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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000
Procedia Manufacturing 39 (2019) 1204–1214

25th International Conference on Production Research Manufacturing Innovation:

25th International Conference
Cyberon Production
Physical Research Manufacturing Innovation:
Cyber Physical Manufacturing
August 9-14, 2019 | Chicago, Illinois (USA)
August 9-14, 2019 | Chicago, Illinois (USA)

The Biological
Biological Transformation
Transformation of
of Energy
Energy Supply
Supply and
and Storage
Storage –

Technologies and Scenarios for Biointelligent Value Creation
Technologies and Scenarios for Biointelligent Value Creation
J. Full
*, R.
R. Miehe
Miehea,, S.
S. Kiemel
Kiemela,, T.
T. Bauernhansl
Bauernhansla,, A.
A. Sauer
FraunhoferInstitute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Nobelstrasse 12, Stuttgart, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Nobelstrasse 12, Stuttgart, Germany

In addition to digitization, industrial value creation is facing another massive upheaval, characterized by the integration of
In addition to digitization, industrial value creation is facing another massive upheaval, characterized by the integration of
biological principles, processes and organisms. This development is driven by the rapid development and emerging leaps in
biological principles, processes and organisms. This development is driven by the rapid development and emerging leaps in
biotechnology, synthetic biology and information technology. The increasing possibilities in those fields have led to the vision of
biotechnology, synthetic biology and information technology. The increasing possibilities in those fields have led to the vision of
a biological transformation, an approach that was systematically analyzed within the preliminary study BIOTRAIN for the first
a biological transformation, an approach that was systematically analyzed within the preliminary study BIOTRAIN for the first
time. The study reveals energy supply and storage as one of the main fields of action, since it is a fundamental prerequisite for
time. The study reveals energy supply and storage as one of the main fields of action, since it is a fundamental prerequisite for
competitive and sustainable value creation. In this field, the biological transformation includes solutions towards a sustainable
competitive and sustainable value creation. In this field, the biological transformation includes solutions towards a sustainable
energy value creation system. Brought together, the biological level (synthetic biology, microbiology and enzyme technology),
energy value creation system. Brought together, the biological level (synthetic biology, microbiology and enzyme technology),
the technical level (plant engineering, process engineering and automation technology) and the information level (evolutionary
the technical level (plant engineering, process engineering and automation technology) and the information level (evolutionary
algorithms and intelligent control concepts) provide essential basics for this development. In this paper, promising research
algorithms and intelligent control concepts) provide essential basics for this development. In this paper, promising research
approaches in all subareas of the biological transformation are summarized regarding energy supply and storage, with the aim to
approaches in all subareas of the biological transformation are summarized regarding energy supply and storage, with the aim to
detail the path towards the target state of a biointelligent energy value creation system.
detail the path towards the target state of a biointelligent energy value creation system.
© 2019
© 2019 The Authors.
Authors. Published byby Elsevier Ltd.
© 2019 The
The Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Selection andunder
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review under ofthetheresponsibility of ICPR25
scientific committee International
of the Scientific &Scientific
ICPR25 International Advisory&and Organizing
Advisory committee
and Organizing
Selection and
committee peer review under the responsibility of ICPR25 International Scientific & Advisory and Organizing committee
members members
Keywords: Sustainability, Biotechnology, Biological Transformation, Biointelligent
Keywords: Sustainability, Biotechnology, Biological Transformation, Biointelligent

* Johannes Full. Tel.: +49 711 970‐1434

* Johannes Full. Tel.:
E-mail address: +49 711 970‐1434
E-mail address: Johannes.full@ipa.fraunhofer.de
2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
2351-9789 © 2019
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2351-9789 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the ICPR25 International Scientific & Advisory and Organizing
committee members
J. Full et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 39 (2019) 1204–1214 1205
2 Full, Johannes et al / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

The biological transformation of industrial value creation (short: biological transformation) describes the systematic
application of knowledge of natural processes for the purpose of optimizing industrial value creation with regard to essential
ecological challenges. This process has high potential to revolutionize industrial value creation with the result of higher
sustainability due to several experts. [2–4] In the preliminary investigation BIOTRAIN, funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research, the potentials and needs of this transformation for Germany have been identified and summarized in a
visionary picture of the future. [1]
The biological transformation takes place in three complementary paths called development modes according to the
investigation. The mode Inspiration involves the increasing methodological use of biological processes and principles as a
structural blueprint. Here, value creation takes place exclusively in the technical system and is influenced by biology only through
the transfer of ideas from nature. Integration takes place at the interface between technical and biological systems and is manifest
in the combination of biological components (e.g. enzymes, viruses, phages, cells, neurotransmitters, receptors, hormones or
organisms) with technical systems. Interaction describes another form of integration of biological components into technical
systems which is characterized by controllable information transfer between the biosphere and technosphere through data
processing systems. Such so-called biointelligent systems will probably lead to the most important innovations of the 21st
century. However, it is the least advanced mode in its technical development, according to the study. Fig. 1 shows the three

Figure 1 Interlocking of the considered systems or levels (technical, biological and information) in the three development modes inspiration,
integration and interaction of the biological transformation process. The crosshairs represent the location of the respective technologies and
approaches (of each mode) on the considered systems and their interfaces. (Author´s illustration based on [1, 2])

development modes.
The six institutes involved in the BIOTRAIN investigation as well as 123 high-ranking international experts interviewed in the
course of the investigation and the project-accompanying committees (Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board) agreed on the
high potential of this transformation process as a new paradigm of a more sustainable industrial value creation. In workshops
involving industry, government and society with more than 200 participants, 10 essential fields of action of the biological
transformation were identified on the basis of the expert surveys.
In the following chapters, exclusively one of those fields, energy supply and storage, will be considered. First of all, the
motivation and target state for this topic area against the background of sustainability is given. This is followed by an overview of
identified relevant technologies in the three development modes of biological transformation. Based on the considered
technologies, a vision for the biological transformation process of energy supply and storage is outlined. All the results shown in
this paper are largely derived from the interviews and workshops of the preliminary investigation BIOTRAIN, supported by
further literature research. [1]
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2. Motivation and target state

Since the beginning of the machine age in the 19th century, global primary energy consumption has been steadily rising, with
around 81 percent of world energy consumption being covered by fossil fuels. The intensive consumption of fossil fuels for
energy supply significantly contributes to climate change through CO2 and other greenhouse gases. [5, 6] An efficient and
flexible supply of industrial processes with sustainably generated energy is therefore strongly related to the necessary reduction
of ecological damage, which is to be addressed by biological transformation. [1, 2]
In principle, a sustainable energy supply can only be realized, if the amount of energy that is provided by the sun is optimally
utilized during conversion, distribution, storage and use, with the least possible loss of exergy in each step, being robust and
economical. As a result, the mainly linear energy value chain (generation, distribution, storage and use) will develop into a much
more complex bioinspired and bio-based energy value creation system, as shown in Fig. 2 as is to be seen similarly in nature.
After the primary conversion of the energy provided by the sun into a technically usable form (e.g. electric power, solar heat

Figure 2 Biointelligent energy value creation system (right) as the target state to be achieved through biological transformation replacing linear
energy value creation chains (left). (Author´s illustration)

and biomass or –molecules) the energy has to undergo further sub-processes in an optimized manner: further conversion, storage,
distribution or using processes. To make it clearer, a closer look on the sub-process “use” is useful. This sub-process can be
reached directly without intermediate processes, if there is a directly sun-induced production process (e.g. an application of
horticulture). It also does not have to be the last one. For example, the waste heat from a utilization process (e.g. high temperature
industrial production process) can be used in further processes, e.g. via remote heat pipes (transport) at a lower temperature level
for further use (e.g. climate control in buildings) before it dissipates. The sub-processes do not follow any rigid order but their
path should follow a principle of least resistance, the resistance being determined by the entropy production or exergy loss that is
to be minimized in each step. In addition, entropy production in the form of waste heat should in any case be used as far as
possible until it dissipates in the last step. All processes must therefore be supply-oriented and use-oriented at the same time and
there must be a form of self-regulation or self-optimization in the processes. The best existing model for such an energy system is
nature and its ecosystems. To achieve this target state of a so-called biointelligent energy value creation system, the biological
transformation is the key driver. Technologies, processes and research approaches of all three of its development modes are
explained in the following chapter, outlining the vision of the biological transformation in the field of energy supply and storage.
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3. Technologies, processes and research approaches

To achieve the target state of a biointelligent energy value creation system outlined in Section 2 (Fig. 2), the biological
transformation can contribute through all three development modes, introduced in chapter 1 (Fig. 1). From adopting to principles
that are established in nature (inspiration) over the use of whole organisms or other biological components (integration) to an
intelligent, mutual connection of biological and technological components (interaction). A collection of relevant technologies or
processes in each of these modes against the background of energy supply and storage is explained in the following sections. The
target state outlined in section 2 in connection with these technologies or processes are the basis to make the vision of biological
transformation in this field of action clearer, which is concluded in the following section 4.

In order to use principles from living nature for the optimization of industrial energy supply and storage with regard to their
environmental effects in the development mode inspiration, intensive observation and abstraction activities are required. In the
following, a selection of biological principles will be discussed and their potential for improving the existing energy systems will
be explained. It should be emphasized that technologies of this development mode take place exclusively on the technical level
and that no biological components are integrated.
The main sources of energy that are made available in plants by photosynthesis from solar energy are the classes of
carbohydrates and fats and, in a deeper level, adenosine triphosphates. Such basic energy sources are a main reason for the
flexibility of natural energy systems and also for the interlocking of the sub-processes in a biointelligent energy value creation
system. [1] Analogously, common currencies for energy have also been established in the technical world. The principle of using
a basic energy form has already become widely accepted in industry with electricity. Electric energy is to a large extend still
generated by the combustion of fossil fuels in power plants, but it is in principle well suited to recover it from renewable sources.
Therefore, already today, more than one third of electricity in Germany comes from renewable sources, with rising tendency. [7]
Most industrial processes are expected to generate a large amount of energy in the form of electricity in the near future. In the
short term, electrical energy will remain the most important currency and therefore has high relevance in the field of energy
supply and storage. The storage of electric power and a flexible supply structure is one of the major challenges that the biological
transformation should first concentrate on. Peak loads or oversupply caused by renewable energies (wind and sun) in the power
grid can be absorbed or stored with bioinspired technologies, thus increasing flexibility and efficiency. In nature, energy storage
takes place almost exclusively in the form of chemically bound energy. Energy-rich molecules are built up in anabolic processes
for storage (and material use at the same time) and split again to use the bound energy. This principle is also considered and
transferred into technical system as so-called “power-to-chemical” processes. Hydrogen, for example, which is generated by
means of electrical energy in an electrolysis process, can be converted back into usable (electrical and/or thermal) energy by
means of fuel cells. So-called liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) even enable storage or transport at ambient conditions,
like in nature. As a key technology for mitigating the environmental impact of climate change, electrolysis and fuel cell
technology is playing an increasingly important role. [8–10] Behind it we can find an evolution-proven principle, the so-called
"cold combustion" of hydrogen, which plays an essential role in human energy metabolism. Several studies have recently shown
that an energy system using chemical energy sources brings significant cost advantages compared to predominantly direct
electrification of the heat and transport sector. [11, 12] Furthermore, in a biointelligent energy value creation system, other
power-to-chemical processes could lead to a direct production of basic chemicals (e.g. methanol, Fischer-Tropsch-Fuels, higher
order alcohols, etc.) or even consumer products from primarily converted solar energy power. [13] This principle of linked
material and energy flows is often seen in nature and is also part of the target state of a biointelligent energy value creation
system, described in section 2. Although coupled energy flows (heat, electricity and chemical energy sources) are already being
used in industry today under the heading of “sector coupling”, the production of basic chemicals and materials, as opposed to
nature, is usually strictly separated from one another. However, there are examples which lead in the right direction. Besides
power-to-chemical processes, biorefineries are already implementing this principle by producing food and feed, as well as basic
and fine chemicals as products from biogenic material. Many biorefineries are energy self-sufficient units that receive the
required energy directly from the biomaterial being processed. The substances produced, such as bio-based plastics, can also be
energetically recycled after the material utilization phase. However, fuels or basic chemicals can also be produced directly as
products via photosynthesis from biogenic material. Biorefineries have great potential, in particular to enable the fullest possible
utilization of bio-based raw materials and residues and to contribute to the regenerative supply of energy by means of liquid or
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gaseous organic energy carriers, so-called e-fuels, biofuels or synfuels. [14–16] The rapid progress in the field of information
technology, which has been achieved in the course of digitization, are an important basis for a successful transfer of principles
from nature into technical systems. Almost all natural principles can be transformed into technical algorithms. In many areas of
industrial production, bioinspired algorithms can significantly increase the flexibility and efficiency of power systems.
Inspirations through natural processes are, therefore, already reflected in key trends of energy supply and storage. [17] For
example, so-called artificial neural networks will play a key role in this context. The beginnings of these algorithms date back to
the mid-40s of the 20th century. Similar to the mechanisms by which neurons are connected in brains, they seek for correlations
between different factors. Concerning electricity grids, those factors are light exposure, time of day, consumer habits or
temperature, for instance. Those factors influence the expected electricity harvest and thus the load fed into the grid by weather-
dependent sources of renewable energy (e.g. photovoltaic systems or wind turbines). With artificial neural networks, significantly
better results can be achieved than with conventional algorithms, which are associated with strongly delayed prognoses. For the
power grid, which works in real time, flexible and adaptive bioinspired algorithms are virtually predestined to achieve significant
improvements in forecasting speed. [18, 19] Organisms, after all, have always had to deal with large amounts of rapid,
unforeseen changes and react to them immediately. Their internal control mechanisms are adapted to it and led to a learning
process from every experience. It is these properties that are important for the electricity grid of the future. Conventional
algorithms are more rigid instruments in comparison. Bioinspired algorithms (e.g. artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms
and swarm intelligence) are, therefore, regarded as particularly hopeful for implementation in so-called "smart grids" and are
therefore being researched and developed in many institutions. [20, 21] A quick response to differences between availability and
use profiles is one of the key questions that can be solved by bioinspired algorithms. The predictability of such algorithms will
play a major role in achieving self-regulation that takes into account all sub-processes of biointelligent energy value creation
systems. However, turning down power generation plants due to low demand is not the most sensible response. As already
described, storage in the form of chemical energy could be a more efficient and scalable option. The research branch of bionics
and its methodological approach to the transfer of evolutionary proven structures and surfaces into technology have already led to
numerous significant innovations. [22–24] Also in the field of energy supply and storage, existing systems have already been
improved and innovations could be systematically brought forth. For example, in the development of catalysts, it plays a major
role and contributes to controllable absorption, reflection, or transmission of the desired wavelength of the solar spectrum or to
significantly increase the luminous efficiency of solar panels. [25, 26] Also for the electrochemical energy storage in batteries
[27–29] or the generation and storage of hydrogen as an energy source [30–32], nature has brought up several solutions for
optimization which have been successfully transferred to technology.
In summary, the development mode of inspiration has led to significant developments towards a biointelligent energy value
creation system and offers great potential for the future. The further development of bioinspired algorithms, intelligent
bioinspired sector coupling, efficient power-to-chemical processes and the bionic optimization of structures and surfaces are
main developments on which can be built. A closer look at the evolutionary proven principles of nature holds enormous potential
in this field.

The physical integration of biological components into technical systems has led to disruptive changes in complete industry
sectors in the past. The biotechnological production of substances has revolutionized numerous processes in the chemical, food,
detergent, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, since biotechnological versus chemical processes have the (ecological and
economic) advantage, that processes can take place under moderate environmental conditions mostly. Microorganisms like
bacteria or microalgae, after all, accomplish complex substance conversions in high yield at room temperature and normal
pressure, for which chemical processes require high temperatures and high pressure, which means a higher exergy loss in most
cases. The integration of biological organisms in the field of energy generation and storage has already brought up many
promising research approaches.
Chemical energy carriers (fuels) which have already been explained in the previous ssection are already in many cases
produced by means of biological processes or organisms. Depending on the field of application they can often be converted into
other energy carriers or chemicals efficiently. In the production of synthesis gas, for example, methane is produced with
hydrogen and CO2. The use of microorganisms for microbial methanation makes it possible to implement these processes using
biotechnological methods. [33] Theoretically, a wide range of organic energy carriers can be produced by organisms like bacteria
or algae. [34–36] The products range from hydrocarbons through hydrogen to complex basic chemicals for material use, e.g. for
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the production of biopolymers. [37, 38] Also in biogas plants, it is ultimately microorganisms that convert biogenic material into
methane as a basic carrier of chemical bound energy. The largest role in the biological transformation of industrial energy supply
and storage will therefore be played by microorganisms capable of efficiently and flexibly transferring and providing chemical
energy sources for industrial use from non-usable forms of energy. This role of microorganisms in the production of energy
carriers and chemicals will – in the opinion of the experts interviewed in the preliminary investigation BIOTRAIN – rise very
quickly in the next years. Not least, this is due to the rapid progress in biotechnology through new cross-sectional technologies,
such as the CRISPR/Cas method. [1, 39] Through these advances in gene editing methods, a research branch has emerged and
grows rapidly, the synthetic biology. This field makes the development and optimization of tailor-made organisms for industrial
purposes possible. An efficient biotechnological production of organic energy sources is an essential part of the research efforts
in that field, already. [39–42] Many applications in this context have been known for several years and are being explored further
through synthetic biology. For example, specific cyanobacteria producing large amounts of hydrogen [43], purple bacteria
produce hydrogen from wastewater as a by-product of bacterial photosynthesis or electrolysis [44]. Optimized E. coli produce the
enzyme glycoside hydrolase, which is necessary to produce lignocellulose and can also be modified to process cellulose and
hemicellulose into hydrocarbons to be used as biofuels. [45] In such biotechnological processes, energy, carbon sources and
water are generally transformed by biological organisms or enzymes into methane or other valuable products that have many
industrial applications. If the carbon source is CO2 and the energy is derived directly from the sun, these methods can be called
artificial photosynthesis. Such processes are the subject of research in national and international science already. [46–49] Also
numerous significant technological developments, such as the so-called "Bionic Leaf", have emerged, which use solar energy as
the basis for material value creation, modeled on nature. [46, 50, 51] However, photosynthesis is a very complex process with
many influencing factors and biological processes that are highly variable. Many challenges have to be faced by scientists until
artificial photosynthesis will be a competitive and economical alternative. But in the case of success, this would be a true game
changer towards a sustainable biointelligent energy value creation system. [1]
In summary, there is a trend towards the production of chemical energy carriers by means of biotechnology and synthetic
biology. Highly efficient biological organisms and optimized technical processing options form the basis for the economic
application of such synthetic routes. The direct or indirect use of sunlight as an energy source contributes fundamentally to the
sustainability of such processes. Process engineering and physical control of the biological organisms make these applications
possible, economic and scalable. Accordingly, a fusion of the technical and biological integration levels is already to be observed
in the production of chemical energy sources and basic chemicals through microorganisms or the use of single enzymes for
efficient catalysis of material conversions. [1]

The development mode interaction of biological transformation process has, according to the BIOTRAIN preliminary study,
the lowest level of development but at the same time the highest potential for disruptive innovations. The resulting biointelligent
systems also have a highly disruptive character in the field of energy supply and storage and already show promising
technologies and research approaches.
The great potential of synthetic biology has already been discussed in the previous section against the background of
optimized conversion of chemical energy through designer microorganisms. By introducing new methods of information
technology to the development of such organisms, this potential can be strongly increased. For example, the integration of
evolutionary algorithms in synthetic biology has recently been awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2018. [52] This
combination has great potential to improve the profitability of biotechnologically produced energy carriers. [53, 54] In the future,
microorganisms can be optimized through methods according to artificially induced evolutionary patterns towards a clearly
defined target state. Microorganisms like algae or bacteria for the production of chemical energy sources, as described in the
previous section, can therefore be specifically optimized (e.g. with regard to their oil content) and thus be converted into a more
economical state. Also, by such methods energy self-sufficient systems and products are conceivable that generate photosynthetic
energy from light for their own production or function. Research projects dealing with such applications already exist.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were able to produce a faint glow by integrating selected
nanoparticles in plant leaves, for instance. Further development of this technology could allow plants to serve as independent
sources of light in the future. [55] In addition to synthetic biology and nanotechnology, bioelectrochemistry will be a key driver
of interaction in the field of energy supply and storage. Experiments in this research field show that certain microorganisms are
capable of metabolizing organic components from waste water to usable electrical energy or to hydrogen as a promising basic
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energy carrier. The microorganisms enabling this applications of so-called “microbial electrolysis or fuel cells” should also be
able to work as effectively and adaptively as possible. Different bacteria have the best yield for different nutrient compositions.
Furthermore, how much product (or electric current) the bacteria produce also depends on various factors such as light intensity,
temperature and available nutrients in the wastewater. A microbial community can remedy this situation if it can be specifically
influenced. [56–58] Ioanna Vasiliadou et al. however have devoted themselves to the potential of so-called purple bacteria. [44]
These microbes operate photosynthesis and use organic molecules and nitrogen for this process. This produces various by-
products – one of which is hydrogen. To further improve the productivity of the bacteria in microbial electrolysis or fuel cells, the
scientists used electrodes. All microbial metabolic pathways have electrons as a common “currency”. These charged particles are
transferred in the process of photosynthesis, taken up and released. They represent a common currency not only for biological but
also for technical systems. For example, adding electrons to a flowing current can affect the metabolism of the bacteria.
Significant interactions between the electrodes and the purple bacteria are already detectable. Bioelectrochemical stimulation of
purple bacteria to generate hydrogen from wastewater is therefore one of the most promising technologies in the field of energy
production and storage. However, further research is needed. [44, 59, 60] The ability of such bioelectrochemical units to convert
nutrient compositions into electrical energy or electrical signals can also be utilized as sensors or energy converters between
chemically bound and electrical energy. [61–63] Another field of application for bioelectrochemical units is therefore the
development of biology-technology interfaces, which form a main field of action for biological transformation. [1] The
conceptual basics for adaptive biology-technology interfaces enabling bidirectional real time information exchange between
biological and technological systems were described by Miehe et al. [64] Further essential keys to this development, apart from
information technology, are bioanalysis and sensors, which contribute a great part to the biological transformation and thus also
to the development of biointelligent energy supply and storage systems. A fast and accurate sensor system and analysis of, for
example, biogenic waste streams that can be used for energy purposes or processed by appropriate microorganisms could have
high potential to optimize many transport and conversion processes in energy and waste management.
In Conclusion, the interaction between biological and technical systems regulated by learning algorithms is a key technology,
which should be more strongly addressed by the biological transformation, according to the BIOTRAIN preliminary study. [1] In
particular, bioinspired algorithms, as described within the development mode inspiration, can play a crucial role in this
development. The linking of biology, production technology and information technology, leading to regulated interaction
between biological and technical systems, can bring energy supply and storage to a higher level of performance and applicability,
e.g. through the use of modern methods of data processing in the field of synthetic biology, nanotechnology and
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4. Summary and outlook

This paper explains the biological transformation in the action field of energy supply and storage. First, a target state was
defined, the biointelligent energy value creation system, which was derived from the model of nature. Subsequently, the three
development modes of inspiration, integration and interaction of the biological transformation were presented with current
examples that contribute to achieving this target state. The influences of the considered bioinspired, biointegrated and
biointelligent technologies, processes and research approaches on the energy supply and storage system were discussed. Thus, a
holistic picture of the transformation process in this field of action was given, as summarized in Fig. 3.

Figure 3 Process of biological transformation from a linear energy value creation chain to a biointelligent energy value creation system. (Author´s

The key step towards a balanced energy system is the establishment of coupled material and energy carrier cycles. Thereby,
the overall efficiency on the producer side must be optimized and the consumption must be reduced. Energy efficiency measures
in all areas of value creation are necessary. Their interaction in the overall system within decentralized balance sheet boundaries
must be optimized. Special features of biology and evolution-proven principles of nature with high transfer potential have great
capability for industrial energy storage, distribution, use and conversion in the development mode of inspiration. This includes,
for example, the adaptation of the biological principle of efficient chemical energy storage and the associated establishment of
flexible basic chemical energy carrier, which are a key technology for the coupling of energy sectors such as electricity, heat and
mobility. Furthermore, the transfer of the principle of linking energy flows and material conversions offers great potential, for
example to be able to produce products without conversion processes associated with exergy losses. The very important driver of
many developments in biological transformation, the abstraction of natural principles on a meta-level in order to derive novel
algorithms also plays a key role in this action field. Such bioinspired algorithms can make significant contributions to the
adaptivity, decentralization and self-optimization of a biointelligent energy supply system. Likewise, an increase in the overall
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efficiency of the energy system in the development mode of integration can be achieved. For example through the use of
biological processes such as the energetically favorable enzymatically catalyzed processes which will play an important role in
energy conversion through microorganisms. The supply and storage of chemically bound energy into usable or transportable
energy, for example by the conversion of electrical energy (power-to-chem) or from direct sunlight (artificial photosynthesis) to
the energy system are important drivers of the considered process of biological transformation.
Due to the technical improvement of biotechnological plants and their upscaling possibilities such processes become
economical and thus will find their way into the value creation system. At least as great a contribution to the profitability of such
processes will be the use of artificial intelligence in synthetic biology to produce optimized designer organisms. This application
of the development mode interaction will also greatly impact energy supply and storage by increasing the efficiency of biological
processes and organisms involved. These developments are likely to include electroactive organisms, which play a major role in
the research field of bioelectrochemistry. Microbial fuel and electrolysis cells, for instance, bring great potential for the
sustainability of our energy system by recovering energy from waste streams. In such systems, biological environmental
conditions can be directly converted into signals that can be technically evaluated, in this case electronic signals. Such
communication models between biological and technical systems will become more relevant in the future, due to the design of
biology-technology interfaces. The further development of bio-analytics and biosensor technology, which will also greatly
contribute to a better handling of biological systems and their variability, plays a further major role as driver of the overall
In conclusion, this paper illustrates, how biological transformation can make energy supply and storage more efficient,
flexible and, above all, more sustainable. Based on the three development modes inspiration, integration, interaction, the potential
of a biointelligent value creation of the energy supply and storage system was analyzed and united in a desirable target state of
biointelligent energy value creation system. It is determined by the entropy production or exergy loss that is to be minimized in
each of its sub-processes. This paradigm is intended to replace today's status of rigid, consecutive energy value creation chains,
leading to a highly efficient, adaptive and flexible system that is necessary to secure the future supply of sustainable energy to
our society and economic systems.

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