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Using Naomi Wolf's

The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women
The first question is : would you risk your own life just to be seen as good looking ?
There are several examples in history of how people slowly killed themselves for beauty .
1/ Italian women during the Renaissance would use belladonna eye drops just to make their
eyes look alluring. It is toxic and it can cause them to go blind .

2/ Implant Eyelashes in their eyelids using needle injections. This surgery is so dangerous
that it can lead to death.

3/ super tight organ restricting corset This fashion trend was so deadly that women would
run out of breath or even crush their own organs leading to an earlier death .

4/ if you think that you have already seen the craziest extreme diets then be ready to
hear about this one the tapeworm diet
Women would ingest tapeworms through pills so they won't gain weight but these
tapeworms could go out of the stomach and cause severe pain and weakness and extreme
weight loss.

-The beauty myth is once again rearing its ugly head into the lives of women. Through
social media and Plastic surgery and this is a deadly cocktail .
wishing for a day where staying as yourself without waiting for any validation from other
people is considered as true beauty .

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