SIG2003 Practical-3 Answers

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3: Exercises
3.7. Plotting planes
• Plot each of the
following bed
orientations as great
circles on the same (f)
tracing paper. Label
each plane. Be sure
you visualize each (e)
plane as you plot it.
• a) N25°E, 44°NW
• b) N14°W,85°SW
(b) (h)
• c) N83°W,43°NE
• d) NE072°, 06°SE
• e) 234°, 18°NW
• f) 047°, 01 °NW
• g) 090°, 38°N
• h) 180°, 90°E


3.8. Plotting Lines
• Plot each of the following
lineations as points on
the same tracing paper.
• a) 32°, 087°
• e) 86°, 270°
• b) 43°,217°
• f) 59°, N60°E
• c) 12°, N12°E (h) (f)

• g) 59°, S60°E
(d) (a)
• d) 88°, 092° (e)
• h) 59°, N60°W


3.9. Imagine that you discover a previously
unreported fault in your mapping area.
During field mapping, you recorded the
trend and plunge of 4 different and
overprinted sets of slickenlines. Here is the
information from your field notes:
• Fault Surface Strike/Dip: 321°, 47°E
• Slickenline lineation 1 Plunge, 47°, Trend:
N51 °E
• Slickenline lineation 2 68°, due N
• Slickenline lineation 3 47°, N51 W
• Slickenline lineation 4 34°, due N
a) Assuming that you recorded the planar
attitude of the fault surface correctly, (3) (1)
determine which lineation measurements
are impossible. In other words, which
lineation(s) cannot possibly lie in the
specified plane. This time, support your
statements with a well constructed
Lineations 2 and 3 are impossible because
they are not plotted on the great circle of
the fault.
b) Assuming the measurement of lineation 1 is
correct, is the fault a strike-slip fault or a dip
slip fault?
Strike-slip fault: lineation trend=strike direction;
Dip-slip fault: lineation trend=dip direction.
Lineation 1 trend=47°, so it is not a strike slip
Dip direction = strike+90°=441° = 441°-360° =
51°, so it is a dip slip fault.

3.10. Find attitude of a line from pitch data.
Fault plane Straitions Trend, Plunge

a) 000°,85°E 15° from N 001°, 16°

b) 275°,76°S 25° from E 097°, 25°

c) 224°,65°SE 8° from SW 220°, 06° (d)

d) 045°,83NW 12° from NE 044°, 13°



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