How To Write A Review

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Date: ____________________________

I. Objective/s

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

Writes an objective/ balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-18

II. Subject Matter

Topic: How to write a review

Reference/s: CG: CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-18

Materials: Book, board, chalk, activity notebook

III. Procedure

A. Preliminaries

Submission of assignment.
Ask: How to write a review?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

The teacher will play a short film in class.


2. Presentation
Randomly choose students to share their reactions to the film.
1. What was the film about? Answer it in three sentences.
2. Did you like the film? Why or why not?
3. Which part of the film did you like the best? Why? Which part did you not like? Why?

(Please refer to English for Academic Advancement; St. Augustine Publications, Inc. pages 19-38)
In order for a writer to come up with a good review on a certain subject, he must be able to take into consideration the ff elements:

(Please refer to Communication Today English For Academic & Professional Purposes for Senior High;Dr. Jessie Barrot, Philippe John
Sipacio pages 139-145)
A reaction paper, a review, and a critique are specialized forms of writing in which a reviewer or reader evaluates any of the ff.:

3. Activity
From the model reviews discussed, fill out the appropriate part of each type of review being asked in the matrix below.

Kinds of Review Introduction Plot Summary Description Analysis Conclusion/

1. A Critical
Review of
Search for
2. Despicable
3. An
Blend of
Modern and
4. A writers
5. A writers
6. A Writer’s

4. Generalization
What is a review ?
Enumerate the structures of a reaction paper, Review or Critique?

IV. Evaluation

Write T if the statement is True and F if it is false.

________1. A review or reaction paper involves higher order thinking skills.

________2. A reaction paper; review and critique generally use the same organization of ideas.

________3. A review must always be organized using a structure.

________4. Feminist criticism relates to conflicts between classes.

________5. Marxist criticism involves the analysis of the intrinsic features of a text.

________6. More than half of a review or critique should be devoted to the summary.

________7. The name of an author and title of the reviewed article are placed at the end of the review or critique.

________8. The reviewer’s overall impression of the material being reviewed should be placed in the introduction.

________9. When writing a review, reaction paper, or critique, only one perspective should be used.

_______10. Writing a reaction paper, review, or critique is exclusive for scholars.

V. Assignment

Visit the following link and read the movie review.

-Heneral Luna Movie Review: more…………..

(Please refer to Communication Today English For Academic & Professional Purposes for Senior High;Dr. Jessie Barrot, Philippe John Sipacio
pages 146-148)

For next meeting, bring 1/8 illustration board.

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