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but on coming of age in 1805 he assumed the name of Bruce,

its fine Early English tower with Perpendicular spire is the

trees were known to the Semitic peoples, such as the fig-tree

goods, sugar and tea. In 1898-1899 the imports irom Kandahar

are reached 1rore trees are found, until in the foot-hills of

exists in the case of all laws, while 5000 citizens have the

on the 16th of May 1490, he was intended for the church, and

the text of the Astronomical Canon, AIGOU for ALLOU.

of the tribes Hejaz and Nejd, of which the former rejected

vulgar dialect already mentioned, the sound begins as a more

Ireland is more essentially a pastoral country than Great Britain.

in fact already believed himself to be fulfilling a divine

the existence at the time of performance of a certain state of

of Italy, succeeded his father Audoin about 565. The

in consequence commissioned by Thomas Wakley (1795--1862),

In numerous documents from the 12th to the 15th century the

and then over the Aprica Pass (as the Bergamasque Alps properly

but the troops were soon withdrawn for the Port Hudson

from its central position is a landmark visible from many

state census) 4223. The city is the seat of the state college

lighterage, stevedores, contracts of affreightment, charter

for the period 552-558. It deals chiefly with the struggles

we see the Aegean area clearly, it is dominated by Hellenes,

Macb. i. 3. 7; Oth. v. 2. 352). Through it passed the

(Admiralty Court Act). They are damage to cargo carried in a

in Damaraland and Namaqualand, procrastinating replies were

Confederate cruisers, but in respect of certain other matters

N2. Fucus vesiculosus, discharge of eight oospheres from oogonium

obviously necessary notices. The difficulty of inducing a

are shortly described in Romische Mitteilungen (1903), 147

expands the tube against the walls of its chamber, while

ABSORPTION OF LIGHT. The term ``absorption'' (from Lat.

England was the court of the deputy or lieutenant of the

the son of a Scottish manufacturer. He went into business in

In the highlands of Kabul edible rhubarb is an important local

side, in which the whole twenty-four seem to have perished

of laedo). In historical times, when the stress in Latin

by himself for a nickname Bajolardus given to him when a

Society (January to June 1902) on ``O antigo Imperialismo

royal academies of science at Naples, Lucca and Palermo.

der Asthetik, and O. Kulpe, ``Uber den associativ

or with a greater sense of duty to the task of ruling.

Cockayne, in the Shrine, v.s. Psalter: Thorpe (Clar.

number of circumstances which will be considered below.

Next in importance come Hissarlik, Mycenae, Phaestus,

is derived from the Abyssinian tributaries (see NILE.)

the occasion by over-confidence and incompetence. De Kalb

or acts of the martyrs celebrated on that day; announcing

sheep as one hundred acres thereof would before have done.''

the manufactures of Alton are iron and glass ware, miners'

interests, vital to either party, which depended on the mighty

Ugie, 20 m., and the Deveron, 62 m., partly on the boundary of

heavy guns (above 6 in.) is made up in separate cartridges

among the powerful aristocratic houses may be mentioned the

an equal vote should be cast for Adams and Thomas Pinckney,

few external means of testing this portion of the narrative

Botanic Gardens, Kew, were transferred to the board. The

than 20%. The amount of water varies with the kind and age

it is possible continuously to convert a united stream of

Congress.'' Seth Warner being elected colonel of the ``Green

pays a tribute of L. 460. He resides at the town of Naushahr,

alpine swift (Cypselus melba), the wallcreeper ( Tichodroma

example, there is a dark Productus limestone which seems

it appears that the husband has no means or is in insolvent

a small quantity of the wood is fine enough for ornamental

crude notions immediately into practice, and as their desire

Renaissance as a quarry for building materials (e.g. for the

ADOLPHUS, JOHN LEYCESTER (1795-1862), English lawyer and

(Freiberg, 1819); F. A. Schmidt, Georg Agricola's

will and ideas remained dominant after the Restoration as

a great number of spores, which are distributed as a fine

mortars. The balls were nearly filled with gunpowder and the

in 1859, his object being to investigate the conditions under

this treatment in the later stages of pulmonary consumption.

changed her into a tree of the same name. After ten months the

October 1648, there appeared the following advertisement:--

Royal Army Medical Corps and veterinary duties. The work of

a high-class Liberalism in both temporal and ecclesiastical

very bitterly of the competition they suffer from the general

human race, like the Hebrew Adam. He was, however, certainly

a want of room, he advises that the ricks be built on a

bolting. If the latter method is adopted, the surfaces ought

limited as they were for means, managed to construct various

on the left bank of the river Jucar, and on the Valencia-

not combine with dye-stuffs, neither is it soluble in

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