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Our Divine Providence, we humble ourselves before you, as we praise your holy name, and feel
your presence in our midst. We implore your Divine Guidance and Blessings, as we consciously
gather on this occasion, in pursuit and furtherance, of the cherished goals, and objectives of our
beloved Fraternity. We beseech you, all Powerful God to enrich our hearts, to enlighten our
minds, and to broaden our understanding and compassion to one another, as we carry and pursue
our goals and objectives, not only on this particular occasion, but also on the many time of our
strivings and endeavors. Please, Almighty God, elevate our spirit and fortify our steps, as we
seek to keep and edify our Fraternity, everyone and whole and as we strive perseveringly to
enhance and strengthen our national brotherhood. All these our Divine Providence, we fervently
ask under your supreme guidance and direction.

I, having consciously subscribed to the Constitution and the Eagles Magna Carta of the
Philippine Eagles, and aware of my responsibility To my God and Country, do hereby pledge To
promote and defend at all times Said Constitution and Magna Carta and their ideals to the best of
my ability and within my power and capacity So help me God.
God-loving me for country's sake Offer strength and mind and energy We dedicate Fraternal love
Service for the good of all humanity. We're Eagles, the Philippine Eagles lasting Peace's our
noble mission We're Eagles, friends to all people Pillars of the nation. For brotherhood we work
and serve Peace, equality and unity Emblazed with zeal of human care We will share our lives to
keep our liberty.

TFOE-PE Purposes and Goals
1. The Philippine Eagles shall be —
E – Enlightened and innovative humanitarian
A – Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.
G – God-loving, non-sectarian.
L – Law-abiding, liberty-oriented, non-political.
E – Emblazed with intense mission of
S – Service to country, its people and its community.
2. The Philippine Eagles shall evolve and construct in the Philippine society a new approach
and vision in the quality and scope of humanitarian service which they shall seek to
nationalize for the maximum benefit and human betterment of the Philippine Society and
3. 3. They shall encourage the formation and organization of Eagles Clubs in the whole
Philippine Archipelago.
4. 4. They shall provide means for community service and healthy fellowship for their
5. 5. They shall encourage exchange of business, professional, cultural, social and other
opportunities and advantages for the mutual benefits of the members and the association.
6. 6. They shall be interested in promoting health research, scientific inquiries, education
and social legislation and shall provide forum for their open discussions. They shall not
debate or discuss partisan politics in the association or in the club.
7. 7. They shall be governed by a constitution and by-laws to be written hereafter, which
shall be informed for all the members.
8. 8. They shall resolve their internal problems and affairs within the fraternity or the club
and without resource to the courts of justice. It shall be part of their oath not to embarrass
the fraternity or the club by taking any action outside the remedy provided by the
fraternity or the club on any matter which might arise in their relationship with the
fraternity or the club.

Nat. PRES.; Eagle kuya nelson sarapuddin Gov. ; Eagle Kuya Danilo Parreno Vice Gov.; Eagle
Kuya Jason Romantico Club pres.; Eagle Kuya Renzi P. Magbanua Eto pa. What is 5 I's? 1.I-
Interview (Pre- Orientation) 2.I-Introduction ( Pre-interview, Panel Interview) 3.I- Initiation
(Memorize the Eagleism, Universal Prayer, Eagles Pledge, & Eagles Hymn) 4.I-Incubation
(Attendance of General Membership Meeting & 3 Community Services) 5. I-Induction (PEIL
Orientation & Induction) What is the meaning: E.-Enlightened & Innovative humanitarian
A- Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood & fraternal ties G-God loving, non-
sectarian L-Law abiding, liberty-orieted, non-political E-Emblazed with intense mission of S-
Service to country, it's people, and it's Community
JUN 01, 6:50 AM

FOE-PE Purposes and Goals

1. The Philippine Eagles shall be —

E – Enlightened and innovative humanitarian

A – Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.
G – God-loving, non-sectarian.
L – Law-abiding, liberty-oriented, non-political.
E – Emblazed with intense mission of
S – Service to country, its people and its community.

2. The Philippine Eagles shall evolve and construct in the Philippine society a new
approach and vision in the quality and scope of humanitarian service which they shall
seek to nationalize for the maximum benefit and human betterment of the Philippine
Society and community.
3. They shall encourage the formation and organization of Eagles Clubs in the whole
Philippine Archipelago.
4. They shall provide means for community service and healthy fellowship for their
5. They shall encourage exchange of business, professional, cultural, social and other
opportunities and advantages for the mutual benefits of the members and the
6. They shall be interested in promoting health research, scientific inquiries, education
and social legislation and shall provide forum for their open discussions. They shall not
debate or discuss partisan politics in the association or in the club.
7. They shall be governed by a constitution and by-laws to be written hereafter, which
shall be informed for all the members.
8. They shall resolve their internal problems and affairs within the fraternity or the club
and without resource to the courts of justice. It shall be part of their oath not to
embarrass the fraternity or the club by taking any action outside the remedy provided
by the fraternity or the club on any matter which might arise in their relationship with
the fraternity or the club.

1st nat. Pres Nilo h. Raymundo National pres sir nelson alonto sarapudin new pres. Exe.
Director Ferdinand A. Bernasor Governor maagap ncr-vi Danilo b. Parreño sec.gen Jowell p
dagang Attorney general Danilo v. rodela

To those who are asking how to join and become a member of TF0E-PE this is the answer.
Become A Member Any Aspirant or Applicant shall not be inducted as a Regular Eagle
Member without having attended and completed the following basic requirements of the
Philippine Eagles Institute of Leadership (PEIL), to wit: Five I’s Process of Accepting New
Eagle Members: 1. Interview (Pre-Orientation) – prior the pre-orientation the applicant must
submit his letter of intent before his admission to the first stage of the applicant’s process.
In the first stage wherein the applicant subjected to background investigation and individual
interview before a panel of the Screening Committee which shall be called as the JURY.
Here, the panel seeks to find out whether and applicants possesses such qualities which
shall include but not limited to:
CHARACTER (honor, loyalty and integrity)
SERVICE (community, club and fraternity)
AVAILABILITY (meetings, assembly and projects)
FINANCIAL STABILITY (livelihood, employment and profession)
PERSEVERANCE (patience, humility and dedication)
FELLOWSHIP (brotherhood/sisterhood and group unity)
2. Introduction (Pre-Interview, Panel of Interview) – after the interview stage applicants who
have successfully passed the interview shall be presented and properly introduced to all
Eagles Club members during the General Membership Meeting (GMM) after the
presentation of applicants, the names of applicants shall be circulated to all Eagles Clubs
and Regions nationwide and posted in our official website
if there are members who has knowledge or justifiable reason to believe why a particular
applicant should not be accepted to The Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles), the
said member with a good standing, must make his objection to the JURY, in writing,
immediately or at any stage of the process but not after the contested applicant induction.
3. Initiation (Memorize the Eagleism, Universal Prayer, Eagles Pledge and Eagles Hymn) – the
core initiation ritual at this stage, applicants who have satisfactory completed the interview
and introduction stage will now be accorded the rare opportunity to exercise the solemn
rites of Eagleism. At this stage, they shall be called as “Applicant”. 4. Incubation (Attendance
of 3 General Membership Meeting and 3 Community Services) – the fourth stage of the
process. A time-bounded test designed primarily to gauge not only his determination but
also the perseverance of the aspirant. After undergoing the initiation proper, applicants will
have to endure a waiting period of three (3) months to be known as the Incubation Period
which they shall be require to attend the monthly General Membership Meetings and three
(3) Community Services without fail. They shall attend meetings in distinct attire that will
identify as Eagle applicants. Failure to attend in any of these meetings and community
services will cause the deferment of the applicant’s induction and he will have to wait for the
next batch of aspirants. 5. Induction (PEIL Orientation and Induction) – The last stage of the
process. The aspirants shall have successfully completed the first four (4) stages and have
therefore earned the right of passage. A ceremony shall be held in their honor of
recognition of their enduring fidelity to the entire process. They have proven themselves
worthy to join the ranks of the Philippine Eagles and therefore deserve to be called “KUYA”
at this stage, the successful aspirants will now take their solemn oath of Eagleism as the final
operative act to becoming a full-pledge member of an Eagle Club, and consequently, of The
Fraternal Order of Eagle (Philippine Eagles)

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