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Lane Departure warning System

On basically , LDWS is system tool help safety on vehicles that can detect displacement track by sudden
good _ by vehicle user nor other dangerous vehicles vehicle user .

Usually LDWS features equipped sensor camera located in the middle on glass front car . This sensor will
monitor rate vehicle and detect line bookmark road .

Warning that can in the form of alarm sound inside cabin , or visually through _ lights in the cluster
meter or in the glass mirror . Feature this working remind tired driver _ or negligent in guard direction
his car . Usually sleepy driver _ or diverted _ concentration from Street because To do a number of other
things , for example operate the head unit while driving or see advertisement on the side road .

How it works :

Lane Departure Warning System created with the usual sensor placed in the glass front or part front car
ok _ side nor middle . Whereas shape the warning in the form of lights that can flickering when the
sensor catches condition the car that will go out track without intentional or there is other vehicles from
behind moment we will move path .

So by continously During trip , the radar issues a signal to condition Street good to front nor behind car
for capturing path visuals car through line on Street or other vehicles nearby car that . So that feature
this will working with well on the marked road plot the way clear .

Then when the sensor catches condition car will go out track without on purpose or without driver turn
on light signal so function warning will light up good light in the glass rear view mirror or sound inside _
cabin . Or if driver will move path , suddenly there is another car with speed tall will precede , function
warning also will active .

Pros :

The Line Departure Warning System is very profitable driver and could avoid potentials crash or accident
, system this also reduce risk accident from negligence human (human error), such as no on purpose
move pathway , sleepy , distraction ( talking , playing cell phones , etc. ).

Disadvantages :

system this no could work with good fully depends from a number of factor like weather and condition
road . If weather bad as rain heavy snow _ and foggy because allow for cover line track and dappat make
optical sensor no could work with maximum and could give rise to errors. Error too could occur if
condition Street no nice , like the path that doesn't equally and also could caused by line broken path _
and no clear

Conclusion :

Lane Departure Warning System is designed for reduce risk accident through gift warning to driver .
However also system this own the limit alone , and no there is system or combination system security
that can prevent all accident . systems this as we _ know , not replacement method careful driving _ and
safe , by because that driver expected could drive by be careful and no fully depend or deliver
everything on technology .

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