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JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

1. A bad egg- not trustable

Exa- I don't want my son to be friends with Kalia.

Kalia is a bad egg.

2. A bag of bones- A very thin person

Exa- My friend is a bag of bones.

3. A bed of roses- Easy

Exa- The life of a soldier is not a bed of roses.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

4. A bed of thorns- Full of suffering and sorrows

Exa- For me, the new office proved to be a bed of thorns.

5. A bee in one's bonnet- Over confident

Exa- She has a bee in her bonnet; don't mind what she says.

6. A bird's eye view- General view

Exa- I have a bird's eye view of the city from the top of my roof.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

7. A black sheep- Good for nothing

Exa- He is a black sheep thus cannot be depended upon.

8. At the spur(प्रे रणा) of the moment- suddenly

Exa- I had to leave town on the spur of the moment.

9. All in all- on the whole

Exa- All in all, it was a very good party.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

10. At close quarters- close examinations

Exa- Many of my relatives proved selfish at close quarters.

11. Apple pie order- in perfect order

Exa- Please put everything in apple pie order before you leave.

12. Above board- honest and legal

Exa- The deal was completely open and above board.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

13. As fit as a fiddle- strong and healthy

Exa- My grandmother is 78, but she is as fit as a fiddle.

14. At a loose end- unoccupied, unemployed, idle

Exa- He has been at a loose end ever since he lost his job.

15. At logger heads- in conflict with someone, strongly disagreeing

Exa- Kejriwal is at logger heads with the Governor over public spending.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

16. At odds- against someone, to disagree - in dispute

Exa- My mom and my wife are always at odds over what to watch on t.v

17. At cross purposes- with opposing viewpoint

Exa- We are arguing at cross purposes. We are not even discussing the
same thing.

18. After one's own heart– having the same opinions or interests as

Exa- when she met a man after her own heart. She got married to him.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

19. At the bottom of - mainly responsible for something

Exa- The desire for the money is at the bottom of much of the
world's violence.

20. At loss- not know what to do or say

Exa- I was so surprised that I was at a loss for words.

21. At daggers drawn- to have bitter enmity

Exa- She is at daggers drawn with her colleagues.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

22. Assume airs(घमंड)- to pretend superiority

Exa- The rich are in the habit of assuming airs in the presence of their
poor relatives.

23. Argus eyed- extremely observant, Keen-sighted

Exa- As a teacher, he is argus eyed.

24. Bear the brunt(प्रहार) of- to bear the main shock of

Exa- The poor have to bear the brunt of increasing prices.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

25. Bell the cat- to agree to perform a risky task

Exa- Who's going to bell the cat and tell mom we broke the T.V.?

26. Bid defiance(अवज्ञा)- to ignore

Exa- Shobhit bade defiance to his father's wish of becoming an

officer and instead became a cleark.

27. Beside oneself- be much emotional

Exa- She was beside herself with grief when her puppy died.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

28. Bring to book- to punish someone

Exa- The clerk was brought to book for his blunder.

29. Breathe one's last- to die

Exa- He breathed his last on Sunday.

30. Back stairs influence- by unfair means

Exa- These days many persons are given good posts through back
stairs influence.

JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

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JOIN TGT PGT LT GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES - 9125090515, 7080825282

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