of the students. Because of the risk, schools and DepEd comes up with the new normal
education which is an online-based alternative learning modalities and printed modular. Students
are imposed to adapt on the new system in order to catch up on their lessons and don’t fall
behind. However this change posed many risk and effects on the student, challenges and
problems are connected on this sudden change and are experienced especially on the higher level
of education. the Senior High School students have a higher risk of stress, depression, and
anxiety, while dealing with coping up with the new normal education. Students experienced
stressful time because of academic preparation on the situation that they are put in which resulted
with stress and hard time more than ever on their time as students, they struggle to learn
effectively and find it difficult to thrive on their education especially their new circumstance, and
some cases, it is nearly impossible to receive effective instruction or information (Weiss, 2020).
Some students may seamlessly adapt with the changes, but others find it hard to acquire
knowledge without the traditional learning where there is more interaction between teachers and

This research is conducted by the researchers to find the yield result of the pandemic on the life
of the senior high student in San Roque National High School after the unexpected change that
they are experiencing when it comes to their education.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of new normal education to the students especially to
the senior high school students of San Roque national high school.

This study seek to answer the following questions:

1. Does the new normal education helpful for the senior high students of San Roque National High

2. Does the new normal education better compared to traditional education?

3. What is the main factor that affects the students’ mental health?

4. What are the things that needs to be considered when it comes to implicating new normal education?

5. How does the students cope up with the new normal education?


This study will be undertaken to find out the effects of online learning or new normal to the senior high
students of San Roque national high school. If it has a good or bad impact on the mental health of the

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students
The direct recipient of the output of this research are the Senior High students of San Roque National
High School. Any improvement to the academic approach amidst the Pandemic can pave the way of
producing better learning for the students.

The Parents
The research benefits the parents of the study who are directly concerned with the education and mental
health of their children considering the situation right now.

Future Researcher
The result of this study can serve as basis for further study on Effects of New Normal Education to Senior
High School Students of San Roque National High School
Scope and Delimitation 

The general intent of this study is to know the impact and effects of new normal education to the mental
health of senior high school students of San Roque National High School.

This study will mainly identify and assess different factors that affect the mental health of senior high
school students, also, this study yearns to identify on how the researcher can develop and assist the
students to be a self-reliant in identifying, dealing and intervening with the different health issues related
to mental health measures that the senior high school students is currently facing and the problem that
may come into future.

This study will be conducted with a limited number of financial resources and time frameworks.


New Normal Education- It is an online-based alternative learning modalities which aims to be

receptive and beneficial to learners amidst the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) period.
Pandemic- An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries
or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population. 

Education- the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated. 
Stress- is a normal human reaction that happens to everyone.

Depression - is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you
think and how you act. 

Anxiety- is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like
increased blood pressure. 

DepED- The Department of Education (abbreviated as DepEd; Filipino: Kagawaran ng Edukasyon) is the
executive department of the Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity
in, and improving the quality of basic education.

Senior High School- is a secondary school that students attend in the three or four highest grades before

Teachers - is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. Informally the role
of teacher may be taken on by anyone. 
Traditional Learning - Typical face to face learning interactions that occur in a physical location such as
on school. 

Lessons- is a structured period of time where learning is intended to occur. It involves one or more
students being taught by a teacher or instructor.

This chapter will help you to familiarize and to shed light to understand the information
and topic that are under study.


According to (Tria, 2020) One of the sector affected is the educational sector due to COVID-19
Pandemic and no one knows when it will end. Despite of lockdown A lot of country wants to
sustain and provide quality education that's why implementing New normal education is their
plan. Implementing new normal education changes everything, even the tool needed to teach and
the way of teaching like TV, radio, Laptop and cellphone are being change. Because of dilemma
brought by COVID-19 Pandemic, New Normal Education is being implemented but this new
normal education brought another dilemma and that is Mental Health problems like Depression,
Anxiety, Stress. These mental health problems are being encountered by students, however even
the students experiencing adverse level of mental Health, they are still managed to have a high
academic achievement, but students' mental health should be healthy especially in the middle of
pandemic, to help them to cope in a life problem (Jopet Vincent B. Medalla, 2021). Not only the
Mental Health is the problem. Many teachers are still unfamiliar with the internet related
activities and technological products such as Computer. They need to take time to adapt this type
of learning system. They need to be train so they can know the use of tools for learning materials
and online learning management. In research of (etc., 2014) It is essential in the job of a teacher
to motivate their child during Pandemic. They need to teach students, encourage them to
prioritize education and see what unseen in the world.


On the study of (Garry John Stevens, 2021) They compare the effectiveness of online teaching
or learning and face to face teaching/learning. In the result they found out that 34 (41%) said that
there was a link between online learning and improved outcomes while 17 (18%) are favored in
face to face and 37(41%) said there is no significant difference. Studies shown all students that
have access in Internet, have technical skills, Willing to learn and have discipline in time
management are the students who will succeed in Online education. And In order to provide
more education options and enhance education innovation, Online education will continue
playing an important role in educational sector (Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, 2020). On the study of
(Tus et... al 2021) They found out that the parents are still adapting their involvement in school
while the academic performance of a students at school was satisfactory. This study showed that
the students doing well in their academic performances despite of work from home arrangement,
The teachers are feel connected to school while checking the outputs and performance of their
students. Based on their study (Filomena T. Dayagbil, 2021) they found out that in the midst of
lockdown the teachers need to adapt the new way for teaching and learning design guided by
policies implemented. And because of lack of access in internet a lot of students have a difficulty
in complying their learning activities or outputs and requirements. Because of laziness, high
pressure to get a higher grade and failed scores a lot of students paying money to the academic
servers to answer their outputs. The result of the study, there is low quality of education in the
country and poor integrity of some students. The performance of the students increased during
the new normal education. The low achieving students shows that they have a greater
improvement in academic performance than the high achieving students. According on the study
of (Spitzer, 2021). The students who used smartphones and tablet, or the one who had lack of
access in technology and internet are the one who will experience more barriers or problems to
online learning in the future.

Foreign and Local Studies

The New Normal Education starts in the year of 2020 until now 2022, Distance Learning are
implemented around the world to avoid the spread of covid 19 and for everyone's safety according to
World Health Organization WHO to control the number of covid 19 cases people need to stay at home so
the learning should be Distance Learning. Face to Face classes and Distance Learning in many countries,
some country is in Face to face but many of the country are still in Distance Learning. A lot of school in
other countries are still under the Blended Learning System. Many country schools and universities are
still closed. Distance Learning System is the one that helps a lot of students to resume their studies even
in this situation. Many countries are still under the Distance Learning system and some country is in face-
to-face classes.
Local Studies

In the Philippines the New Normal Education System Distance/Blended Learning either Modular or
Online, it is implemented in the Philippines both private and public schools. Department of Education
announced that classes in the Philippines is Distance Learning where students should study at home. In
this time of Covid 19 Pandemic students in the school of San Roque National High School have a lot of
challenges encountered and also some students have no access in internet/ Wi-Fi and lack of Gadgets/
materials needed for this new Normal. Students in private schools transferred to public schools because of
this Covid 19 Pandemic situation in San Roque National High School some students in private schools
they transferred to San Roque National High School because of this Covid 19 - Pandemic.


The researchers employed descriptive model as their conceptual framework in order to show how the
study gone through in order to have a clear and concrete answer. First the researchers seek to find the
demographic profile of their respondents, by Name, age, grade level, gender. Second the researchers aim
to what are the effects of the new normal education on the senior high students of San Roque National
High School, and what gadget do they frequently use.

3. What is the
1. How is the student’s
profile of the frequency of
2. What are the
respondents use on the
effects of the
describe in terms following
new normal
of: gadgets:
education on the
1.1 name senior high 3.1 cellphones
students of San
1.2 age 3.2
Roque National
1.3 grade level High School. laptops/desktop
1.4 gender
3.3 tablets/iPad


In order to get a significant result, the researchers must use the specific design and method in
conducting the study. It is used to collect the data and information on the current status of the topic or
situation in order to answer the questions. In this study, the "Effects of new normal education on
senior High students at San Roque National High School are now being studied. The goal of the
descriptive is to describe its characteristics and situations. It can explain on how the new normal
education effects the Senior High Students of San Roque National High School. If the goal of the
research is to identify the frequencies, characteristics, trends and categories, the best choice is
descriptive research. It can be used to look into background and effects of new normal education in
senior high students at San Roque National High School. In order to collect data, the Survey
Research will be used, in which the researchers will create a questionnaire to distribute to the
respondents who will give response to the research that conducted. It is used to derive instant
information to the primary sources. The result and findings of the study will help others to
understand, make better research, to predict future result or consequences, and present new research
questions. The flexibility to examine both quantitative and qualitative research approaches is one of
descriptive research's distinguishing features. Because of this, researchers can use a variety of
methods to aid in the research process when conducting descriptive analysis. In order to provide an
accurate account of the research issue, descriptive research explores deep into the research problem,
reaching beyond its surface level. Therefore, it will be useful in future field study, as well as other
kinds of research. It is immensely effective in resolving real life or real-world issues.


Researchers used the Stratified Sampling to determine all the chosen respondents and all the number
in this study. In order to have the list of names of the respondents in the given questionnaire, the
researchers will proceed to the fishbowl method.


GRADE 11 STEM 1 5- Learners

GRADE 11 STEM 2 6- Learners
TOTAL 11- Learners


The Researchers used google form to collect information in given data and facts. All the
questionnaires were given to them. These questionnaires are about Effects of New Normal Education
to Senior High Students of San Roque National High School. This survey questionnaires consist
personal information questions which are name, email and section, and it also consist questions about
the topic. The purpose of this survey is to show and to know the effect of New Normal Education to
the Senior High Students of San Roque National High School.


The Researchers are asking Respondents via Google Form there are some questions in the survey.
Questions are based on did the student have a hard time coping up to the New Normal Education,
their experiences and if the New Normal Education is Effective. Observations of the Researchers in
some students. The survey must be asked or shared to STEM STUDENTS. The survey via Google
Form for Respondents.


The Researchers used platforms such as Google Form, Messenger to ask respondents and to collect
informations and data from the respondents. The Researchers used Microsoft Word for editing and
analyzing the Research Paper. The Google form is used for the Researcher's Survey. The questions
are: Name, section, gender, Grade level, age and the 3 questions from the Researchers: did you have
q hard time coping up to the New Normal Education? Why?, what are your experiences coping up to
the New Normal Education and Do you find the New Normal Education Effective? Why?. The
scoring below from the responses of the Respondents.

The questionnaire answered by Grade 11 and 12 students of San Roque National High School was
validated by researchers. Before letting the respondents to answers the questionnaire, the researchers
explain the purpose of the study to the respondents. The Researchers makes sure that each
respondents are willing and was asked for permission first, before answering all the questionnaire
given. To protect the confidentiality of personal data, each respondent's identity will be kept
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