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Exam practice: Reading Unit 1

A2 Key Part 2 3 Do you like the picture by Picasso in the

1 Read the article in exercise 3 quickly. What are the 4 It’s hot! Let’s go to the and jump in
three paragraphs about? the water!
a The students’ favourite lessons. 5 In the morning, I always on my phone.
b Different kinds of sports and exercise the students Sometimes I sing, too!
do at school. 6 I’m tired. I don’t want to today!
c Things the schools do that are different to 7 I like running in the park but I go to the
other schools. when it’s raining.

Exam tip
2 Complete the sentences with these words and
phrases. In matching activities, first read all the texts or parts
of the text quickly to get a general understanding.
art gallery • ​
do exercise • ​
gym • ​
have lunch  Then read the information that you need to find.
• ​
listen to music • ​
museum • ​ swimming pool

1 Some of the things in the are 3,000

years old!
2 It’s 12.30 and I’m hungry! Let’s !

3 For each question, choose the correct answer.

New ideas at school

Every week, after lunch on Friday, we have a lesson in a museum or art gallery. We learn a
different subject each time. Sometimes it’s history or art, of course, but it’s often something
else. We sometimes have English lessons in the art gallery, for example, and we might write
a story about a painting. There’s a science museum near our school so we often have
science lessons there. They’re usually much more interesting than normal lessons!

Every morning at nine o’clock, we have to run for 15 minutes. The first time we did it, I didn’t
like it! I like doing exercise but I never run in my free time. I prefer going to the gym or the
swimming pool. But now I like running every morning at school! We don’t run fast and it’s
fun. The teachers run with us and sometimes we listen to music. I always feel better after
I run.

Everyone likes having lunch at our school! Why? Because the students make the menu!
Every day, a different group of students decides what we eat. The same students also help
to make the food. Of course, the food has to be healthy! It’s good because we learn about
healthy food, and we can eat food that we like. Sometimes students have bad ideas and
the food isn’t nice, but usually it’s great! Today is Fish Friday … Mmm!

Anya Dexter Finley

1 Who can decide what other students have for lunch? A B C
2 Who has lessons somewhere different? A B C
3 Who does exercise at school every day? A B C
4 Who usually has nice, healthy food at school? A B C
5 Who likes swimming? A B C
6 Who does something interesting every Friday? A B C
7 Who does something that makes them feel better every morning? A B C

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Exam practice: Reading Unit 1

A2 Key Part 1 2
1 Look at the short texts in exercise 3. Which of
Sorry, our swimming pool is closed today.
these can you see?
Our gym and café are open.
•  a sign at a shopping centre
A You can swim today but you can’t have a cup
• ​
a message from a friend on a mobile phone  
of coffee.
• ​
a sign at a library  
B The sports centre is closed today.
• ​
a sign at a school  
C You can go to the gym today but you can’t swim.
• ​
a sign at a stadium  
3 Hi Dan, I can’t go to the cinema at 7 pm. Can we go
• ​
a sign at a train station  
later? The Japanese film is at 8.15. Alex
• ​
an email from a teacher  
• ​
a sign at a sports centre   A Alex thinks the Japanese film time is too late.
• ​
a message from a parent on a mobile phone B Alex wants to go to the cinema after
seven o’clock.
C Dan can’t go to the cinema.
2 Read the sentences and choose the correct
alternatives. 4
Library computers
1 Usually, you need two to four people to do exercise/
play board games. You can use the library computers
to do your homework. If you want
2 You can watch films at a cinema/swimming pool.
to chat online or play computer
3 Let’s go to the new gym/café! It’s got really good games, please use the computers
coffee and cakes. in the Yellow Room.
4 The library/sports centre near my house is a great
place to do sport and exercise. A You need to go to a different room if you want to
chat online.
5 My friend is very good at watching films
/playing computer games. She usually wins. B Students must not use the library computers
for homework.
6 I travel to school by train/car. There are usually a lot
of people so I can’t sit down. C There are better computers in the Yellow Room.
Exam tip Eva! There’s no bus this morning! We have to go to school
by bike. I’m getting dressed now. See you in 15 minutes?
In three-option multiple choice activities with short
texts, remember … Jessie
First, think about what type of text each one is and
A The bus is 15 minutes late this morning.
in which place or context you might see it. This helps
you to think about the purpose of the message B Eva and Jessie usually go to school by bike.
or information. C Eva and Jessie can’t go to school by bus today.
When you go shopping in the
city centre, don’t go by car!
3 For each question, choose the correct answer.
After school fun! Go by train!
All trains to the city centre cost
Do you want to:
£1 at weekends!
• play board games
• watch films?
A You must pay £1 at the shopping centre if you go
Come to the new club: Wednesdays, 4.30 pm by car.
A Students can play computer games on Wednesday B You can only go to the city centre by car at the
at 4.30 pm. weekend.
B There’s a new club after school. C Train tickets are cheaper on Saturday
and Sunday.
C You can do exercise in this club.

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