Use of Semidefinite Programming For

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Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2010, Vol. 20, No.

4, 655–664
DOI: 10.2478/v10006-010-0048-9




Department of Mathematics
Andalas University, Kampus Unand Limau Manis Padang, 25163 Indonesia

This paper deals with the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem subject to descriptor systems for which the semidefi-
nite programming approach is used as a solution. We propose a new sufficient condition in terms of primal dual semidefinite
programming for the existence of the optimal state-control pair of the problem considered. The results show that semidefi-
nite programming is an elegant method to solve the problem under consideration. Numerical examples are given to illustrate
the results.

Keywords: rectangular descriptor system, LQR problem, restricted system equivalent, semidefinite programming.

1. Introduction namic constraint and an impulsive element. Systems of

this kind have many important applications, e.g., in bio-
The semidefinite programming problem is an optimization logical phenomena, in economics (the Leontief dynamic
one in which the decision variables are semidefinite matri- model), in electrical and mechanical models (Dai, 1989;
ces. It is well known that semidefinite programming has Silva and de Lima, 2003). Therefore, it is fair to say
been one of the most exciting and active research areas in that descriptor systems give a more complete class of dy-
optimization recently. This tremendous activity is spurred namical models than conventional state-space systems do.
by the discovery of important applications in various ar- Likewise, the LQR problem subject to descriptor systems
eas, mainly in control theory (Balakrishnan and Vanden- has great potential for system modelling.
berghe, 2003; Rami and Zhou, 2000; Vandenberghe and A great number of results on solving the LQR prob-
Boyd, 1999). lem subject to descriptor systems have appeared in the lit-
In the work of Yao et al. (2001), semidefinite pro- erature (Bender and Laub, 1987; Geerts, 1994; Jiandong
gramming was used to find optimal control of the classi- et al., 2002; Katayama and Minamino, 1992; Mehrmann,
cal LQR (linear quadratic regulator) problem. It is well 1989). However, almost all of these results consider the
known that this problem has many applications, mainly regularity assumption of descriptor systems and the posi-
in electrical engineering, biology, social sciences and eco- tive definiteness assumption of the control weighting ma-
nomics. trix in the quadratic cost functional.
On the other hand, the LQR problem subject to a de- To the best of the author’s knowledge, little work has
scriptor system is a generalization of the the classical LQR been done with rectangular descriptor systems as a con-
problem, which is one of the most important classes of op- straint and the control weighting matrix in the quadratic
timal control problems, in both theory and application. In cost being positive semidefinite. In this last case, i.e.,
general, it is a problem to find a controller that minimizes the quadratic cost being positive semidefinite, the existing
the linear quadratic objective function subject to the de- LQR problem theories always involve impulse distribu-
scriptor systems, either continuous or discrete. tions (Geerts, 1994; Mehrmann, 1989). Thus no answer is
Descriptor systems have attracted the attention of provided to a basic question such as when the LQR prob-
many researcher in the past years due to the fact that, in lem subject to descriptor systems possesses an optimal so-
some cases, they describe the behavior of physical sys- lution in the form of a conventional control, in particular,
tems better than standard systems do. They can preserve one that does not involve an impulse distribution. How-
the structure of physical systems and include a nondy- ever, this issue was discussed by Jiandong et al. (2002),
656 Muhafzan

who transform the LQR problem subject to a descriptor It is well known that the solution to (1) exists and is
system into a standard LQR problem in which both are unique if this system is regular. Otherwise, it is possible
equivalent. Nonetheless, there still remains an open prob- to have many solutions, or no solution at all.
lem, that is, the new standard LQR problem may be sin- Next, for a given admissible initial state x0 ∈ Rn , we
gular and this is not answered by Jiandong et al. (2002). consider the following associated objective function (cost
In this paper, we reconsider the problem stated by functional):
Jiandong et al. (2002) and, in particular, the open prob- ∞
lem, i.e., the singular version of the new standard LQR
J(u(·), x0 ) = y T (t)y(t) dt. (2)
problem, is solved using the semidefinite programming
approach. A new sufficient condition in terms of primal 0

dual semidefinite programming for the existence of the In general, the problem of determining the stabilizing
optimal state-control pair of such a problem is proposed. feedback control u(t) ∈ Rr which minimizes the cost
Here, since we do not assume that the descriptor system functional (2) on the the trajectories of the dynamic sys-
is regular, our work is more general than some previous tem (1) for an admissible initial state x0 ∈ Rn is often
results (Bender and Laub, 1987; Geerts, 1994; Katayama called the LQR problem subject to a descriptor system. If
and Minamino, 1992; Mehrmann, 1989). The method of DT D is positive semidefinite, it is called a singular LQR
Jiandong et al. (2002) is still maintained to transform the problem subject to a descriptor system.
original problem into the equivalent singular LQR one. In this paper, we will consider the LQR problem sub-
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 consid- ject to a rectangular descriptor system. Without loss of
ers a brief account of the problem statement. Section 3 generality, we assume that m < n. We denote, for sim-
presents the process of transformation from the original plicity, this LQR problem as Ω. Next, we define the set of
LQR problem into an equivalent LQR one. In Section 4, admissible control-state pairs of the problem Ω by
the main result for solving the LQR problem subject to
descriptor system is presented. Numerical examples are Aad ≡ {(u(·), x(·)) | u(·) ∈ C+
p [R ] and
given to illustrate the results in Section 5. Section 6 con- n
x(·) ∈ C+
p [R ] satisfy (1) and
cludes the paper.
J(u(·), x0 ) < ∞} .
Notation. Throughout this paper, the superscript ‘T ’
stands for the transpose, ∅ denotes the empty set, In is The problem under consideration is how to use
the identity matrix of dimension n, Rn denotes the n- semidefinite programming to find the pair (u∗ , x∗ ) ∈ Aad
dimensional Euclidean space, Rm×n is the set of all m×n for a given admissible initial condition x0 ∈ Rn , such that
real matrices, C+p [R ] denotes the n-dimensional piece-
wise continuous functions space with domain in [0, ∞), J(u∗ , x0 ) = min J(u(·), x0 ), (3)
Sp+ denotes set of all p -dimensional symmetric positive
semidefinite matrices, and C denotes the set of complex under the assumption that (1) is solvable, impulse control-
number. lable and DT D is positive semidefinite.
Definition 1. (Jiandong et al., 2002) Two systems
2. Problem statement (E, A, B, C, D) and (Ē, Ā, B̄, C̄, D) are termed re-
stricted system equivalent (r.s.e.), denoted by
Let us consider the following continuous time descriptor
system: (E, A, B, C, D) ∼ (Ē, Ā, B̄, C̄, D),

E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), t ≥ 0, Ex(0) = x0 , if there exist two nonsingular matrices M ∈ Rm×m and
y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t), N ∈ Rn ×n such that their associated system matrices
(1) are related by M EN = Ē, M AN = Ā, M B = B̄ and
where x(t) ∈ Rn denotes the state variable, u(t) ∈ CN = C̄.
Rr denotes the control (input) variable and y(t) ∈ Rq de-
Definition 2. (Jiandong et al., 2002) Two optimal control
notes the output variable. The matrices E, A ∈ Rm×n ,
problems are said to be equivalent if there exists a bijec-
B ∈ Rm×r , C ∈ Rq×n , D ∈ Rq×r are constant, with
tion between the two admissible control–state pair sets,
rankE ≡ p < min {m, n} . This system is denoted by
and the value of the quadratic cost functional of an image
(E, A, B, C, D). The system (E, A, B, C, D) is said to
is equal to that of the corresponding preimage.
be regular if m = n and det(sE − A) = 0 for al-
most all s ∈ C. Otherwise, it is called nonregular if Obviously, Definition 2 confirms that two equivalent
det(sE − A) = 0 for each s ∈ C or if E, A ∈ Rm×n optimal control problems will have the same solvability,
with m = n. In particular, it is called a rectangular de- uniqueness of solution and optimal cost characterizations.
scriptor system if m = n. Thus solving one can be replaced by solving the other.
Use of semidefinite programming for solving the LQR problem. . . 657

3. Transformation into an equivalent LQR From the work of Ishihara and Terra (2001), we know
problem that impulsive controllability of the descriptor system (1)
is equivalent to
Since rankE = p < m, the Singular Value Decompo-    
sition (SVD) theorem (Klema and Laub, 1980) implies rank A21 A22 B2 = rank A22 B2 .
that there exist nonsingular matrices M ∈ Rm×m and  
N ∈ Rn×n such that In fact, the matrix A22 B2 may have no full
  row rank. Let us write rank A22 B2 = s, where
Ip 0 s ≤ m − p ≤ n − p. It follows that there exists a nonsin-
M EN = .
0 0 gular matrix V ∈ R(m−p)×(m−p) such that
It follows that we have  
  Ā22 B̄2
    V A22 B2 = ,
A11 A12 B1 0 0
M AN = , MB = ,
A21 A22 B2  
where Ā22 B̄2 has full row rank. By modifying the
  −1 x1 procedure of Jiandong et al. (2002), we have the following
CN = C1 C2 , N x= , (4) transformation:
where A11 ∈ Rp×p , A12 ∈ Rp×(n−p) , A21 ∈ R(m−p)×p , x̄(t) =
Ip 0
Γx̄1 (t), (7)
A22 ∈ R(m−p)×(n−p) , B1 ∈ Rp×r , B2 ∈ R(m−p)×r , C1 ∈ 0 W
Rq×p , C2 ∈ Rq×(n−p) , x1 ∈ Rp and x2 ∈ Rn−p . There-
fore, for a given admissible initial state x0 ∈ Rn , the sys-
where ⎛ ⎞
Ip 0
tem (1) is r.s.e. to the system ⎜ ⎟
Γ = ⎝ −Ā21 0 ⎠
ẋ1 (t) = A11 x1 (t) + A12 x2 (t) + B1 u(t), 0 In−p+r−s
0 = A21 x1 (t) + A22 x2 (t) + B2 u(t), (5) and  
y(t) = C1 x1 (t) + C2 x2 (t) + Du(t), x1 (t)
x̄1 (t) =
with x1 (0) = x10 = Ip 0 M x0 .
for some v ∈ Rn−p+r−s and for some nonsingular matrix
Using the expression (5), the objective function (2)
can be changed into W11 W12
W = ∈ R(n−p+r)×(n−p+r) ,
∞ W21 W22
J1 (u(·), x10 ) = x̄T (t)Qx̄(t) dt, (6)  
where Ā21 = Is 0 V A21 . Finally, we get a new
0 LQR problem as follows:
where ∞
⎛ ⎞ min J2 (v(·), x10 ) = x̄T1 (t)Q̄x̄1 (t)dt,
x1 (t) (v(·),x1 )
x̄(t) = ⎝ x2 (t) ⎠ ,
u(t) ẋ1 (t) = Āx1 (t) + B̄1 v(t), x1 (0) = x10 ,
⎛ T ⎞ s.t.
y(t) = C̄x1 (t) + D̄v(t)
C1 C1 C1T C2 C1T D
Q = ⎝ C2T C1 C2T C2 C2T D ⎠ . (8)
Likewise, we have the new LQR problem which mini-  
Q11 Q12
Q̄ = , (9)
mizes the objective function J1 (u(·), x10 ) subject to the QT12 Q22
dynamic system (5), and denote this LQR problem as Ω1 .
Further, we define the set of admissible control-state pairs Ā = A11 − Ā12 Ā21 ,
of the problem Ω1 by Ā12 = A12 W11 + B1 W21 ,
B̄1 = A12 W12 + B1 W22 ,
A1ad ≡ {(u(·), x1 (·), x2 (·)) | u(·) ∈ C+ r
p [R ],
x1 (·) ∈ C+ p + n−p C̄ = C1 − C2 D W ,
p [R ] and x2 (·) ∈ Cp [R ] 0
satisfy (5) and J1 (u(·), x10 ) < ∞} .   0
D̄ = C2 D W ,
By virtue of Definition 2, it is easily seen that the LQR
problem Ω1 is equivalent to Ω. Q11 = C̄ T C̄, Q12 = C̄ T D̄, Q22 = D̄T D̄.
658 Muhafzan

Let us denote by Ω2 , this LQR problem and define On the other hand, when the matrix Q22 is positive
the set of admissible control-state pairs of the problem Ω2 semidefinite (Q22 ≥ 0), the algebraic Riccati equation
by (12) seems to be meaningless, and therefore this result can
no longer be used to handle the singular LQR problem Ω.
A2ad ≡ {(v(·), x1 (·)) | v(·) ∈ C+
p [R ] and A natural extension is to generalize the algebraic Ric-
x1 (·) ∈ C+ p cati equation (12) by replacing the matrix Q−1 22 with the
p [R ] satisfy (8) and
matrix Q†22 , such that the equation (12) is replaced by
J2 (v(·), x10 ) < ∞} .
(P ) ≡ ĀT P + P Ā + Q11
It is obvious that the system (8) is a standard state space
system with the state x1 , the control v and the output y, − (P B̄1 + Q12 )Q†22 (P B̄1 + Q12 )T = 0, (14)
so Ω2 is a standard LQR problem.
where Q†22 stands for the Moore–Penrose inverse of Q22 .
It is easy to show that the transformation defined by
Consider an affine transformation of the matrix P as fol-
(7) is a bijection from A2ad to A1ad , and thus the problem
Ω2 is equivalent to the problem Ω1 . It follows that Ω2 is  
equivalent to the problem Ω as well. Therefore, in order Q22 (P B̄1 + Q12 )T
H(P ) ≡ . (15)
to solve the problem Ω, it suffices to consider the problem P B̄1 + Q12 Q11 + ĀT P + P Ā
Ω2 only.
By using Schur’s Extended lemma (Rami and Zhou,
2000), we have the following lemma, which shows that
4. Solving the LQR problem (P ) ≥ 0 and H(P ) ≥ 0 are closely related.
It is well known that the solution of Ω2 hinges on the
behavior of the input weighting matrix Q22 in (9), whether Lemma 1. (Balakrishnan and Vandenberghe, 2003)
it is positive definite or positive semidefinite. (In−p+r−s − Q22 Q†22 )(P B̄1 + Q12 )T = 0 and (P ) ≥
Under a certain property, Q22 may be positive def- 0 if and only if H(P ) ≥ 0.
inite, (see the results of Jiandong et al. (2002) for de- Now, let us consider the following primal semidefi-
tails). In the case where Q22 is positive definite, one nite programming:
can use the classical theory of LQR, which asserts that
Ω2 has a unique optimal control-state pair if the pair max Ip , P ,
(Ā, B̄1 ) is asymptotically stabilizable and the pair (Ā − (P)
B̄1 Q−1 T −1 T
22 Q12 , Q11 − Q12 Q22 Q12 ) is detectable (Anderson s.t. P ∈ P,
and Moore, 1990). In this case, the optimal control v ∗ is
given by where  
v ∗ = Lx∗1 , (10) P ≡ P ∈ Sp+ | H(P ) ≥ 0
where the state x∗1 is the solution to the differential equa- is the set of feasible solutions of the primal semidefinite
tion programming problem (P). It is easy to show that P is a
convex set and it may be empty which in particular im-
ẋ1 (t) = (Ā + B̄1 L)x1 (t), x1 (0) = x10 , (11) plies that there is no solution to primal semidefinite pro-
gramming. Moreover, it is easy to show that the objective
with L = −Q−1 T T
22 (Q12 + B̄1 P ), and P is the unique pos- function of the problem (P) is convex as well. Since the
itive semidefinite solution of the following algebraic Ric- objective function and P satisfy the convexity properties,
cati equation: the above primal semidefinite programming case is a con-
vex optimization problem.
ĀT P + P Ā + Q11 Corresponding to the above primal semidefinite pro-
− (P B̄1 + Q12 )Q−1 T
22 (P B̄1 + Q12 ) = 0, (12)
gramming, we have the following dual problem:
where every eigenvalue λ of (A11 − Ā12 Ā21 + B̄1 L) min Q22 , Zb + 2 QT12 , Zu + Q11 , Zp ,
satisfies Reλ < 0. Thus, in this case, the optimal control-
state pair of the problem Ω is given by s.t. ZuT B̄1T + B̄1 Zu + Zp ĀT + ĀZp + Ip = 0,
x Zb Zu
u∗ Z≡ ≥ 0,
ZuT Zp
⎛ ⎞
N 0 ⎝ −W11 Ā21 + W12 L ⎠ x∗1 . (13) where Z denotes the dual variable associated with the pri-
0 Ir mal constraint H(P ) ≥ 0 with Zb , Zu and Zp being a
−W21 Ā21 + W22 L block partitioning of Z of appropriate dimensions.
Use of semidefinite programming for solving the LQR problem. . . 659

Remark 1. Semidefinite programming is known to be with Z satisfying the equality constraint of (D) yields
a special form of conic optimization problems, for which
there exists a well-developed duality theory (see, e.g., the (Ā + B̄1 L)Zp + Zp (Ā + B̄1 L)T = −Ip .
works of Balakrishnan and Vandenberghe (2003), Rami
By constructing a quadratic Lyapunov function
and Zhou (2000), Vandenberghe and Boyd (1999) or Yao
xT1 Zp x1 , it is easily verified that the system in (8)
et al. (2001) for an exhaustive theory of semidefinite pro-
is stabilizable. 
gramming). Key points of the theory can be highlighted
as follows: Theorem 2. If (P) and (D) satisfy the complementary
slackness condition, then the optimal solution of the prob-
1. Weak duality always holds, i.e., any feasible solution
lem (P) satisfies the generalized algebraic Riccati equa-
to the primal problem always possesses an objective
tion (P ) = 0.
value that is greater than the dual objective value of
any dual feasible solution. In contrast, strong duality Proof. Let P ∗ and Z ∗ denote the optimal solution of
does not always hold. (P) and (D), respectively. Since P ∗ is optimal, it is also
feasible and satisfies H(P ∗ ) ≥ 0. By Lemma 1, we have
2. A sufficient condition for strong duality is that there
exist a pair of complementary optimal solution, i.e., (Ir − Q22 Q†22 )(P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T = 0.
both the primal and dual semidefinite programming
problems have attainable optimal solutions, and that Thus, the following decomposition is true:
these solutions are complementary to each other.  
This means that the optimal solution P ∗ and the ∗
H(P ) =
Ir 0
dual optimal solution Z ∗ both exist and satisfy (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )Q†22 Ip
H(P ∗ )Z ∗ = 0.  
Q22 0
3. If both (P) and (D) satisfy strict feasibility, namely, 0 (P ∗ )
there exist a primal and dual feasible solution P0 and Ir Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T
× .
Z0 such that H(P0 ) > 0 and Z0 > 0, then the com- 0 Ip
plementary solutions exist.
From the relation H(P ∗ )Z ∗ = 0, we have
In the following we present the condition for the sta-
bility of the singular LQR control problem Ω2 . ∗ ∗ H11 H12 0 0
H(P )Z = = ,
H21 H22 0 0
Theorem 1. The singular LQR problem Ω2 is stabiliz-
able if and only if the dual problem (D) is strictly feasible. where
Proof. (⇒) First assume that the system (8) is stabi- H11 = Q22 (Zb∗ + Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T (Zu∗ )T ),
lizable by some feedback control v(t) = Lx1 (t). Then
all the eigenvalues of the matrix Ā + B̄1 L have nega- H12 = Q22 (Zu∗ + Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T Zp∗ ),
tive real parts. Consequently, using Lyapunov’s theorem H21 = (P ∗ )(Zu∗ )T ,
(Balakrishnan and Vandenberghe, 2003), there exists a H22 = (P ∗ )Zp∗ .
positive definite matrix Y such that
(Ā + B̄1 L)Y + Y (Ā + B̄1 L)T = −Ip .
(P ∗ )(Zu∗ )T = 0 and (P ∗ )Zp∗ = 0,
By setting Zp = Y and Zu = LZp , this relation can be
rewritten as and hence

ZuT B̄1T + B̄1 Zu + Zp ĀT + ĀZp + Ip = 0. Zu∗ (P ∗ ) = 0 and Zp∗ (P ∗ ) = 0.

Now choose Since Z ∗ is dual feasible, it also satisfies

Zb = Ir + Zu (Zp )−1 ZuT . ZuT B̄1T + B̄1 Zu + Zp ĀT + ĀZp + Ip = 0.

Then, by Schur’s lemma, Z is strictly feasible to (D). Pre-and post-multiplying the above equation by (P ∗ ) ,
we get,
(⇐) If the dual problem (D) is strictly feasible, then Zp >
0 by Schur’s lemma. Setting (P ∗ )(ZuT B̄1 T + B̄1 Zu + Zp ĀT + ĀZp + Ip )(P ∗ ),

L = Zu (Zp )−1 , which yields (P ∗ )2 = 0 and hence (P ∗ ) = 0. 

660 Muhafzan

Now, let us consider the subset Pbound of P which is It follows that the identity
defined as follows:
  Ir 0
Pbound ≡ P ∈ Sp+ | H(P ) ≥ 0 and (P ) = 0 . H(P ) =
(P B̄1 + Q12 )Q†22 Ip
Note that Pbound may be empty, which in particular im- ×
Q22 0
plies that there is no solution to the generalized algebraic 0 (P )
Riccati equation (14). Ir Q†22 (P B̄1 + Q12 )T
In the following, we present our main results, where ×
0 Ip
the LQR problem is explicitly constructed in terms of the
solution to primal and dual semidefinite programming.
is valid. Moreover, we can verify that
Theorem 3. If Pbound = ∅ and
H(P ∗ )Z ∗

v (t) = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 T
+ Q12 ) x1 (t) (16)   
Ir 0 Q22 0
−LT Ip 0 (P ∗ )
is a stabilizing control for some P ∗ ∈ Pbound, where   
x1 (t) satisfies the differential equation Ir −L Zb∗ Zu∗
0 Ip (Zu∗ )T Zp∗
ẋ1 (t) = Ā − B̄1 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t), =
Ir 0
−LT Ip
with x1 (0) = x10 , then (P) and (D) satisfy the comple- Q22 (Zb∗ − L(Zu∗ )T ) Q22 (Zu∗ − LZp∗ )
mentary slackness property . Moreover, v ∗ (t) is the opti- (P ∗ )(Zu∗ )T (P ∗ )Zp∗
mal control for the LQR problem Ω2 .  
0 0
= ,
0 0
Proof. Let P ∗ ∈ Pbound and L = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 +
Q12 ) . Since the control v ∗ (t) = Lx1 (t) is stabilizing,

the Lyapunov equation that is, Problems (P) and (D) satisfy the complementary
slackness property. Now, we prove that
(Ā + B̄1 L)Y + Y (Ā + B̄1 L)T + Ip = 0
v ∗ (t) = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t)
has a positive definite solution. Denote it be Y ∗ > 0. Let

Zp∗ = Y ∗ , Zu∗ = LY ∗ , Zb∗ = LY ∗ LT . is the optimal control for the LQR problem Ω2 . Firstly,
consider any P ∈ P and any admissible stabilizing con-
By this construction, we can easily verify that trol v(·) ∈ C+
p [R ]. We have

Zb∗ Zu∗ d  T 
(Zu∗ )T Zp∗ x1 (t)P x1 (t)
Ir L 0 0 Ir 0 = Āx1 (t) + B̄1 v(t) P x1 (t)
0 Ip 0 Zp∗ LT Ip
+ xT1 (t)P Āx1 (t) + B̄1 v(t)
≥ 0,  
= xT1 (t) ĀT P + P Ā x1 (t) + 2v T (t)B̄1T P x1 (t).
Integrating over [0, ∞) and making use of the fact that
Ip + (Zu∗ )T B̄1T + B̄1 Zu∗ + Zp∗ ĀT + ĀZp∗ = 0.
lim xT1 (t)P x1 (t) = 0,
Therefore, t→∞
Zb∗ Zu∗
Z∗ =
(Zu∗ )T Zp∗ we have

is a feasible solution of (D). Since H(P ) ≥ 0, by  ∞

Lemma 1, we have 0 = xT10 P x10 + (xT1 (t)(ĀT P + P Ā)x1 (t)

(Ir − Q22 Q†22 )(P B̄1 T

+ Q12 ) = 0. + 2v T (t)B̄1T P x1 (t)) dt.
Use of semidefinite programming for solving the LQR problem. . . 661

Therefore, It follows that

J2 (v(·), x10 ) J2 (v ∗ (·), x10 ) ≤ xT10 P ∗ x10 . (18)
 T The facts (17) and (18) lead us to conclude that the LQR
= x1 (t)Q11 x1 (t)
problem Ω2 has an attainable optimal feedback control
 which is given by (16) with the cost xT10 P ∗ x10 . 
+ 2v T (t)QT12 x1 (t) + v T (t)Q22 v(t) dt The significance of Theorem 3 is that one can solve
 T the LQR problem for a standard state space system by
= x10 P x10 + x1 (t)(ĀT P + P Ā + Q11 )x1 (t)
simply solving a corresponding semidefinte programming
 problem. Consequently, since there exists the equivalent
+2v T (t)(P B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t) + v T (t)Q22 v(t) dt
relationship between the LQR problem subject to rectan-
= xT10 P x10 gular descriptor systems and the standard LQR problem,
∞ one can also solve the LQR problem subject to rectangular
+ [ v(t) + Q+
22 (P B̄1 + Q12 ) x1 (t) Q22 descriptor systems via such the corresponding semidefi-
0 nite programming approach.
 By reconsidering the transformation (7), it follows
× v(t) + Q+
22 (P B̄1 + Q12 ) x1 (t)
+ xT1 (t)(P )x1 (t)]dt. ⎛ ∗ ⎞
x1 (t)    ∗ 
Since P ∈ P, we have (P ) ≥ 0. This means that ⎝ x∗ (t) ⎠ = Ip 0 x1 (t)
2 0 W v ∗ (t)
J2 (v(·), x10 ) ≥ xT10 P x10 , (17) u∗ (t)
⎛ ⎞
Ip 0  ∗ 
for each P ∈ P and each admissible stabilizing control x1 (t)
r = ⎝ −W Ā W ⎠
v(·) ∈ C+p [R ]. On the other hand, under the feedback
11 21 12
v ∗ (t)
control −W21 Ā21 W22
⎛ ⎞
v ∗ (t) = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t), = ⎝ Λ1 ⎠ x∗1 (t),
and if we take into account P ∗ ∈ Pbound, we have Λ2

0 ≤ J2 (v ∗ (·), x10 ) where Λ1 = −W11 Ā21 − W12 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T and
∞ Λ2 = −W21 Ā21 − W22 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T . Finally, by
= [xT1 (t)Q11 x1 (t) + 2v ∗ (t)QT12 x1 (t) reconsidering (4 ), we obtain that the optimal control-state
0 pair ( u∗ , x∗ ) of Ω is
T ⎛ ⎞
+ v ∗ (t)Q22 v ∗ (t)] dt Ip
T x∗ = N ⎝ ⎠ x∗1
= lim
[xT1 (τ )Q11 x1 (τ ) + 2v∗ (τ )QT12 x1 (τ ) † ∗
−W11 Ā21 − W12 Q22 (P B̄1 + Q12 ) T
+v (τ )Q22 v ∗ (τ )] dτ and
= lim [ xT10 P ∗ x10
− xT1 (t)P ∗ x1 (t) u∗ = (−W21 Ā21 − W22 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x∗1 .
+ (xT1 (τ )(ĀT P ∗ + P ∗ Ā + Q11 )x1 (τ ) We end this section by presenting a sufficient condi-
0 tion for the existence of the optimal control of the LQR
+ 2v ∗ (τ )(P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (τ ) problem subject to a descriptor system.
+ v ∗ (τ )Q22 v ∗ (τ )) dτ ] Corollary 1. Assume that the rectangular descriptor
t system (1) is impulse controllable and the LQR problem
T ∗
≤ x10 P x10 + lim [(v∗ (τ ) Ω is equivalent to Ω2 , where the matrix Q22 is positive
t→∞ semidefinite. If Pbound = ∅ and
v ∗ (t) = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t)
+ Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (τ ) Q22 )
× ( v ∗ (τ ) + Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (τ ) ) is a stabilizing control for some P ∗ ∈ Pbound, where
x1 (t) satisfies the differential equation
+ xT1 (τ )(P ∗ )x1 (τ ) dτ ]
= xT10 P ∗ x10 . ẋ1 (t) = Ā − B̄1 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t),
662 Muhafzan

with x1 (0) = x10 , then where x1 ∈ R2 , v ∈ R4 ,

u∗ (t) = −W21 Ā21 − W22 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x1 (t) −3 8 1 2 −1 2
Ā = , B̄1 = ,
−1 0 1 −1 2 −2
is the optimal control for the LQR problem subject to the    
1 −2 −1 −2 0 0
rectangular descriptor system (1). C̄ = , D̄ = ,
0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Numerical example 1 −2 −1 −2 0 0
Q11 = , Q12 = ,
−2 4 2 4 0 0
Consider the LQR problem subject to the rectangular de-
scriptor system, where the matrices E, A, B, C and D and ⎛ ⎞
are given as follows: 1 2 0 0
⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 2 4 0 0 ⎟
Q22 =⎜
⎝ 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎠
⎜ 0 1 0 0 0 ⎟
E=⎜ ⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 ⎠,
⎟ 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 To identify a positive semidefinite feasible solution

⎛ ⎞ P ∗ to primal semidefinite programming that satisfies the
−3 6 1 0 0 generalized algebraic Riccati equation (P ∗ ) = 0, we
⎜ −1 −4 −1 −1 3 ⎟
A=⎜ ⎝ 0 −2
⎟, first consider the constraint
0 −1 2 ⎠
0 −2 0 −1 2 (I4 − Q22 Q†22 )(P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T = 0
⎛ ⎞
1 −1  
⎜ 1 2 ⎟ 1 0 0 0 0 as stipulated by Lemma 1, such that we have
B=⎝ ⎜ ⎟ , C= ,
1 0 ⎠ 0 0 0 0 0 ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
1.2q 1.2r 0 0
1 0 ⎜ −0.6q ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 ⎟
  ⎜ −0.6r ⎟ ⎜ ⎟.
−1 −1 ⎝ −p + 2q −q + 2r ⎠ = ⎝ 0 0 ⎠
D= ,
0 0 2p − 2q 2q − 2r 0 0
with the initial state This is satisfied only by p = q = r = 0, i.e.,
x0 = 0 1 0 0 .  
∗ 0 0
By taking the matrices M = I4 and N = I5 , it is P = .
0 0
easy to verify that
    In fact, this P ∗ satisfies the generalized algebraic Riccati
rank A21 A22 B2 = rank A22 B2 = 1, equation (14). It follows that
and thus the rectangular descriptor system is impulse con-  
−2 6
trollable. By choosing Ā − B̄1 Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T = ,
  −1.2 0.4
0.5 0.5
V = which has eigenvalues −0.8 + 2.4i and −0.8 − 2.4i, and
0.7071 0.7071
these are stable. Hence the control
and ⎛ ⎞
0 0 0 −1 0 v ∗ (t) = −Q†22 (P ∗ B̄1 + Q12 )T x∗1 (t),
⎜ 2 3 0 2 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
W =⎜
⎜ 1 1 −1 1 0 ⎟,
⎟ where x∗1 (t) is solution of the following differential equa-
⎝ 1 1 2 0 1 ⎠ tion
0 0 0 0 −1    
−2 6 0
the problem Ω can be equivalently changed into the singu- ẋ1 (t) = x1 (t), x1 (0) = ,
−1.2 0.4 1
lar LQR problem subject to the standard state space sys-
tem: is stabilizing. It is easy to verify that
∞  T    
x1 (t) x1 (t) 2.5 sin 2.4t
min Q̄ dt, x∗1 (t) = e−0.8t .
(v(.),x1 ) v(t) v(t) 0.5(2 cos 2.4t + sin 2.4t)
⎨ 0
ẋ1 (t) = Āx1 (t) + B̄1 v(t), x1 (0) = Hence, according to Theorem 3, the control v ∗ (t)
s.t. 1
⎩ must be optimal to the singular LQR problem Ω2 .
y(t) = C̄x1 (t) + D̄v(t),
Use of semidefinite programming for solving the LQR problem. . . 663

3.5 2


2 1
1.5 u(t)

1 0.5


-0.5 -0.5


-1.5 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time t
time t

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Simulation results: state trajectories (a), control trajectories (b).

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Acknowledgment composition: Its computation and some applications IEEE
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The author would like to thank the anonymous referees for
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very helpful suggestions and comments which improved solutions to singular linear quadratic optimal control prob-
the quality of this paper. This work was supported by lems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 121: 291–331.
the Ministry of Education of Indonesia through Grant No.
Rami, M.A. and Zhou, X.Y. (2000). Linear matrix inequal-
ities, riccati equations, and indefinite stochastic linear
quadratic controls, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Con-
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664 Muhafzan

Vandenberghe, L. and Boyd, S. (1999). Applications of Muhafzan received the B.Sc. degree in mathe-
semidefinite programming, Applied Numerical Mathemat- matics from Riau University (Indonesia) in 1992,
ics 29: 283–299. the M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Ban-
dung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) in 1999,
Yao, D., Zhang, D. and Zhou, X.Y. (2001). A pri- and the Ph.D degree in applied mathematics from
mal dual semidefinite programming approach to linear Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2007. He has been
quadratic control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Con- a lecturer at Andalas University, Indonesia, since
trol 46(9): 1442–1447. 1993. His research interests include the theory of
descriptor systems and optimal control.

Received: 13 August 2009

Revised: 15 February 2010
Re-revised: 24 June 2010

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