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wt JAS Unit HSL2(DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues “Rasessor feedback on completion of Unk ETRE GHC Gren rons weg Ranomnon ar ao 7 Unit HSL2(DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues | confirm thatthe evidence detailed inthis Units my own work and meets the requirements ofthe National Occupational standards. Candidate Signature Date | confirm thatthe candidate has achieved all the requirements ofthis Unit. Assessor Signature Date Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable) Date | confirm that the candidate's sampled work meets the standards speciied for this Unit and may be presented for external verieation Internal Verifier Signature Date Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable) Date Enea Vere ial and Date sampled) aAS ERA GH vs one Woe tenn wh Clann 2 Unit HSL2 (DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues ‘What you have to do. Behaviours 1 Establish working relationships wit all colleagues who are relevant to the work being carried out P2 Recognise, agree and respect the roles and responsibilies of colleagues and, particularly in situations of matrix management, their managers requirements PS Understand and take accaunt oftheir priors, ‘expectations, and authority of colleagues in cisions and actions. 4 Create an environment of trust and mutual respect where you have no authority, or shared authority over those you are working with 5 Understand dificult stations and issues from your colleague's perspective and provide support, where necessary, to move things forward 6 Fulfl agreements made with coleagues and let them know. P7 Advise colleagues promptly of any diffcuties or where it willbe impossibie to fulfl agreements 8 Identity and sort out conficts of interest and disagreements with colleagues in ways that minimise damage to the work being carried out PO Exchange information and resources with colleagues to make sure that all partes can work effectively. P10 Provide feedback ta colleagues on theit performance and seek feedback from colleagues on Your own performance in order to identiy areas for improvement, B1 You present information clearly, concisely, accurately and in ways that promote understanding, 12 You seek to uncerstand peoples’ needs and motivations, 3 You make time available to support others. 4 You cleatly agree what is expected of others and hold them to ‘account. BBS You work to develop an atmosphere of professionalism and ‘mutual support 86 You model Behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co- ‘operation. B7 You keep promises and honour commitments, BB You consider the impact of your own actions on others. B89 You say no to unreasonable requests B10. You show respect forthe views and actions of ethers. Unit HSL2(DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues dais Eas Ra [Ose] Wha you Fave de Behaviors number yay yee eee ae ee Sane eens ar acaba 7 Unit HSL2(DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues ‘Completed What you have to know {ate or append Knowledge Statements marked by KI The benefits of developing productive working relationships with colleagues. 2 &_Theimportance of creating an environment of trust and mutual respect where you have no authority, or shared authority, over those you are working with 3 &__Theimportance of understanding diffcult situations and issues from your colleague's perspective and providing suppor, where necessary, to move things forward, Ké _&_ Principles of effective communication and how to apply them in order to communicate ctfecively wth colleagues. KS Howto identify disagreements with colleagues and the techniques for sorting them out. 6 {5 _ Howto identify conficts of interest with colleagues and the measures that can be used to ‘manage or remove them, KT 1® Howto take account of diversity and inclusion issues when developing working relationships With colleagues KB) The importance of exchanging information and resources with colleagues. K® How to get and make use of feedback on your performance from colleagues. K10How to provide colleagues with useful feedback on their performance. Kit Regulations and codes of practice that apply in the industry or sectr. Kia ‘Standards of behaviour and performance in the industry or sector. aAS ERA GH vs one Woe tenn wh Clann 5 Unit HSL2(DR4A 04) Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues Completed ‘What you have to know date or Knowledge Statements marked by F.cannet be inferred ae X13 Working culture of the industy or sector 14 Current and futre werk being cared out ‘KIS Colleagues who are relevant tothe work being cated ou, thelr work rles and espansbilies 116 Processes within the organisation fr making decisions 1Ki7 Line management retponsbiiies and relaionships within the organization 18 @ The organisations values and cute. X19 Power, inflience and polis wihin the organisation 720 Standards of behaviour and performance expected in he organisation. X21 Information and resources that diferent coleagues might need 122 Agreements with coleagues. ages GR) brace Pa Rea ioe CoE . Unit HSL2 (DR4A 04) ‘Supplementary evidence Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues Evidence/Question ASwer Date 7 Evidence must come from candidate's workin the associated work area, There must be sufficient evidence for the Assessor to judge thatthe candidate can achieve the learning outcomes and assessment citeia on a consistent basis,

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