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Cadilo, Kazandra N.

Servera, Erjhell Ross B.

Gen Bio 2 Activity 7

Suppose you and a friend are hiking and you see an unfamiliar plant. What
observations would you make in trying to determine which type of plant it is?

First and foremost, We would look at the shape of the leaves seen on the
plant and where the plant can be found in relation to its surroundings. The most likely
classification for this plant is bryophyte, which is attached to a rock or to the side of a
tree. Because of their vulnerability to drying out, these plants must be kept in the
dark, wet environments at all times. Without vascular tissue, they lack the ability to
transfer water, which is necessary for water transportation. Next, we would look for
the texture and colour of bark is another useful identifying feature. Often leaves may
be too far up a tree for you to easily see them, in which case looking closely at the
bark can provide clues for identification. Another thing is the leaf arrangement. The
arrangement of the leaves on a stem is another key feature that is used to identify
plants. Leaves are generally arranged either alternately along the stem or opposite
each other.
Also, if the plant's body form was likewise relatively small and did not have
clearly defined leaves, it was more than likely a bryophyte, which is another
possibility. Likewise, the underside of the fronds should also be checked to see if
there are any spores present. However, this habitant's plant type could be
determined with certainty if the researcher returned with a sample to the laboratory,
dissected it, and looked for vascular tissue. The presence of flowers or cones would
be a thing to determine an unusual plant. If flowers are present, it is almost certain
that the organism is an angiosperm. Assuming there are cones, the plant must be
gymnosperm. If the plant was discovered in an open region, it is either a
gymnosperm or an angiosperm in nature. Lastly, through DNA analysis, it is to make
distinctions between varieties of plants at a genetic level. The genetic investigations
will provide a deeper understanding of the evolution of plant species and the
relationships between them.

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