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Austnllen rmong n pr{sonen ln Mozamblcen .

scEtcrcc rcr'lcr (Ta) A press comrnunique isrucd by

thc national directoratc of prisons today Fth APrill sryr that
t7 prisoncrs who hsd been sentenced by thc &funa
revolutionaryrnilitary tribunal hare had their cascsrari€ry€d"
Thc prisoners' treatment had bcen upgradcd from sevcf,eto
noderate. Thc conrmuniqpc saF thst thc prisonen w?rc l
sentsncedfor crirnes against thc sccurity of thc people and
*ate. Thc upgrading ir &re to their good con&rct rhils in
detention Among thosc afrected by thc mealnrreir Australian
citbcn lan Douglas Grey, wto had been s€ntenccdto 10yean
€8rly in l%8. (Maputo honc senicc h Pottngun lT30 gnt
1'lpr 8g)

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