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Managers are individuals who manage the business or a particular

department and try to achieve the objectives. They have the authority to take
decisions and delegate work to their subordinates. A leader is one who is
chosen by the employees themselves as they believe in him and wants to
follow him.

Yes, at times a manager or a leader will face a situation where he has to lie to
his subordinates and still he will be successful. Being successful and not
being truthful are two different things all together. When a manager is working
and making his team work for achieving the targets there will be many
situations where he will be confused as to what decision to be taken. For a
manager to become successful, he will have to work hard enough to achieve
the targets and for this he will have to get the work done from his team

Now, if a manager will be fully honest and always speak the truth, he might
face situations where his subordinates might go against his decision or might
not like what he is wanting. For him to get the work done, he has to show his
subordinates what they want to see. His personality, his motivation, his
confidence is what will make his team members work positively. This
confidence and personality which he is showing to his team members might
not be entirely true but to get the work done he has to wear that fake look.

Another thing which shows that success can be achieved even if you are not
entirely truthful is when the leaders or managers will tell their team members
about all the struggles they have undergone when they were the team
members and how they worked hard to achieve the targets. This again makes
the team members realize the importance of hard work and will do the same.
Again, it might not always be so that the managers and leaders are always
telling the truth. They might lie to motivate their team members.

A manager cannot share every information completely with his team members
because there are times when they have to hide a few things only for the
betterment of their team and their future. Not disclosing news about any
employee and not sharing the most confidential news. This is a sign of being
trustworthy towards every member.

Thus, if a manager or a leader is not being truthful completely doesn't mean

that he cannot be successful. If the lies are for the betterment of the company
and his team members, he still be a very successful manager.

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