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Inner Peace Creates Global Peace 🕊️

Humankind needs to take lessons from its past in order to build a new
and a better tomorrow. One lesson learned is that to prevent that dark
history repeating itself, the values of peace, non-violence, tolerance,
human rights and democracy will have to be inculcated in every woman
and man every child, young or old all alike . No social responsibility is
greater nor task heavier than that of securing peace on our planet on a
sustainable foundation that requires all of us to work together. In
today's world, a culture of peace should be seen as the essence of a
new humanity, a new global civilization based on inner oneness and
outer diversity. The flourishing of a culture of peace will generate the
mindset in us from force to reason, from conflict and violence to
dialogue and peace for a stable, progressing and prospering world for
all. Humans have become increasingly unkind toward those who differ in
terms of race, ethnicity, religion, gender or socioeconomic class , we
have made being different an excuse for prejudice and
discrimination.Prejudice is the negative feeling or attitude towards a
person or a group , Stereotype refers to the negative opinion about a
person or group based on incomplete knowledge. Discrimination refers
to negative actions toward members of a specific social group that may
be manifested in avoidance, aversion or even violence, Thus,
stereotypes, being negative beliefs about a group, can form the basis for
prejudicial feelings, which, in turn, may lead to negative action or to
discrimination ,Hence, building tolerance for diversity becomes an
imperative in a world where hatred for differences has become a
justification for violenc and it may be challenged by teaching tolerance it
is the respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of
cultures and various forms of humans, It is the foundation of democracy
and human rights. All of this can be achieved only if each individual
reaches his inner peace . Having inner peace is characterized by
self-respect and a recognition of one's own dignity as a human being;
this enables a person to face life's challenges because s/he knows his
worth and purpose. Within each of us are seeds of both peace and
violence. Which of these seeds will grow depends on which seed we will
nurture. He says that if we cultivate the seeds of compassion, we
nourish peace within us and around us , What is most important is that
we first take care of the seeds of negativity in ourselves , If we are
peaceful, if we are happy, we can blossom like a flower, and everyone in
our family , our entire society will benefit from our peaceful mindset ,
Conversely, feelings of fear and anger can be destructive to our health
and our surroundings.

So, let us meet the future with hope, imagination and the willingness to
forgo our old thinking and ways which hinder the blossoming of a new
culture that is more peaceful.Let us follow the path of Martin Luther King,
Jr who was a civil rights legend in the mid-1950s who led the movement
to end segregation and counter prejudice through the means of peaceful
protest,his speeches are one of the most iconic of the 20th century that
had a profound effect on the national consciousness.Let us educate and
act for peace so that our future will hold the promises that we seek.

Latar Rofida class : B4

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