Tema Engleza

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Dear politician

I wish to bring to your kind notice that the garbage around city center was initially being removed twice
a week, whereas it should be on a daily basis, now even that it should be done on a daily basis. Without
garbage bins, the place looks very dirty. Some diseases are spread through mosquitoes . The garbage is a
breeding centre for these insects. This is very harmful for us. Hence, I request you to put garbage bins in
our area and also please advice the people to throw garbage in garbage bins.

Dear radio station, you shouldn't have so many stories about teenagers who don't behave well. We know
there are many like them, but most teenagers like me are very involved in community development
activities and helping people who have it harder and are not as lucky as us. You should also see the full
side of the glass, not just the empty side .

Dear aunt and uncle, I am writing to congratulate you on the beauty of the little girl you have just given
birth to. I wish you good health and see you soon

Dear friends, today I will tell you what I do on the weekends. I usually spend the mornings sleeping, but
sometimes I manage to wake up to take the dog for a walk. At lunch I usually clean the room and do
some of the homework for next week. In the evening around 7 or 8 o'clock I go out with my friends and
we usually go and play ping pong. Around 12 o'clock or 1 am I return home and go to sleep.

Have a wonderful day with dear Cezar


Mrs. Grigson, Thank you for the hospitality with which you welcomed me into your home and for
treating me like one of the family. In this month that we were together, I managed to learn English much
better and for that I feel obliged to thank you. At the same time, if you could send me the diary that I left
in the room where I stayed.

Hello friend ,

As you know, I'm coming to you next week and I still don't know what kind of clothes to bring with me. If
you can tell me what kind of weather you have and how well I should be dressed.

With love Cezar

Dear parents of my friend

Thank you for the hospitality with which you welcomed me into your family and how you treated me as
if I were part of it. At the same time, thanks to you, I managed to understand English much better and I
managed to increase my range of words I use them in my speech. I will be able to be much more fluent
in my speech and I will be able to increase my grades in English class.

Hello friend ,

I managed to win the big prize at the contest I told you about. I won a meeting with the greatest current
writer in the capital. I will be gone for a week and I will write every day. It will change my life, many
newspapers wrote about me and I was highly appreciated by the world. It changed my life, I will be a
very popular and good writer.

Dear Pam

I congratulate you on your drinking win, I look forward to seeing you in next month's publication. And at
the same time, to see a first publication in which there are only texts written by you. I hope you will give
me a copy signed by you

With love, Janie

Dear robert

I'm waiting for you to arrive as soon as possible, you should bring some thicker clothes because it's
starting to snow and maybe we'll go skiing for a weekend. And don't worry, you don't need directions to
my house because we'll pick you up at the station.

Can't wait to see you !

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